import sys from typing import List from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd import numpy as np import threading from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed, TimeoutError import time import requests import joblib # from bio_embeddings.embed import SeqVecEmbedder, ProtTransBertBFDEmbedder, ProtTransT5XLU50Embedder from Bio import SeqIO import rdkit from rdkit import Chem, DataStructs from rdkit.Chem import AllChem import torch from typing import * from rdkit import RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") from xgboost import XGBClassifier, DMatrix from model.barlow_twins import BarlowTwins # sys.path.append("../utils/") from utils.sequence import uniprot2sequence, encode_sequences class DTIModel: def __init__(self, bt_model_path: str, gbm_model_path: str, encoder: str = "prost_t5"): self.bt_model = BarlowTwins() self.bt_model.load_model(bt_model_path) self.gbm_model = XGBClassifier() self.gbm_model.load_model(gbm_model_path) self.encoder = encoder self.smiles_cache = {} self.sequence_cache = {} def _encode_smiles(self, smiles: str, radius: int = 2, bits: int = 1024, features: bool = False): if smiles is None: return None # Check if the SMILES is already in the cache if smiles in self.smiles_cache: return self.smiles_cache[smiles] else: # Encode the SMILES and store it in the cache try: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) morgan = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect( mol, radius=radius, nBits=bits, useFeatures=features, ) morgan = np.array(morgan) self.smiles_cache[smiles] = morgan return morgan except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to encode SMILES: {smiles}") print(e) return None def _encode_smiles_mult(self, smiles: List[str], radius: int = 2, bits: int = 1024, features: bool = False): morgan = [self._encode_smiles(s, radius, bits, features) for s in smiles] return np.array(morgan) def _encode_sequence(self, sequence: str): # Clear torch cache torch.cuda.empty_cache() if sequence is None: return None # Check if the sequence is already in the cache if sequence in self.sequence_cache: return self.sequence_cache[sequence] else: # Encode the sequence and store it in the cache try: encoded_sequence = encode_sequences([sequence], encoder=self.encoder) self.sequence_cache[sequence] = encoded_sequence return encoded_sequence except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to encode sequence: {sequence}") print(e) return None def _encode_sequence_mult(self, sequences: List[str]): seq = [self._encode_sequence(sequence) for sequence in sequences] return np.array(seq) def __predict_pair(self, drug_emb: np.ndarray, target_emb: np.ndarray, pred_leaf: bool): if drug_emb.shape[0] < target_emb.shape[0]: drug_emb = np.tile(drug_emb, (len(target_emb), 1)) elif len(drug_emb) > len(target_emb): target_emb = np.tile(target_emb, (len(drug_emb), 1)) emb = self.bt_model.zero_shot(drug_emb, target_emb) if pred_leaf: d_emb = DMatrix(emb) return self.gbm_model.get_booster().predict(d_emb, pred_leaf=True) else: return self.gbm_model.predict_proba(emb)[:, 1] def predict(self, drug: List[str] or str, target: str, pred_leaf: bool = False): if isinstance(drug, str): drug_emb = self._encode_smiles(drug) else: drug_emb = self._encode_smiles_mult(drug) target_emb = self._encode_sequence(target) return self.__predict_pair(drug_emb, target_emb, pred_leaf) def get_leaf_weights(self): return self.gbm_model.get_booster().get_score(importance_type="weight") def _predict_fasta(self, drug: str, fasta_path: str): drug_emb = self._encode_smiles(drug) results = [] # Extract targets from fasta for target in tqdm(SeqIO.parse(fasta_path, "fasta"), desc="Predicting targets"): target_emb = self._encode_sequence(str(target.seq)) pred = self.__predict_pair(drug_emb, target_emb) results.append( { "drug": drug, "target":, "name":, "description": target.description, "prediction": pred[0] } ) return pd.DataFrame(results) def predict_fasta(self, drug: str, fasta_path: str, timeout_seconds: int = 120): def process_target(target, results): target_emb = self._encode_sequence(str(target.seq)) pred = self.__predict_pair(drug_emb, target_emb) results.append({ "drug": drug, "target":, "name":, "description": target.description, "prediction": pred[0] }) drug_emb = self._encode_smiles(drug) results = [] # First, count the total number of records for the progress bar total_records = sum(1 for _ in SeqIO.parse(fasta_path, "fasta")) # Extract targets from fasta with a properly initialized tqdm progress bar for target in tqdm(SeqIO.parse(fasta_path, "fasta"), total=total_records, desc="Predicting targets"): thread_results = [] thread = threading.Thread(target=process_target, args=(target, thread_results)) thread.start() thread.join(timeout_seconds) if thread.is_alive(): print(f"Skipping target {} due to timeout") continue results.extend(thread_results) return pd.DataFrame(results) def predict_uniprot(self, drug: List[str] or str, uniprot_id: str): return self.predict(drug, uniprot2sequence(uniprot_id))