import spacy import nltk'wordnet', quiet=True)'en_core_web_sm') import torch import joblib, json import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gradio as gr from const import used_indices, name_map from model import get_model from options import parse_args from transformers import T5Tokenizer from compute_lng import compute_lng from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge def process_examples(samples): processed = [] for sample in samples: example = [sample['sentence1']] + [str(x) for x in sample['sentence1_ling']] + sample['sentence2_ling'] processed.append(example) return processed args, args_list, lng_names = parse_args(ckpt='./ckpt/') tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model_name) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' lng_names = [name_map[x] for x in lng_names] examples = json.load(open('assets/examples.json')) example_ids = [44, 148, 86, 96, 98, 62, 114, 138] examples = [examples[i] for i in example_ids] examples = process_examples(examples) stats = json.load(open('assets/stats.json')) scaler = joblib.load('assets/scaler.bin') scale_ratio = np.load('assets/ratios.npy') ling_collection = np.load('assets/ling_collection.npy') ling_collection_scaled = scaler.transform(ling_collection) model, ling_disc, sem_emb = get_model(args, tokenizer, device) state = torch.load(args.ckpt, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(state['model'], strict=True) model.eval() ling_disc.eval() state = torch.load(args.sem_ckpt, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) sem_emb.load_state_dict(state['model'], strict=True) sem_emb.eval() device = model.backbone.device ############# Start demo code def round_ling(x): is_int = stats['is_int'] mins = stats['min'] maxs = stats['max'] for i in range(len(x)): # if is_int[i]: # x[i] = round(x[i]) # else: # x[i] = round(x[i], 3) x[i] = round(x[i], 3) return np.clip(x, mins, maxs) def visibility(mode): if mode == 0: vis_group = group1 elif mode == 1: vis_group = group2 elif mode == 2: vis_group = group3 output = [gr.update(value=''), gr.update(value='')] for component in components: if component in vis_group: output.append(gr.update(visible=True)) else: output.append(gr.update(visible=False)) return output def generate(sent1, ling_dict): input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent1, return_tensors='pt').to(device) ling1 = scaler.transform([ling_dict['Source']]) ling2 = scaler.transform([ling_dict['Target']]) inputs = {'sentence1_input_ids': input_ids, 'sentence1_ling': torch.tensor(ling1).float().to(device), 'sentence2_ling': torch.tensor(ling2).float().to(device), 'sentence1_attention_mask': torch.ones_like(input_ids)} preds = [] with torch.no_grad(): pred = model.infer(inputs).cpu().numpy() pred = tokenizer.batch_decode(pred, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] return pred def impute_targets(): target_values = [] for i in range(len( if i in shared_state.active_indices: target_values.append([i]) else: target_values.append(np.nan) target_values = np.array(target_values) target_values_scaled = scaler.transform([target_values])[0] estimator = Ridge(alpha=1e3, fit_intercept=False) imputer = IterativeImputer(estimator=estimator, imputation_order='random', max_iter=100) combined_matrix = np.vstack([ling_collection_scaled, target_values_scaled]) interpolated_matrix = imputer.fit_transform(combined_matrix) interpolated_vector = interpolated_matrix[-1] interp_raw = scaler.inverse_transform([interpolated_vector])[0] = round_ling(interp_raw).tolist() return def generate_with_feedback(sent1, approx): if sent1 == '': raise gr.Error('Please input a source text.') # First impute any inactive targets if len(shared_state.active_indices) < len( impute_targets() input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent1, return_tensors='pt').to(device) ling2 = torch.tensor(scaler.transform([])).float().to(device) inputs = { 'sentence1_input_ids': input_ids, 'sentence2_ling': ling2, 'sentence1_attention_mask': torch.ones_like(input_ids) } pred, (pred_text, interpolations) = model.infer_with_feedback_BP(ling_disc, sem_emb, inputs, tokenizer) interpolation = '-- ' + '\n-- '.join(interpolations) # Return both the generation results and the updated slider values return [pred_text, interpolation] + [gr.update(value=val) for val in] def generate_random(sent1, count, approx): if sent1 == '': raise gr.Error('Please input a source text.') preds, interpolations = [], [] for c in range(count): idx = np.random.randint(0, len(ling_collection)) ling_ex = ling_collection[idx] = ling_ex.copy() pred, interpolation = generate_with_feedback(sent1, approx) preds.append(pred) interpolations.append(interpolation) return '\n***\n'.join(preds), '\n***\n'.join(interpolations) def estimate_gen(sent1, sent2, approx): if 'approximate' in approx: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent2, return_tensors='pt').to(device) with torch.no_grad(): ling_pred = ling_disc(input_ids=input_ids).cpu().numpy() ling_pred = scaler.inverse_transform(ling_pred)[0] elif 'exact' in approx: ling_pred = np.array(compute_lng(sent2))[used_indices] else: raise ValueError() ling_pred = round_ling(ling_pred) = ling_pred.copy() gen = generate_with_feedback(sent1, approx) return gen[0], gen[1], [gr.update(value=val) for val in] def estimate_tgt(sent2, ling_dict, approx): if 'approximate' in approx: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent2, return_tensors='pt').to(device) with torch.no_grad(): ling_pred = ling_disc(input_ids=input_ids).cpu().numpy() ling_pred = scaler.inverse_transform(ling_pred)[0] elif 'exact' in approx: ling_pred = np.array(compute_lng(sent2))[used_indices] else: raise ValueError() ling_pred = round_ling(ling_pred) ling_dict['Target'] = ling_pred return ling_dict def estimate_src(sent1, ling_dict, approx): if 'approximate' in approx: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent1, return_tensors='pt').to(device) with torch.no_grad(): ling_pred = ling_disc(input_ids=input_ids).cpu().numpy() ling_pred = scaler.inverse_transform(ling_pred)[0] elif 'exact' in approx: ling_pred = np.array(compute_lng(sent1))[used_indices] else: raise ValueError() ling_dict['Source'] = ling_pred return ling_dict def rand_ex_target(): idx = np.random.randint(0, len(ling_collection)) ling_ex = ling_collection[idx] = ling_ex.copy() return [gr.update(value=val) for val in] def copy_source_to_target(): if "" in shared_state.source: raise gr.Error("Source linguistic features not initialized. Please estimate them first.") = shared_state.source.copy() return [gr.update(value=val) for val in] def add_to_target(): if not shared_state.active_indices: raise gr.Error("No features are activated. Please activate features to modify.") scale_stepsize = np.random.uniform(1.0, 5.0) new_targets = np.array( for i in shared_state.active_indices: new_targets[i] += scale_stepsize * scale_ratio[i] = round_ling(new_targets).tolist() return [gr.update(value=val) for val in] def subtract_from_target(): if not shared_state.active_indices: raise gr.Error("No features are activated. Please activate features to modify.") scale_stepsize = np.random.uniform(1.0, 5.0) new_targets = np.array( for i in shared_state.active_indices: new_targets[i] -= scale_stepsize * scale_ratio[i] = round_ling(new_targets).tolist() return [gr.update(value=val) for val in] title = """
This system utilizes an encoder-decoder model to generate text with controlled complexity, guided by 40 linguistic complexity indices. The model can generate diverse paraphrases of a given sentence, each adjusted to maintain consistent meaning while varying in linguistic complexity according to the desired level.
It is important to note that not all index combinations are feasible (e.g., a sentence of "length" 5 with 10 "unique words"). To ensure high-quality outputs, our approach compares the initial generation with the target linguistic indices, and performs iterative refinement to match the closest, yet coherent achievable set of indices for the given target.
""" guide = """ 1. **Select Operation Mode**: Choose from the available modes: - **Linguistically-diverse Paraphrase Generation**: Generate diverse paraphrases. - **Steps**: 1. Enter the source text in the provided textbox. 2. Specify the number of paraphrases you want. 3. Click "Generate" to produce paraphrases with varying linguistic complexity. - **Complexity-Matched Paraphrasing**: Match the complexity of the input text. - **Steps**: 1. Enter the source text in the provided textbox. 2. Provide another sentence to extract linguistic indices. 3. Click "Generate" to produce a paraphrase matching the complexity of the given sentence. - **Manual Linguistic Control**: Manually adjust linguistic features using sliders. - **Steps**: 1. Enter the source text in the provided textbox. 2. Activate or deactivate features of interest using the checkboxes. 3. Use the sliders to adjust linguistic features. 4. **Use Tools**: Access additional tools under "Tools to assist in setting linguistic indices" for advanced control. - **Impute Missing Values**: Automatically fill inactive features. - **Random Target**: Generate a random set of linguistic indices. - **Copy Source to Target**: Copy linguistic indices from the source to the target. - **Add/Subtract Complexity**: Adjust the complexity of the target indices. 5. Click "Generate" to produce the output text based on the adjusted features. """ # Updated Advanced Options Description advanced_options_description = """ **Advanced Options**: - **Approximate vs. Exact Computation**: Choose between faster approximate computation or more precise exact computation of linguistic indices. - **View Intermediate Generations**: Enable this option to see the intermediate sentences generated during the quality control process. """ css = """ #guide span.svelte-1w6vloh {font-size: 22px !important; font-weight: 600 !important} #mode span.svelte-1gfkn6j {font-size: 18px !important; font-weight: 600 !important} #mode {border: 0px; box-shadow: none} #mode .block {padding: 0px} #estimate textarea {border: 1px solid; border-radius: 7px} div.gradio-container {color: black} div.form {background: inherit} body { --text-sm: 12px; --text-md: 16px; --text-lg: 18px; --input-text-size: 16px; --section-text-size: 16px; --input-background: --neutral-50; } .top-separator { width: 100%; height: 4px; /* Adjust the height for boldness */ background-color: #000; /* Adjust the color as needed */ margin-top: 20px; /* Adjust the margin as needed */ } .bottom-separator { width: 100%; height: 4px; /* Adjust the height for boldness */ background-color: #000; /* Adjust the color as needed */ margin-bottom: 20px; /* Adjust the margin as needed */ } .features-container { border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 8px; background: white; } /* Style the inner column to be scrollable */ .features-container > div > .column { max-height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 10px; } /* Scrollbar styles now apply to the inner column */ .features-container > div > .column::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; } .features-container > div > .column::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 4px; } .features-container > div > .column::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #888; border-radius: 4px; } .features-container > div > .column::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #555; } .features-container .label-wrap span { font-weight: 600; font-size: 18px; } """ sent1 = gr.Textbox(label='Source text') ling_sliders = [] ling_dict = {'Source': [""] * len(lng_names), 'Target': [0] * len(lng_names)} active_indices = [] target_sliders = [] source_values = [] active_checkboxes = [] for i in range(len(lng_names)): source_values.append(gr.Textbox(placeholder="Not initialized", lines=1, label="Source", interactive=False, container=False, scale=1)) active_checkboxes.append(gr.Checkbox(label="Activate", value=False)) target_sliders.append( gr.Slider( minimum=stats['min'][i], maximum=stats['max'][i], value=stats['min'][i], step=0.001 if not stats['is_int'][i] else 1, label=None, interactive=False ) ) # Move SharedState class and instance to top class SharedState: def __init__(self, n_features): self.source = [""] * n_features = [0] * n_features self.active_indices = set() def update_target(self, index, value):[index] = value return def update_source(self, index, value): self.source[index] = value return self.source.copy() def toggle_active(self, index, value): if value: self.active_indices.add(index) else: self.active_indices.discard(index) return list(self.active_indices) def get_state(self): return { 'Source': self.source.copy(), 'Target':, 'active_indices': list(self.active_indices) } shared_state = SharedState(len(lng_names)) with gr.Blocks( theme=gr.themes.Default( spacing_size=gr.themes.sizes.spacing_md, text_size=gr.themes.sizes.text_md, ), css=css) as demo: # Header gr.Image('assets/logo.png', height=100, container=False, show_download_button=False, show_fullscreen_button=False) gr.Markdown(title) # Guide with gr.Accordion("🚀 Quick Start Guide", open=False, elem_id='guide'): gr.Markdown(guide) with gr.Group(elem_classes='top-separator'): pass # Mode Selection with gr.Group(elem_id='mode'): mode = gr.Radio( value='Linguistically-diverse Paraphrase Generation', label='Operation Modes', type="index", choices=['🔄 Linguistically-diverse Paraphrase Generation', '⚖️ Complexity-Matched Paraphrasing', '🎛️ Manual Linguistic Control'], ) with gr.Accordion("⚙️ Advanced Options", open=False): gr.Markdown(advanced_options_description) approx = gr.Radio(value='Use approximate computation of linguistic indices (faster)', choices=['Use approximate computation of linguistic indices (faster)', 'Use exact computation of linguistic indices'], container=False, show_label=False) control_interpolation = gr.Checkbox(label='View the intermediate sentences in the interpolation of linguistic indices') # Main Input/Output with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): sent1.render() count = gr.Number(label='Number of generated sentences', value=3, precision=0, scale=1, visible=True) sent_ling_gen = gr.Textbox(label='Copy the style of this sentence', scale=1, visible=False) with gr.Column(): sent2 = gr.Textbox(label='Generated text') generate_random_btn = gr.Button("Generate", variant='primary', scale=1, visible=True) estimate_gen_btn = gr.Button("Generate", variant='primary', scale=1, visible=False) generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate", variant='primary', visible=False) # Linguistic Features Container with gr.Accordion("Linguistic Features", elem_classes="features-container", open=True, visible=False) as ling_features: with gr.Row(): select_all_btn = gr.Button("Activate All", size='sm') unselect_all_btn = gr.Button("Deactivate All", size='sm') for i, name in enumerate(lng_names): with gr.Row(): feature_name = gr.Textbox(name, lines=1, label="Feature", container=False, show_label=False, interactive=False) source_values[i].render() active_checkboxes[i].render() target_sliders[i].interactive = False target_sliders[i].render() ling_sliders.append((feature_name, source_values[i], target_sliders[i], active_checkboxes[i], i)) # Tools Accordion with gr.Accordion("Tools to assist in the setting of linguistic indices...", open=False, visible=False) as ling_tools: rand_ex_btn = gr.Button("Random target", size='lg', visible=False) impute_btn = gr.Button("Impute Missing Values", size='lg', visible=False) with gr.Row(): estimate_src_btn = gr.Button("Estimate linguistic indices of source sentence", visible=False) copy_btn = gr.Button("Copy linguistic indices of source to target", size='lg', visible=False) with gr.Row(): sub_btn = gr.Button('Decrease target complexity by \u03B5', visible=False) add_btn = gr.Button('Increase target complexity by \u03B5', visible=False) with gr.Row(): estimate_tgt_btn = gr.Button("Estimate linguistic indices of this sentence →", visible=False) sent_ling_est = gr.Textbox(label='Text to estimate linguistic indices', scale=2, visible=False, container=False, elem_id='estimate') interpolation = gr.Textbox(label='Quality control interpolation', visible=False, lines=5) with gr.Group(elem_classes='bottom-separator'): pass # Examples def load_example(example_text, *values): # Split values into source, target, and active values n = len(lng_names) source_values = values[:n] target_values = values[n:] # Update shared state shared_state.source = [float(x) for x in source_values] = list(target_values) shared_state.active_indices = set(range(n)) # Activate all indices # Return updates for all components: return [True] * n gr.Examples( examples=examples, inputs=[sent1] + source_values + target_sliders, outputs=active_checkboxes, example_labels=[ex[0] for ex in examples], fn=load_example, run_on_click=True, ) # Add select/unselect all handlers def select_all(): for i in range(len(lng_names)): shared_state.toggle_active(i, True) return [True] * len(lng_names) + [gr.update(interactive=True)] * len(lng_names) def unselect_all(): shared_state.active_indices.clear() return [False] * len(lng_names) + [gr.update(interactive=False)] * len(lng_names) fn=select_all, outputs=active_checkboxes + [slider for _, _, slider, _, _ in ling_sliders] ) fn=unselect_all, outputs=active_checkboxes + [slider for _, _, slider, _, _ in ling_sliders] ) def update_slider(slider_index, new_value):[slider_index] = new_value def update_checkbox(checkbox_index, new_value): shared_state.toggle_active(checkbox_index, new_value) return gr.update(interactive=new_value) # Update the event bindings for feature_name, source_value, target_slider, active_checkbox, i in ling_sliders: target_slider.change( fn=update_slider, inputs=[gr.Number(i, visible=False), target_slider], ) active_checkbox.change( fn=update_checkbox, inputs=[gr.Number(i, visible=False), active_checkbox], outputs=target_slider ) # Define groups and visibility group1 = [generate_random_btn, count] group2 = [estimate_gen_btn, sent_ling_gen] group3 = [generate_btn, estimate_src_btn, impute_btn, estimate_tgt_btn, sent_ling_est, rand_ex_btn, copy_btn, add_btn, sub_btn, ling_features, ling_tools] components = group1 + group2 + group3 mode.change(visibility, inputs=[mode], outputs=[sent2, interpolation] + components) control_interpolation.change(lambda v: gr.update(visible=v), inputs=[control_interpolation], outputs=[interpolation]) def update_sliders_from_state(ling_state, slider_indices): updates = [] for i in slider_indices: updates.append(str(ling_state['Source'][i])) updates.append(ling_state['Target'][i]) updates.append(gr.update(value=True)) return updates def update_sliders_from_estimate(approx, sent_for_estimate): if 'approximate' in approx: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(sent_for_estimate, return_tensors='pt').to(device) with torch.no_grad(): ling_pred = ling_disc(input_ids=input_ids).cpu().numpy() ling_pred = scaler.inverse_transform(ling_pred)[0] elif 'exact' in approx: ling_pred = np.array(compute_lng(sent_for_estimate))[used_indices] else: raise ValueError() ling_pred = round_ling(ling_pred) shared_state.source = ling_pred.copy() = ling_pred.copy() # Return updates separately for each type of component return ling_pred + [True] * len(lng_names) def update_sliders_from_source(approx, source_sent): if 'approximate' in approx: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(source_sent, return_tensors='pt').to(device) with torch.no_grad(): ling_pred = ling_disc(input_ids=input_ids).cpu().numpy() ling_pred = scaler.inverse_transform(ling_pred)[0] elif 'exact' in approx: ling_pred = np.array(compute_lng(source_sent))[used_indices] else: raise ValueError() ling_pred = round_ling(ling_pred) shared_state.source = ling_pred.copy() return [str(ling_pred[i]) for i in range(len(lng_names))] slider_indices = [i for _, _, _, _, i in ling_sliders] slider_updates = [elem for _, source, slider, active, _ in ling_sliders for elem in [source, slider, active]] # Bind all the event handlers, inputs=[approx, sent1], outputs=source_values), inputs=[approx, sent_ling_est], outputs=target_sliders + active_checkboxes) fn=estimate_gen, inputs=[sent1, sent_ling_gen, approx], outputs=[sent2, interpolation] + target_sliders ) fn=lambda: [gr.update(value=val) for val in impute_targets()], outputs=target_sliders ) fn=copy_source_to_target, outputs=target_sliders ) fn=generate_with_feedback, inputs=[sent1, approx], outputs=[sent2, interpolation] + target_sliders ) fn=generate_random, inputs=[sent1, count, approx], outputs=[sent2, interpolation] ) fn=add_to_target, outputs=target_sliders ) fn=subtract_from_target, outputs=target_sliders ) # Event handlers for the tools fn=rand_ex_target, outputs=target_sliders ) fn=copy_source_to_target, outputs=target_sliders ) fn=add_to_target, outputs=target_sliders ) fn=subtract_from_target, outputs=target_sliders ) print('Finished loading') demo.launch(share=True)