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import gradio as gr
import torch
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from transformers import AutoImageProcessor
from transformers import AutoModelForObjectDetection
# Note: Can load from Hugging Face or can load from local.
# You will have to replace {mrdbourke} for your own username if the model is on your Hugging Face account.
model_save_path = "mrdbourke/detr_finetuned_trashify_box_detector_with_data_aug"
# Load the model and preprocessor
image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(model_save_path)
model = AutoModelForObjectDetection.from_pretrained(model_save_path)
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model =
# Get the id2label dictionary from the model
id2label = model.config.id2label
# Set up a colour dictionary for plotting boxes with different colours
color_dict = {
"bin": "green",
"trash": "blue",
"hand": "purple",
"trash_arm": "yellow",
"not_trash": "red",
"not_bin": "red",
"not_hand": "red",
# Create helper functions for seeing if items from one list are in another
def any_in_list(list_a, list_b):
"Returns True if any item from list_a is in list_b, otherwise False."
return any(item in list_b for item in list_a)
def all_in_list(list_a, list_b):
"Returns True if all items from list_a are in list_b, otherwise False."
return all(item in list_b for item in list_a)
def filter_highest_scoring_box_per_class(boxes, labels, scores):
Perform NMS (Non-max Supression) to only keep the top scoring box per class.
boxes: tensor of shape (N, 4)
labels: tensor of shape (N,)
scores: tensor of shape (N,)
boxes: tensor of shape (N, 4) filtered for max scoring item per class
labels: tensor of shape (N,) filtered for max scoring item per class
scores: tensor of shape (N,) filtered for max scoring item per class
# Start with a blank keep mask (e.g. all False and then update the boxes to keep with True)
keep_mask = torch.zeros(len(boxes), dtype=torch.bool)
# For each unique class
for class_id in labels.unique():
# Get the indicies for the target class
class_mask = labels == class_id
# If any of the labels match the current class_id
if class_mask.any():
# Find the index of highest scoring box for this specific class
class_scores = scores[class_mask]
highest_score_idx = class_scores.argmax()
# Convert back to the original index
original_idx = torch.where(class_mask)[0][highest_score_idx]
# Update the index in the keep mask to keep the highest scoring box
keep_mask[original_idx] = True
return boxes[keep_mask], labels[keep_mask], scores[keep_mask]
def create_return_string(list_of_predicted_labels, target_items=["trash", "bin", "hand"]):
# Setup blank string to print out
return_string = ""
# If no items detected or trash, bin, hand not in list, return notification
if (len(list_of_predicted_labels) == 0) or not (any_in_list(list_a=target_items, list_b=list_of_predicted_labels)):
return_string = f"No trash, bin or hand detected at confidence threshold {conf_threshold}. Try another image or lowering the confidence threshold."
return return_string
# If there are some missing, print the ones which are missing
elif not all_in_list(list_a=target_items, list_b=list_of_predicted_labels):
missing_items = []
for item in target_items:
if item not in list_of_predicted_labels:
return_string = f"Detected the following items: {list_of_predicted_labels} (total: {len(list_of_predicted_labels)}). But missing the following in order to get +1: {missing_items}. If this is an error, try another image or altering the confidence threshold. Otherwise, the model may need to be updated with better data."
# If all 3 trash, bin, hand occur = + 1
if all_in_list(list_a=target_items, list_b=list_of_predicted_labels):
return_string = f"+1! Found the following items: {list_of_predicted_labels} (total: {len(list_of_predicted_labels)}), thank you for cleaning up the area!"
return return_string
def predict_on_image(image, conf_threshold):
with torch.no_grad():
inputs = image_processor(images=[image], return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model(**
target_sizes = torch.tensor([[image.size[1], image.size[0]]]) # height, width
results = image_processor.post_process_object_detection(outputs,
# Return all items in results to CPU
for key, value in results.items():
results[key] = value.item().cpu() # can't get scalar as .item() so add try/except block
results[key] = value.cpu()
# Can return results as plotted on a PIL image (then display the image)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Create a copy of the image to draw on it for NMS
image_nms = image.copy()
draw_nms = ImageDraw.Draw(image_nms)
# Get a font from ImageFont
font = ImageFont.load_default(size=20)
# Get class names as text for print out
class_name_text_labels = []
# TK - update this for NMS
class_name_text_labels_nms = []
# Get original boxes, scores, labels
original_boxes = results["boxes"]
original_labels = results["labels"]
original_scores = results["scores"]
# Filter boxes and only keep 1x of each label with highest score
filtered_boxes, filtered_labels, filtered_scores = filter_highest_scoring_box_per_class(boxes=original_boxes,
# TODO: turn this into a function so it's cleaner?
for box, label, score in zip(original_boxes, original_labels, original_scores):
# Create coordinates
x, y, x2, y2 = tuple(box.tolist())
# Get label_name
label_name = id2label[label.item()]
targ_color = color_dict[label_name]
# Draw the rectangle
draw.rectangle(xy=(x, y, x2, y2),
# Create a text string to display
text_string_to_show = f"{label_name} ({round(score.item(), 3)})"
# Draw the text on the image
draw.text(xy=(x, y),
# TODO: turn this into a function so it's cleaner?
for box, label, score in zip(filtered_boxes, filtered_labels, filtered_scores):
# Create coordinates
x, y, x2, y2 = tuple(box.tolist())
# Get label_name
label_name = id2label[label.item()]
targ_color = color_dict[label_name]
# Draw the rectangle
draw_nms.rectangle(xy=(x, y, x2, y2),
# Create a text string to display
text_string_to_show = f"{label_name} ({round(score.item(), 3)})"
# Draw the text on the image
draw_nms.text(xy=(x, y),
# Remove the draw each time
del draw
del draw_nms
# Create the return string
return_string = create_return_string(list_of_predicted_labels=class_name_text_labels)
return_string_nms = create_return_string(list_of_predicted_labels=class_name_text_labels_nms)
return image, return_string, image_nms, return_string_nms
# Create the interface
demo = gr.Interface(
gr.Image(type="pil", label="Target Image"),
gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.25, label="Confidence Threshold")
gr.Image(type="pil", label="Image Output (no filtering)"),
gr.Text(label="Text Output (no filtering)"),
gr.Image(type="pil", label="Image Output (with max score per class box filtering)"),
gr.Text(label="Text Output (with max score per class box filtering)")
title="🚮 Trashify Object Detection Demo V3",
description="""Help clean up your local area! Upload an image and get +1 if there is all of the following items detected: trash, bin, hand.
The model in V3 is [same model]( as in [V2]( (trained with data augmentation) but has an additional post-processing step (NMS or [Non Maximum Suppression]( to filter classes for only the highest scoring box of each class.
# Examples come in the form of a list of lists, where each inner list contains elements to prefill the `inputs` parameter with
["examples/trashify_example_1.jpeg", 0.25],
["examples/trashify_example_2.jpeg", 0.25],
["examples/trashify_example_3.jpeg", 0.25]
# Launch the demo