# A unified script for inference process # Make adjustments inside functions, and consider both gradio and cli scripts if need to change func output format import os import sys from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor os.environ["PYTORCH_ENABLE_MPS_FALLBACK"] = "1" # for MPS device compatibility sys.path.append(f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))}/../../third_party/BigVGAN/") import hashlib import re import tempfile from importlib.resources import files import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np import torch import torchaudio import tqdm from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from pydub import AudioSegment, silence from transformers import pipeline from vocos import Vocos from f5_tts.model import CFM from f5_tts.model.utils import ( get_tokenizer, convert_char_to_pinyin, ) _ref_audio_cache = {} device = ( "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "xpu" if torch.xpu.is_available() else "mps" if torch.backends.mps.is_available() else "cpu" ) # ----------------------------------------- target_sample_rate = 24000 n_mel_channels = 100 hop_length = 256 win_length = 1024 n_fft = 1024 mel_spec_type = "vocos" target_rms = 0.1 cross_fade_duration = 0.15 ode_method = "euler" nfe_step = 32 # 16, 32 cfg_strength = 2.0 sway_sampling_coef = -1.0 speed = 1.0 fix_duration = None # ----------------------------------------- # chunk text into smaller pieces def chunk_text(text, max_chars=135): """ Splits the input text into chunks, each with a maximum number of characters. Args: text (str): The text to be split. max_chars (int): The maximum number of characters per chunk. Returns: List[str]: A list of text chunks. """ chunks = [] current_chunk = "" # Split the text into sentences based on punctuation followed by whitespace sentences = re.split(r"(?<=[;:,.!?])\s+|(?<=[;:,。!?])", text) for sentence in sentences: if len(current_chunk.encode("utf-8")) + len(sentence.encode("utf-8")) <= max_chars: current_chunk += sentence + " " if sentence and len(sentence[-1].encode("utf-8")) == 1 else sentence else: if current_chunk: chunks.append(current_chunk.strip()) current_chunk = sentence + " " if sentence and len(sentence[-1].encode("utf-8")) == 1 else sentence if current_chunk: chunks.append(current_chunk.strip()) return chunks # load vocoder def load_vocoder(vocoder_name="vocos", is_local=False, local_path="", device=device, hf_cache_dir=None): if vocoder_name == "vocos": # vocoder = Vocos.from_pretrained("charactr/vocos-mel-24khz").to(device) if is_local: print(f"Load vocos from local path {local_path}") config_path = f"{local_path}/config.yaml" model_path = f"{local_path}/pytorch_model.bin" else: print("Download Vocos from huggingface charactr/vocos-mel-24khz") repo_id = "charactr/vocos-mel-24khz" config_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, cache_dir=hf_cache_dir, filename="config.yaml") model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, cache_dir=hf_cache_dir, filename="pytorch_model.bin") vocoder = Vocos.from_hparams(config_path) state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu", weights_only=True) from vocos.feature_extractors import EncodecFeatures if isinstance(vocoder.feature_extractor, EncodecFeatures): encodec_parameters = { "feature_extractor.encodec." + key: value for key, value in vocoder.feature_extractor.encodec.state_dict().items() } state_dict.update(encodec_parameters) vocoder.load_state_dict(state_dict) vocoder = vocoder.eval().to(device) elif vocoder_name == "bigvgan": try: from third_party.BigVGAN import bigvgan except ImportError: print("You need to follow the README to init submodule and change the BigVGAN source code.") if is_local: # download generator from https://huggingface.co/nvidia/bigvgan_v2_24khz_100band_256x/tree/main vocoder = bigvgan.BigVGAN.from_pretrained(local_path, use_cuda_kernel=False) else: vocoder = bigvgan.BigVGAN.from_pretrained( "nvidia/bigvgan_v2_24khz_100band_256x", use_cuda_kernel=False, cache_dir=hf_cache_dir ) vocoder.remove_weight_norm() vocoder = vocoder.eval().to(device) return vocoder # load asr pipeline asr_pipe = None def initialize_asr_pipeline(device: str = device, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = ( torch.float16 if "cuda" in device and torch.cuda.get_device_properties(device).major >= 7 and not torch.cuda.get_device_name().endswith("[ZLUDA]") else torch.float32 ) global asr_pipe asr_pipe = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model="openai/whisper-large-v3-turbo", torch_dtype=dtype, device=device, ) # transcribe def transcribe(ref_audio, language=None): global asr_pipe if asr_pipe is None: initialize_asr_pipeline(device=device) return asr_pipe( ref_audio, chunk_length_s=30, batch_size=128, generate_kwargs={"task": "transcribe", "language": language} if language else {"task": "transcribe"}, return_timestamps=False, )["text"].strip() # load model checkpoint for inference def load_checkpoint(model, ckpt_path, device: str, dtype=None, use_ema=True): if dtype is None: dtype = ( torch.float16 if "cuda" in device and torch.cuda.get_device_properties(device).major >= 7 and not torch.cuda.get_device_name().endswith("[ZLUDA]") else torch.float32 ) model = model.to(dtype) ckpt_type = ckpt_path.split(".")[-1] if ckpt_type == "safetensors": from safetensors.torch import load_file checkpoint = load_file(ckpt_path, device=device) else: checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=device, weights_only=True) if use_ema: if ckpt_type == "safetensors": checkpoint = {"ema_model_state_dict": checkpoint} checkpoint["model_state_dict"] = { k.replace("ema_model.", ""): v for k, v in checkpoint["ema_model_state_dict"].items() if k not in ["initted", "step"] } # patch for backward compatibility, 305e3ea for key in ["mel_spec.mel_stft.mel_scale.fb", "mel_spec.mel_stft.spectrogram.window"]: if key in checkpoint["model_state_dict"]: del checkpoint["model_state_dict"][key] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) else: if ckpt_type == "safetensors": checkpoint = {"model_state_dict": checkpoint} model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) del checkpoint torch.cuda.empty_cache() return model.to(device) # load model for inference def load_model( model_cls, model_cfg, ckpt_path, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, vocab_file="", ode_method=ode_method, use_ema=True, device=device, ): if vocab_file == "": vocab_file = str(files("f5_tts").joinpath("infer/examples/vocab.txt")) tokenizer = "custom" print("\nvocab : ", vocab_file) print("token : ", tokenizer) print("model : ", ckpt_path, "\n") vocab_char_map, vocab_size = get_tokenizer(vocab_file, tokenizer) model = CFM( transformer=model_cls(**model_cfg, text_num_embeds=vocab_size, mel_dim=n_mel_channels), mel_spec_kwargs=dict( n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, n_mel_channels=n_mel_channels, target_sample_rate=target_sample_rate, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, ), odeint_kwargs=dict( method=ode_method, ), vocab_char_map=vocab_char_map, ).to(device) dtype = torch.float32 if mel_spec_type == "bigvgan" else None model = load_checkpoint(model, ckpt_path, device, dtype=dtype, use_ema=use_ema) return model def remove_silence_edges(audio, silence_threshold=-42): # Remove silence from the start non_silent_start_idx = silence.detect_leading_silence(audio, silence_threshold=silence_threshold) audio = audio[non_silent_start_idx:] # Remove silence from the end non_silent_end_duration = audio.duration_seconds for ms in reversed(audio): if ms.dBFS > silence_threshold: break non_silent_end_duration -= 0.001 trimmed_audio = audio[: int(non_silent_end_duration * 1000)] return trimmed_audio # preprocess reference audio and text def preprocess_ref_audio_text(ref_audio_orig, ref_text, clip_short=True, show_info=print): show_info("Converting audio...") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".wav") as f: aseg = AudioSegment.from_file(ref_audio_orig) if clip_short: # 1. try to find long silence for clipping non_silent_segs = silence.split_on_silence( aseg, min_silence_len=1000, silence_thresh=-50, keep_silence=1000, seek_step=10 ) non_silent_wave = AudioSegment.silent(duration=0) for non_silent_seg in non_silent_segs: if len(non_silent_wave) > 6000 and len(non_silent_wave + non_silent_seg) > 12000: show_info("Audio is over 12s, clipping short. (1)") break non_silent_wave += non_silent_seg # 2. try to find short silence for clipping if 1. failed if len(non_silent_wave) > 12000: non_silent_segs = silence.split_on_silence( aseg, min_silence_len=100, silence_thresh=-40, keep_silence=1000, seek_step=10 ) non_silent_wave = AudioSegment.silent(duration=0) for non_silent_seg in non_silent_segs: if len(non_silent_wave) > 6000 and len(non_silent_wave + non_silent_seg) > 12000: show_info("Audio is over 12s, clipping short. (2)") break non_silent_wave += non_silent_seg aseg = non_silent_wave # 3. if no proper silence found for clipping if len(aseg) > 12000: aseg = aseg[:12000] show_info("Audio is over 12s, clipping short. (3)") aseg = remove_silence_edges(aseg) + AudioSegment.silent(duration=50) aseg.export(f.name, format="wav") ref_audio = f.name # Compute a hash of the reference audio file with open(ref_audio, "rb") as audio_file: audio_data = audio_file.read() audio_hash = hashlib.md5(audio_data).hexdigest() if not ref_text.strip(): global _ref_audio_cache if audio_hash in _ref_audio_cache: # Use cached asr transcription show_info("Using cached reference text...") ref_text = _ref_audio_cache[audio_hash] else: show_info("No reference text provided, transcribing reference audio...") ref_text = transcribe(ref_audio) # Cache the transcribed text (not caching custom ref_text, enabling users to do manual tweak) _ref_audio_cache[audio_hash] = ref_text else: show_info("Using custom reference text...") # Ensure ref_text ends with a proper sentence-ending punctuation if not ref_text.endswith(". ") and not ref_text.endswith("。"): if ref_text.endswith("."): ref_text += " " else: ref_text += ". " print("\nref_text ", ref_text) return ref_audio, ref_text # infer process: chunk text -> infer batches [i.e. infer_batch_process()] def infer_process( ref_audio, ref_text, gen_text, model_obj, vocoder, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, show_info=print, progress=tqdm, target_rms=target_rms, cross_fade_duration=cross_fade_duration, nfe_step=nfe_step, cfg_strength=cfg_strength, sway_sampling_coef=sway_sampling_coef, speed=speed, fix_duration=fix_duration, device=device, ): # Split the input text into batches audio, sr = torchaudio.load(ref_audio) max_chars = int(len(ref_text.encode("utf-8")) / (audio.shape[-1] / sr) * (22 - audio.shape[-1] / sr)) gen_text_batches = chunk_text(gen_text, max_chars=max_chars) for i, gen_text in enumerate(gen_text_batches): print(f"gen_text {i}", gen_text) print("\n") show_info(f"Generating audio in {len(gen_text_batches)} batches...") return next( infer_batch_process( (audio, sr), ref_text, gen_text_batches, model_obj, vocoder, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, progress=progress, target_rms=target_rms, cross_fade_duration=cross_fade_duration, nfe_step=nfe_step, cfg_strength=cfg_strength, sway_sampling_coef=sway_sampling_coef, speed=speed, fix_duration=fix_duration, device=device, ) ) # infer batches def infer_batch_process( ref_audio, ref_text, gen_text_batches, model_obj, vocoder, mel_spec_type="vocos", progress=tqdm, target_rms=0.1, cross_fade_duration=0.15, nfe_step=32, cfg_strength=2.0, sway_sampling_coef=-1, speed=1, fix_duration=None, device=None, streaming=False, chunk_size=2048, ): audio, sr = ref_audio if audio.shape[0] > 1: audio = torch.mean(audio, dim=0, keepdim=True) rms = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(torch.square(audio))) if rms < target_rms: audio = audio * target_rms / rms if sr != target_sample_rate: resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(sr, target_sample_rate) audio = resampler(audio) audio = audio.to(device) generated_waves = [] spectrograms = [] if len(ref_text[-1].encode("utf-8")) == 1: ref_text = ref_text + " " def process_batch(gen_text): local_speed = speed if len(gen_text.encode("utf-8")) < 10: local_speed = 0.3 # Prepare the text text_list = [ref_text + gen_text] final_text_list = convert_char_to_pinyin(text_list) ref_audio_len = audio.shape[-1] // hop_length if fix_duration is not None: duration = int(fix_duration * target_sample_rate / hop_length) else: # Calculate duration ref_text_len = len(ref_text.encode("utf-8")) gen_text_len = len(gen_text.encode("utf-8")) duration = ref_audio_len + int(ref_audio_len / ref_text_len * gen_text_len / local_speed) # inference with torch.inference_mode(): generated, _ = model_obj.sample( cond=audio, text=final_text_list, duration=duration, steps=nfe_step, cfg_strength=cfg_strength, sway_sampling_coef=sway_sampling_coef, ) del _ generated = generated.to(torch.float32) # generated mel spectrogram generated = generated[:, ref_audio_len:, :] generated = generated.permute(0, 2, 1) if mel_spec_type == "vocos": generated_wave = vocoder.decode(generated) elif mel_spec_type == "bigvgan": generated_wave = vocoder(generated) if rms < target_rms: generated_wave = generated_wave * rms / target_rms # wav -> numpy generated_wave = generated_wave.squeeze().cpu().numpy() if streaming: for j in range(0, len(generated_wave), chunk_size): yield generated_wave[j : j + chunk_size], target_sample_rate else: generated_cpu = generated[0].cpu().numpy() del generated yield generated_wave, generated_cpu if streaming: for gen_text in progress.tqdm(gen_text_batches) if progress is not None else gen_text_batches: for chunk in process_batch(gen_text): yield chunk else: with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(process_batch, gen_text) for gen_text in gen_text_batches] for future in progress.tqdm(futures) if progress is not None else futures: result = future.result() if result: generated_wave, generated_mel_spec = next(result) generated_waves.append(generated_wave) spectrograms.append(generated_mel_spec) if generated_waves: if cross_fade_duration <= 0: # Simply concatenate final_wave = np.concatenate(generated_waves) else: # Combine all generated waves with cross-fading final_wave = generated_waves[0] for i in range(1, len(generated_waves)): prev_wave = final_wave next_wave = generated_waves[i] # Calculate cross-fade samples, ensuring it does not exceed wave lengths cross_fade_samples = int(cross_fade_duration * target_sample_rate) cross_fade_samples = min(cross_fade_samples, len(prev_wave), len(next_wave)) if cross_fade_samples <= 0: # No overlap possible, concatenate final_wave = np.concatenate([prev_wave, next_wave]) continue # Overlapping parts prev_overlap = prev_wave[-cross_fade_samples:] next_overlap = next_wave[:cross_fade_samples] # Fade out and fade in fade_out = np.linspace(1, 0, cross_fade_samples) fade_in = np.linspace(0, 1, cross_fade_samples) # Cross-faded overlap cross_faded_overlap = prev_overlap * fade_out + next_overlap * fade_in # Combine new_wave = np.concatenate( [prev_wave[:-cross_fade_samples], cross_faded_overlap, next_wave[cross_fade_samples:]] ) final_wave = new_wave # Create a combined spectrogram combined_spectrogram = np.concatenate(spectrograms, axis=1) yield final_wave, target_sample_rate, combined_spectrogram else: yield None, target_sample_rate, None # remove silence from generated wav def remove_silence_for_generated_wav(filename): aseg = AudioSegment.from_file(filename) non_silent_segs = silence.split_on_silence( aseg, min_silence_len=1000, silence_thresh=-50, keep_silence=500, seek_step=10 ) non_silent_wave = AudioSegment.silent(duration=0) for non_silent_seg in non_silent_segs: non_silent_wave += non_silent_seg aseg = non_silent_wave aseg.export(filename, format="wav") # save spectrogram def save_spectrogram(spectrogram, path): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) plt.imshow(spectrogram, origin="lower", aspect="auto") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(path) plt.close()