Tregex GUI v3.3.1 - 2014-01-04 | |
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Copyright (c) 2003-2012 The Board of Trustees of | |
The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. | |
Original core Tregex code by Roger Levy and Galen Andrew. | |
Original core Tsurgeon code by Roger Levy. | |
TregexGUI by Anna Rafferty | |
Support code, additional features, etc. by Chris Manning | |
This release prepared by John Bauer. | |
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The Tregex GUI is a graphical user interface for Tregex and Tsurgeon. | |
You can access it by double- clicking on the jar file tregex.jar. For | |
searching large treebanks, you may need to use more memory; the script | |
run-tregex-gui.command includes this allocation of memory and can be run | |
from the command line or double-click to run on a Mac. If you still have | |
memory problems, you can allot more memory by opening the script in a | |
text editor and changing "-mx300m" to include a bigger number (e.g., | |
"-mx512m"). Tregex requires Java 1.5+. Further documentation for | |
Tregex and Tsurgeon can be found in README-tregex.txt and | |
README-tsurgeon.txt, respectively. | |
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To load a file containing Penn Treebank formatted trees, choose "Load trees..." from the file menu. | |
Multiple tree files and/or directories may be selected. After selecting the tree files you wish to | |
load, press "Load with file filters" to choose what filters you would like to apply to the files. | |
All filters are run based on the name of the file. Possible filtering options are: | |
- Prefix: Load only files that start with the given character sequence | |
- Extension: Load only files that end with the given character sequence | |
- Has number in range: Loads only numbered files such that the number falls in the given range, inclusive. | |
Ranges can be disjoint as long as multiple ranges are comma-separated (e.g., "100-500,550-700") | |
File filters are combined such that all loaded files must obey all of | |
the filters; only one filter of any given type should be specified. | |
Once the tree files are loaded, their names appear in the upper left hand panel "Tree files:". | |
Unchecking the check boxes next to the files causes the unchecked files not to be included in | |
searches/tsurgeon operations. To remove all files from the tree panel, choose "Clear all files" | |
from the Edit menu. | |
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To perform a Tregex search, load the files you would like to search and type a Tregex pattern | |
in the "Pattern:" box in the top middle of the window. Press "Help" beneath the Pattern box | |
for information about Tregex syntax. After you have typed the pattern, press "Search" to | |
find all matches to the given pattern. | |
By default, trees that contain at least one match are displayed in the "Matches:" panel in the | |
top right of the window, and the first matching tree is graphically displayed in the bottom | |
portion of the window. Click on a match in the Match panel to display it graphically. In the | |
graphical display, matched nodes in the tree are displayed in a different color than other nodes. | |
To display only the matched subtrees, choose "Preferences..." (Mac, from the Application menu) or | |
"Options..." (other OS, under Tools), and check "Show only matched portions of the tree". You must | |
rerun the search to switch between showing only matched portions and showing full trees. | |
In preferences, other display options can also be set, such as the colors, size, and font used by | |
the graphical display. | |
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Tsurgeon modifications can also be performed using Interactive Tregex. To enable Tsurgeon, choose | |
"Preferences..." from the File menu and check "Enable Tsurgeon". You can now run Tsurgeon scripts. | |
Tsurgeon commands must be paired with a Tregex pattern that names the nodes on which modifications | |
will be performed. Type the Tregex pattern in the Pattern box, and type the modifications you would | |
like to make in the "Tsurgeon script:" box. Then click "Run script" to perform the modifications. | |
Each Tsurgeon operation must appear on a separate line in the Tsurgeon script box. Press "Help" for | |
some information about Tsurgeon operation syntax. | |
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You can save the results of a Tregex search or Tsurgeon operation by choosing "Save matches..." from the | |
File menu. This saves all trees in the Matches panel in Penn Treebank form. "Save matched sentences..." saves | |
the matches in sentence String form, just as they show up in the matches panel. | |
You can also save a log of the number of matches found for each pattern you have searched. By clicking the | |
"Statistics" button in the middle of the screen, below the Tsurgeon buttons, you can see a table of the patterns | |
for which you have searched, the number of trees that each matched, and the number of overall matches that were | |
found. To save this information in a tab delimited text file, choose "Save statistics..." from the File menu. | |
All three save options save files in the encoding specified in the Preferences panel for loading tree files. | |
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Some multilanguage support is built into Tregex GUI, and most languages can be read by the GUI. To enable | |
this support, choose go to Preferences (Mac, under the application menu) or Options (other OS, under the Tools menu). | |
Several options may need to be changed: tree reader factory, head finder, font, and encoding. Several possible | |
tree reader factories and head finders are provided; you may also specify your own. Two common languages you may be | |
trying to use are Chinese or Arabic; any head finder or tree reader factory beginning with "Chinese" or "Arabic" will | |
work for these languages, and additionally, CTBTreeReaderFactory is compatible with many Chinese treebanks. Based on | |
your choice of head finder and tree reader factory, the Tregex GUI will guess if you may need a different font and/or | |
text encoding. If a different text encoding is usually used for your selections, you will be prompted as to what text | |
encoding you would like to use. This may also be specified directly in the Preferences panel. | |
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For more information on Tregex or Tsurgeon, read README-tregex.txt and README-tsurgeon.txt, and also look at the javadocs | |
suggested in those files. For questions about this distribution, please contact Stanford's JavaNLP group at | |
[email protected]. We provide assistance on a best-effort basis. | |
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Tregex GUI | |
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 The Board of Trustees of | |
The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved. | |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | |
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | |
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | |
of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
GNU General Public License for more details. | |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | |
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | |
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | |
For more information, bug reports, fixes, contact: | |
Christopher Manning | |
Dept of Computer Science, Gates 1A | |
Stanford CA 94305-9010 | |
USA | |
[email protected] | | | |
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2014-01-04 3.3.1 Bugfix release, new createSubtree tsurgeon | |
operation | |
2013-11-12 3.3.0 Allow a TregexMatcher to have its own | |
HeadFinder, useful for the dependencies | |
2013-06-19 3.2.0 Fix for tsurgeon number reading bug | |
2013-04-04 2.0.6 Update to maintain compatibility | |
2012-11-11 2.0.5 Efficiency improvements | |
2012-07-09 2.0.4 Minor bug fixes | |
2012-05-22 2.0.3 Rebuilt to be compatible with everything. | |
2012-03-09 2.0.2 Efficiency improvements | |
2011-12-16 2.0.1 Fix bug in matchesAt, fix bug in category | |
function, add macros | |
2011-09-14 2.0.0 Efficiency improvements, include semgrex. | |
2011-05-15 1.4.4 Rebuilt to be compatible with everything. | |
2011-05-15 1.4.3 Rebuilt to be compatible with everything. | |
2011-04-17 1.4.2 Rebuilt to be compatible with tagger, parser, | |
and corenlp. | |
2010-11-18 1.4.1 Small fixes and improvements (improved help | |
screens, multipattern Tsurgeon scripts with | |
comments introduced by % supported, unclosed | |
regex no longer crashes GUI, support character | |
encodings in script files, fix bug in tregex | |
matching immediate domination path, TregexGUI | |
now shows filename and line number of each | |
match in matches panel) | |
2009-09-30 1.4 GUI slider for tree size, generalized relabel | |
command (incompatibly), __ and @ now supported | |
in path constraints; bugfixes. | |
2008-05-06 1.1 Several bug fixes; addition of browse trees | |
function, improved copy/paste and drag and | |
drop support; misc. feature additions | |
2007-09-20 1.0 Initial release | |