from io import BytesIO |
import math |
import logging |
import random |
import warnings |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import base64 |
from torchvision import transforms |
from PIL import Image, ImageFile |
from data import data_utils |
from data.ofa_dataset import OFADataset |
from utils.vision_helper import RandomAugment |
import utils.transforms as T |
import os |
from data.video_utils import VIDEO_READER_FUNCS |
from torchvision.transforms import InterpolationMode |
from data.audio_utils import get_audio_features, int16_to_float32, float32_to_int16, AUDIO_CFG |
import soundfile as sf |
import librosa |
from decord.bridge import to_torch |
import decord |
import random |
ImageFile.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "(Possibly )?corrupt EXIF data", UserWarning) |
def get_whole_word_mask(bpe, dictionary): |
if bpe is not None: |
def is_beginning_of_word(i): |
if i < dictionary.nspecial: |
return True |
tok = dictionary[i] |
if tok.startswith("madeupword"): |
return True |
try: |
return bpe.is_beginning_of_word(tok) |
except ValueError: |
return True |
mask_whole_words = torch.ByteTensor( |
list(map(is_beginning_of_word, range(len(dictionary)))) |
) |
return mask_whole_words |
return None |
def collate(samples, pad_idx, eos_idx): |
if len(samples) == 0: |
return {} |
def merge(key, samples=samples): |
return data_utils.collate_tokens( |
[s[key] for s in samples], |
pad_idx, |
eos_idx=eos_idx, |
) |
id = np.array([s["id"] for s in samples]) |
src_tokens = merge("source") |
src_lengths = torch.LongTensor([s["source"].ne(pad_idx).long().sum() for s in samples]) |
patch_images = torch.stack([sample['patch_image'] for sample in samples], dim=0) |
patch_masks = torch.cat([sample['patch_mask'] for sample in samples]) |
patch_videos = torch.stack([sample['patch_video'] for sample in samples], dim=0) |
patch_types = torch.cat([sample['patch_type'] for sample in samples]) |
patch_audios = torch.stack([sample['patch_audio'] for sample in samples], dim=0) |
code_masks = None |
if samples[0].get("code_mask", None) is not None: |
code_masks = torch.cat([sample['code_mask'] for sample in samples]) |
conf = torch.cat([s['conf'] for s in samples], dim=0) |
prev_output_tokens = None |
target = None |
if samples[0].get("target", None) is not None: |
target = merge("target") |
tgt_lengths = torch.LongTensor([s["target"].ne(pad_idx).long().sum() for s in samples]) |
ntokens = tgt_lengths.sum().item() |
if samples[0].get("prev_output_tokens", None) is not None: |
prev_output_tokens = merge("prev_output_tokens") |
else: |
ntokens = src_lengths.sum().item() |
batch = { |
"id": id, |
"nsentences": len(samples), |
"ntokens": ntokens, |
"net_input": { |
"src_tokens": src_tokens, |
"src_lengths": src_lengths, |
"patch_images": patch_images, |
"patch_videos": patch_videos, |
"patch_masks": patch_masks, |
"code_masks": code_masks, |
"prev_output_tokens": prev_output_tokens, |
"patch_types": patch_types, |
"patch_audios": patch_audios, |
}, |
"target": target, |
"conf": conf |
} |
return batch |
class UnifyDataset(OFADataset): |
def __init__( |
self, |
split, |
dataset, |
bpe, |
src_dict, |
tgt_dict=None, |
max_src_length=128, |
max_tgt_length=30, |
seed=7, |
code_dict_size=8192, |
num_bins=1000, |
patch_image_size=384, |
code_image_size=128, |
all_object_list=None, |
all_caption_list=None, |
type2ans_dict=None, |
ans2type_dict=None, |
max_image_size=512, |
mask_ratio=0.3, |
random_ratio=0.0, |
keep_ratio=0.0, |
mask_length="span-poisson", |
poisson_lambda=3.0, |
replace_length=1, |
read_from_img_path=False, |
image_dir='/gpfsscratch/rech/dyf/ugz83ue/data', |
no_image_transform=False, |
patch_frame_size=224, |
num_frames=4, |
num_tries=2, |
video_cnt=2, |
all_caption_video_list=None, |
audio_cfg=AUDIO_CFG, |
max_audio_len = 480000, |
sample_rate=48000, |
audio_cnt=2, |
all_caption_audio_list=None, |
audio_dataset=None, |
video_dataset=None, |
sample_type='rand', |
image_text_dataset=None, |
image_text_cnt=1, |
other_data_cnt=8, |
init_image_text_dataset=None, |
init_text_dataset=None, |
init_dataset_epoch=0, |
image_text_vqa_dataset=None, |
image_text_vqa_cnt=1, |
image_text_ground_dataset=None, |
image_text_ground_cnt=1, |
only_video_data=None, |
only_audio_data=None, |
video_text_dataset=None, |
video_text_cnt=1, |
audio_text_dataset=None, |
audio_text_cnt=1, |
audio_with_video=False, |
): |
super().__init__(split, dataset, bpe, src_dict, tgt_dict) |
self.max_src_length = max_src_length |
self.max_tgt_length = max_tgt_length |
self.seed = seed |
self.code_dict_size = code_dict_size |
self.num_bins = num_bins |
self.patch_image_size = patch_image_size |
self.code_image_size = code_image_size |
self.patch_frame_size = patch_frame_size |
self.image_text_dataset = image_text_dataset |
self.image_text_cnt = image_text_cnt |
self.image_text_ground_dataset = image_text_ground_dataset |
self.image_text_ground_cnt = image_text_ground_cnt |
self.image_text_vqa_dataset = image_text_vqa_dataset |
self.image_text_vqa_cnt = image_text_vqa_cnt |
self.other_data_cnt = other_data_cnt |
self.audio_dataset = audio_dataset |
self.audio_cnt=audio_cnt |
self.epoch = 0 |
self.audio_with_video = audio_with_video |
self.video_text_dataset = video_text_dataset |
self.video_text_cnt = video_text_cnt |
self.audio_text_dataset = audio_text_dataset |
self.audio_text_cnt = audio_text_cnt |
self.init_image_text_dataset = init_image_text_dataset |
self.init_dataset_epoch = init_dataset_epoch |
self.init_text_dataset = init_text_dataset |
self.sample_rate = sample_rate |
self.all_object_list = all_object_list |
self.all_caption_list = all_caption_list |
self.type2ans_dict = type2ans_dict |
self.ans2type_dict = ans2type_dict |
self.mask_ratio = mask_ratio |
self.random_ratio = random_ratio |
self.keep_ratio = keep_ratio |
self.mask_length = mask_length |
self.poisson_lambda = poisson_lambda |
self.replace_length = replace_length |
if self.replace_length not in [-1, 0, 1]: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid arg: replace_length={self.replace_length}") |
if self.mask_length not in ["subword", "word", "span-poisson"]: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid arg: mask-length={self.mask_length}") |
if self.mask_length == "subword" and self.replace_length not in [0, 1]: |
raise ValueError(f"if using subwords, use replace-length=1 or 0") |
self.mask_idx = src_dict.index("<mask>") |
self.mask_whole_word = ( |
get_whole_word_mask(self.bpe, self.src_dict) |
if self.mask_length != "subword" |
else None |
) |
self.mask_span_distribution = None |
if self.mask_length == "span-poisson": |
_lambda = self.poisson_lambda |
lambda_to_the_k = 1 |
e_to_the_minus_lambda = math.exp(-_lambda) |
k_factorial = 1 |
ps = [] |
for k in range(0, 128): |
ps.append(e_to_the_minus_lambda * lambda_to_the_k / k_factorial) |
lambda_to_the_k *= _lambda |
k_factorial *= k + 1 |
if ps[-1] < 0.0000001: |
break |
ps = torch.FloatTensor(ps) |
self.mask_span_distribution = torch.distributions.Categorical(ps) |
self.pos_tgt_item = self.encode_text(" yes") |
self.neg_tgt_item = self.encode_text(" no") |
self.mask_left = self.mask_top = int(0.5 * self.code_image_size) |
self.mask_right = self.mask_bottom = int(1.5 * self.code_image_size) |
self.mask_ids = [ |
i*self.code_image_size*2+j |
for i in range(self.code_image_size*2) for j in range(self.code_image_size*2) |
if not (self.mask_left <= i < self.mask_right and self.mask_top <= j < self.mask_bottom) |
] |
scales = np.arange(patch_image_size, 481).tolist() |
self.video_cnt = video_cnt |
self.video_dataset = video_dataset |
self.num_tries = num_tries |
type_transform = transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.float().div(255.0)) |
if no_image_transform: |
self.patch_resize_transform = transforms.Compose([ |
transforms.CenterCrop(patch_image_size), |
transforms.ToTensor(), |
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), |
]) |
self.patch_video_resize_transform = transforms.Compose([ |
transforms.CenterCrop(patch_frame_size), |
type_transform, |
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), |
]) |
else: |
self.patch_resize_transform = transforms.Compose([ |
T.RandomResize(scales, max_size=672), |
transforms.CenterCrop(patch_image_size), |
RandomAugment(2, 7, isPIL=True, augs=['Identity', 'AutoContrast', 'Equalize', 'Brightness', 'Sharpness', |
'ShearX', 'ShearY', 'TranslateX', 'TranslateY', 'Rotate']), |
transforms.ToTensor(), |
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), |
]) |
self.patch_video_resize_transform = transforms.Compose([ |
transforms.RandomResizedCrop(patch_frame_size, scale=(0.5, 1.0), |
interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC,), |
transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), |
transforms.RandAugment(), |
type_transform, |
transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), |
]) |
self.visual_grounding_transform = T.Compose([ |
T.RandomResize(scales, max_size=672), |
T.ObjectCenterCrop((patch_image_size, patch_image_size)), |
T.ToTensor(), |
T.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], max_image_size=max_image_size) |
]) |
self.read_from_img_path = read_from_img_path |
self.image_dir = image_dir |
self.num_frames = num_frames |
self.sample_type = sample_type |
self.video_reader = VIDEO_READER_FUNCS['decord'] |
self.all_caption_video_list = all_caption_video_list |
self.audio_cfg = audio_cfg |
self.max_audio_len = max_audio_len |
self.all_caption_audio_list = all_caption_audio_list |
self.only_video_data = only_video_data |
self.only_audio_data = only_audio_data |
def set_epoch(self, epoch, **unused): |
self.epoch = epoch |
def get_negative_caption(self, caption, gt_objects): |
prob = random.random() |
if gt_objects is not None and gt_objects != '' and prob > 0.6: |
gt_object = random.choice(gt_objects.strip().split('&&')) |
negative_object = random.choice(self.all_object_list[:-1]) |
negative_object = self.all_object_list[-1] if negative_object == gt_object else negative_object |
negative_caption = caption.replace(gt_object, negative_object) |
else: |
negative_caption = random.choice(self.all_caption_list) |
return negative_caption |
def get_negative_caption_video(self, caption, gt_objects): |
prob = random.random() |
if gt_objects is not None and gt_objects != '' and prob > 0.6: |
gt_object = random.choice(gt_objects.strip().split('&&')) |
negative_object = random.choice(self.all_object_list[:-1]) |
negative_object = self.all_object_list[-1] if negative_object == gt_object else negative_object |
negative_caption = caption.replace(gt_object, negative_object) |
else: |
negative_caption = random.choice(self.all_caption_video_list) |
return negative_caption |
def get_negative_caption_audio(self, caption, gt_objects): |
prob = random.random() |
if gt_objects is not None and gt_objects != '' and prob > 0.6: |
gt_object = random.choice(gt_objects.strip().split('&&')) |
negative_object = random.choice(self.all_object_list[:-1]) |
negative_object = self.all_object_list[-1] if negative_object == gt_object else negative_object |
negative_caption = caption.replace(gt_object, negative_object) |
else: |
negative_caption = random.choice(self.all_caption_audio_list) |
return negative_caption |
def get_negative_answer(self, answer, conf): |
prob = random.random() |
if conf > (prob + 0.1) and answer in self.ans2type_dict: |
negative_answer_type = self.ans2type_dict[answer] |
if negative_answer_type == 'how many' and answer.isdigit() and prob > 0.5: |
negative_answer = int(answer) + random.choice([-1, 1]) if answer != 0 else 1 |
else: |
negative_answer_list = self.type2ans_dict[negative_answer_type] |
negative_answer = random.choice(negative_answer_list[:-1]) |
negative_answer = negative_answer_list[-1] if negative_answer == answer else negative_answer |
return negative_answer |
negative_answer_list = self.type2ans_dict['other'] |
negative_answer = random.choice(negative_answer_list[:-1]) |
negative_answer = negative_answer_list[-1] if negative_answer == answer else negative_answer |
return negative_answer |
def process_image_text_pair(self, index, other_dataset=None): |
if other_dataset is None: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = self.dataset[index] |
else: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = other_dataset[index] |
if 'video' in type: |
patch_image = torch.zeros((3, self.patch_image_size, self.patch_image_size)) |
patch_audio = torch.zeros(self.max_audio_len) |
patch_mask = torch.tensor([True]) |
patch_type = torch.tensor([1]) |
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image) |
data_path = image_path |
try: |
max_num_frames = self.max_num_frames if hasattr(self, "max_num_frames") else -1 |
frames, frame_indices, video_duration = self.video_reader( |
data_path, self.num_frames, self.sample_type, max_num_frames=max_num_frames |
) |
except Exception as e: |
new_index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading video {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new video as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_image_text_pair(new_index, other_dataset=other_dataset) |
patch_video = self.patch_video_resize_transform(frames) |
patch_video = patch_video.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
if type == 'video_caption': |
tgt_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length) |
pos_src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
neg_src_caption = self.pre_caption(self.get_negative_caption_video(caption, gt_objects), self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(" what does the video describe?") |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(tgt_caption)) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the video describe " {} "?'.format(pos_src_caption)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the video describe " {} "?'.format(neg_src_caption)) |
else: |
print(type, "not implemented") |
assert NotImplemented |
elif 'audio' in type: |
patch_image = torch.zeros((3, self.patch_image_size, self.patch_image_size)) |
patch_video = torch.zeros((3, self.num_frames, self.patch_image_size, self.patch_image_size)) |
patch_mask = torch.tensor([True]) |
patch_type = torch.tensor([2]) |
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image) |
data_path = image_path |
try: |
audio_data, orig_sr = librosa.load(data_path, sr=self.audio_cfg['sample_rate']) |
audio_data = int16_to_float32(float32_to_int16(audio_data)) |
audio_data = torch.tensor(audio_data).float() |
if len(audio_data) == 0: |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading audio {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new audio as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_image_text_pair(new_index) |
sample = {} |
sample = get_audio_features( |
sample, audio_data, self.max_audio_len, |
data_truncating='fusion', |
data_filling='repeatpad', |
audio_cfg=self.audio_cfg |
) |
except Exception as e: |
new_index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading audio {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new audio as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_image_text_pair(new_index) |
patch_audio = sample['waveform'] |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
if type == 'audio_caption': |
tgt_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length) |
pos_src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
neg_src_caption = self.pre_caption(self.get_negative_caption_audio(caption, gt_objects), self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(" what does the audio describe?") |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(tgt_caption)) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the audio describe " {} "?'.format(pos_src_caption)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the audio describe " {} "?'.format(neg_src_caption)) |
else: |
print(type, "not implemented") |
assert NotImplemented |
else: |
patch_video = torch.zeros((3, self.num_frames, self.patch_frame_size, self.patch_frame_size)) |
patch_audio = torch.zeros(self.max_audio_len) |
patch_type = torch.tensor([0]) |
try: |
if self.read_from_img_path: |
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image) |
image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB") |
else: |
image = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(image))).convert("RGB") |
except Exception as e: |
new_index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading image {image_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new image as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_image_text_pair(new_index) |
patch_image = self.patch_resize_transform(image) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
patch_mask = torch.tensor([True]) |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
if type == 'caption': |
tgt_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length) |
pos_src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
neg_src_caption = self.pre_caption(self.get_negative_caption(caption, gt_objects), self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(" what does the image describe?") |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(tgt_caption)) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the image describe " {} "?'.format(pos_src_caption)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the image describe " {} "?'.format(neg_src_caption)) |
elif type == 'qa': |
question = self.pre_question(question, self.max_src_length) |
ref_dict = {item.split('|!+')[1]: float(item.split('|!+')[0]) for item in refs.split('&&')} |
answer = max(ref_dict, key=ref_dict.get) |
conf = ref_dict[answer] |
src_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(question)) |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(answer)) |
conf = torch.tensor([conf]) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' what is the answer to question " {} ". is " {} "?'.format(question, answer)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text( |
' what is the answer to question " {} ". is " {} "?'.format(question, self.get_negative_answer(answer, conf)) |
) |
elif type == 'visual_grounding': |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
w, h = image.size |
boxes_target = {"boxes": [], "labels": [], "area": [], "size": torch.tensor([h, w])} |
x0, y0, x1, y1 = refs.strip().split(',') |
boxes_target["boxes"] = torch.tensor([[float(x0), float(y0), float(x1), float(y1)]]) |
boxes_target["labels"] = np.array([0]) |
boxes_target["area"] = torch.tensor([(float(x1) - float(x0)) * (float(y1) - float(y0))]) |
patch_image, boxes_target = self.visual_grounding_transform(image, boxes_target) |
quant_x0 = "<bin_{}>".format(int((boxes_target["boxes"][0][0] * (self.num_bins - 1)).round())) |
quant_y0 = "<bin_{}>".format(int((boxes_target["boxes"][0][1] * (self.num_bins - 1)).round())) |
quant_x1 = "<bin_{}>".format(int((boxes_target["boxes"][0][2] * (self.num_bins - 1)).round())) |
quant_y1 = "<bin_{}>".format(int((boxes_target["boxes"][0][3] * (self.num_bins - 1)).round())) |
region_coord = "{} {} {} {}".format(quant_x0, quant_y0, quant_x1, quant_y1) |
src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(' which region does the text " {} " describe?'.format(src_caption)) |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(region_coord, use_bpe=False) |
else: |
logger.info('type {} is not implemented'.format(type)) |
raise NotImplementedError |
src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, src_item, self.eos_item]) |
target_item = torch.cat([tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
prev_output_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, tgt_item]) |
pos_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, pos_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
neg_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, neg_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
if type == 'caption' and dataset_name == 'cc12m': |
target_item[:2] = self.src_dict.pad() |
target_item[-1] = self.eos_item |
example = { |
"id": uniq_id, |
"source": src_item, |
"patch_image": patch_image, |
"patch_video": patch_video, |
"patch_mask": patch_mask, |
"target": target_item, |
"prev_output_tokens": prev_output_item, |
"conf": conf, |
"patch_type": patch_type, |
"patch_audio": patch_audio, |
} |
examples = [example] |
prob = random.random() |
if type == 'visual_grounding': |
region_example = example.copy() |
region_prefix_item = self.encode_text(' what does the region describe? region:') |
region_coord_item = self.encode_text('{}'.format(region_coord), use_bpe=False) |
region_src_item = torch.cat([region_prefix_item, region_coord_item]) |
region_tgt_item = self.encode_text(' {}'.format(self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length))) |
region_example["source"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, region_src_item, self.eos_item]) |
region_example["target"] = torch.cat([region_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
region_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, region_tgt_item]) |
region_example["conf"] = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
examples.append(region_example) |
elif prob >= 0.5 and self.split == 'train': |
pos_example = example.copy() |
pos_example["source"] = pos_src_item |
pos_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.pos_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
pos_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.pos_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(pos_example) |
elif self.split == 'train': |
neg_example = example.copy() |
neg_example["source"] = neg_src_item |
neg_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.neg_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
neg_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.neg_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(neg_example) |
return examples |
def process_video_text_pair(self, index, tries=0, other_dataset=None): |
if other_dataset is not None: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = other_dataset[index] |
else: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = self.video_dataset[index] |
patch_image = torch.zeros((3, self.patch_image_size, self.patch_image_size)) |
patch_audio = torch.zeros(self.max_audio_len) |
patch_mask = torch.tensor([True]) |
patch_type = torch.tensor([1]) |
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image) |
data_path = image_path |
try: |
max_num_frames = self.max_num_frames if hasattr(self, "max_num_frames") else -1 |
frames, frame_indices, video_duration = self.video_reader( |
data_path, self.num_frames, self.sample_type, max_num_frames=max_num_frames |
) |
except Exception as e: |
new_index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading video {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new video as replacement" |
) |
if tries < self.num_tries: |
return self.process_video_text_pair(new_index, tries=tries+1, other_dataset=other_dataset) |
else: |
print("Videos are too corrupted, try increase the num_tries") |
raise |
patch_video = self.patch_video_resize_transform(frames) |
patch_video = patch_video.permute(1, 0, 2, 3) |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
if type == 'video_caption': |
tgt_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length) |
pos_src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
neg_src_caption = self.pre_caption(self.get_negative_caption_video(caption, gt_objects), self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(" what does the video describe?") |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(tgt_caption)) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the video describe " {} "?'.format(pos_src_caption)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the video describe " {} "?'.format(neg_src_caption)) |
elif type == 'video_qa': |
question = self.pre_question(question, self.max_src_length) |
ref_dict = {item.split('|!+')[1]: float(item.split('|!+')[0]) for item in refs.split('&&')} |
answer = max(ref_dict, key=ref_dict.get) |
conf = ref_dict[answer] |
src_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(question)) |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(answer)) |
conf = torch.tensor([conf]) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' what is the answer to question " {} ". is " {} "?'.format(question, answer)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text( |
' what is the answer to question " {} ". is " {} "?'.format(question, self.get_negative_answer(answer, conf)) |
) |
else: |
print(type, "not implemented") |
assert NotImplemented |
src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, src_item, self.eos_item]) |
target_item = torch.cat([tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
prev_output_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, tgt_item]) |
pos_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, pos_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
neg_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, neg_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
example = { |
"id": uniq_id, |
"source": src_item, |
"patch_image": patch_image, |
"patch_video": patch_video, |
"patch_mask": patch_mask, |
"target": target_item, |
"prev_output_tokens": prev_output_item, |
"conf": conf, |
"patch_type": patch_type, |
"patch_audio": patch_audio, |
} |
examples = [example] |
prob = random.random() |
if prob >= 0.5 and self.split == 'train': |
pos_example = example.copy() |
pos_example["source"] = pos_src_item |
pos_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.pos_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
pos_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.pos_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(pos_example) |
elif self.split == 'train': |
neg_example = example.copy() |
neg_example["source"] = neg_src_item |
neg_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.neg_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
neg_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.neg_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(neg_example) |
return examples |
def process_audio_text_pair(self, index, other_dataset=None): |
if other_dataset is not None: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = other_dataset[index] |
else: |
uniq_id, image, caption, question, refs, gt_objects, dataset_name, type = self.audio_dataset[index] |
image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image) |
data_path = image_path |
try: |
if '.mp4' in data_path: |
audio_reader = decord.AudioReader(data_path, sample_rate=self.audio_cfg['sample_rate'], mono=True,) |
audio_data = to_torch(audio_reader[:]).squeeze(0) |
else: |
audio_data, orig_sr = sf.read(data_path) |
if audio_data.ndim>1: |
audio_data = np.mean(audio_data,axis=1) |
audio_data = int16_to_float32(float32_to_int16(audio_data)) |
audio_data = torch.tensor(audio_data).float() |
if len(audio_data) == 0: |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading audio {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new audio as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_audio_text_pair(new_index) |
sample = {} |
sample = get_audio_features( |
sample, audio_data, self.max_audio_len, |
data_truncating='rand_trunc', |
data_filling='repeatpad', |
audio_cfg=self.audio_cfg |
) |
except Exception as e: |
new_index = random.randint(0, len(self) - 1) |
logger.warning( |
f"Caught exception {e} when loading audio {data_path}, " |
f"randomly sample a new audio as replacement" |
) |
return self.process_audio_text_pair(new_index, other_dataset=other_dataset) |
patch_audio = sample['waveform'] |
patch_image = torch.zeros((3, self.patch_image_size, self.patch_image_size)) |
patch_video = torch.zeros((3, self.num_frames, self.patch_frame_size, self.patch_frame_size)) |
patch_mask = torch.tensor([True]) |
patch_type = torch.tensor([2]) |
conf = torch.tensor([1.0]) |
if 'caption' in type: |
tgt_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_tgt_length) |
pos_src_caption = self.pre_caption(caption, self.max_src_length) |
neg_src_caption = self.pre_caption(self.get_negative_caption_audio(caption, gt_objects), self.max_src_length) |
src_item = self.encode_text(" what does the audio describe?") |
tgt_item = self.encode_text(" {}".format(tgt_caption)) |
pos_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the audio describe " {} "?'.format(pos_src_caption)) |
neg_src_item = self.encode_text(' does the audio describe " {} "?'.format(neg_src_caption)) |
else: |
print(type, "not implemented") |
assert NotImplemented |
src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, src_item, self.eos_item]) |
target_item = torch.cat([tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
prev_output_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, tgt_item]) |
pos_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, pos_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
neg_src_item = torch.cat([self.bos_item, neg_src_item, self.eos_item]) if type != 'visual_grounding' else None |
example = { |
"id": uniq_id, |
"source": src_item, |
"patch_image": patch_image, |
"patch_video": patch_video, |
"patch_mask": patch_mask, |
"target": target_item, |
"prev_output_tokens": prev_output_item, |
"conf": conf, |
"patch_type": patch_type, |
"patch_audio": patch_audio, |
} |
examples = [example] |
prob = random.random() |
if prob >= 0.5 and self.split == 'train': |
pos_example = example.copy() |
pos_example["source"] = pos_src_item |
pos_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.pos_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
pos_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.pos_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(pos_example) |
elif self.split == 'train': |
neg_example = example.copy() |
neg_example["source"] = neg_src_item |
neg_example["target"] = torch.cat([self.neg_tgt_item, self.eos_item]) |
neg_example["prev_output_tokens"] = torch.cat([self.bos_item, self.neg_tgt_item]) |
examples.append(neg_example) |
return examples |
def __getitem__(self, index): |
with data_utils.numpy_seed(self.seed, self.epoch): |
extra_samples = [] |
if self.only_video_data is not None: |
pair_samples = self.process_video_text_pair(index, other_dataset=self.dataset) |
elif self.only_audio_data is not None: |
pair_samples = self.process_audio_text_pair(index, other_dataset=self.dataset) |
else: |
pair_samples = self.process_image_text_pair(index) |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.image_text_vqa_cnt == 0: |
if self.image_text_vqa_dataset: |
pair_samples += self.process_image_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.image_text_vqa_dataset) |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.image_text_ground_cnt == 0: |
if self.image_text_ground_dataset: |
pair_samples += self.process_image_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.image_text_ground_dataset) |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.image_text_cnt == 0: |
if self.image_text_dataset: |
pair_samples += self.process_image_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.image_text_dataset) |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.audio_cnt == 0: |
if self.audio_with_video: |
extra_samples += self.process_audio_text_pair(0) if self.audio_dataset else [] |
else: |
pair_samples += self.process_audio_text_pair(0) if self.audio_dataset else [] |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.audio_text_cnt == 0: |
if self.audio_text_dataset: |
if self.audio_with_video: |
extra_samples += self.process_audio_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.audio_text_dataset) |
else: |
pair_samples += self.process_audio_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.audio_text_dataset) |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.video_cnt == 0: |
extra_samples += self.process_video_text_pair(0) if self.video_dataset else [] |
if self.split == 'train' and self.dataset.data_cnt % self.video_text_cnt == 0: |
if self.video_text_dataset: |
extra_samples += self.process_video_text_pair(0, other_dataset=self.video_text_dataset) |
return pair_samples, extra_samples |
def word_starts(self, source): |
if self.mask_whole_word is not None: |
is_word_start = self.mask_whole_word.gather(0, source) |
else: |
is_word_start = torch.ones(source.size()) |
is_word_start[0] = 0 |
is_word_start[-1] = 0 |
return is_word_start |
def add_whole_word_mask(self, source, p): |
is_word_start = self.word_starts(source) |
num_to_mask = int(math.ceil(is_word_start.float().sum() * p)) |
num_inserts = 0 |
if num_to_mask == 0: |
return source |
if self.mask_span_distribution is not None: |
lengths = self.mask_span_distribution.sample(sample_shape=(num_to_mask,)) |
cum_length = torch.cumsum(lengths, 0) |
while cum_length[-1] < num_to_mask: |
lengths = torch.cat( |
[ |
lengths, |
self.mask_span_distribution.sample(sample_shape=(num_to_mask,)), |
], |
dim=0, |
) |
cum_length = torch.cumsum(lengths, 0) |
i = 0 |
while cum_length[i] < num_to_mask: |
i += 1 |
lengths[i] = num_to_mask - (0 if i == 0 else cum_length[i - 1]) |
num_to_mask = i + 1 |
lengths = lengths[:num_to_mask] |
lengths = lengths[lengths > 0] |
num_inserts = num_to_mask - lengths.size(0) |
num_to_mask -= num_inserts |
if num_to_mask == 0: |
return self.add_insertion_noise(source, num_inserts / source.size(0)) |
assert (lengths > 0).all() |
else: |
lengths = torch.ones((num_to_mask,)).long() |
assert is_word_start[-1] == 0 |
word_starts = is_word_start.nonzero(as_tuple=False) |
indices = word_starts[ |
torch.randperm(word_starts.size(0))[:num_to_mask] |
].squeeze(1) |
mask_random = torch.FloatTensor(num_to_mask).uniform_() < self.random_ratio |
source_length = source.size(0) |
assert source_length - 1 not in indices |
to_keep = torch.ones(source_length, dtype=torch.bool) |
is_word_start[ |
-1 |
] = 255 |
if self.replace_length == 0: |
to_keep[indices] = 0 |
else: |
source[indices] = self.mask_idx |
source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( |
4, len(self.tgt_dict) - self.code_dict_size - self.num_bins, size=(mask_random.sum(),) |
) |
if self.mask_span_distribution is not None: |
assert len(lengths.size()) == 1 |
assert lengths.size() == indices.size() |
lengths -= 1 |
while indices.size(0) > 0: |
assert lengths.size() == indices.size() |
lengths -= is_word_start[indices + 1].long() |
uncompleted = lengths >= 0 |
indices = indices[uncompleted] + 1 |
mask_random = mask_random[uncompleted] |
lengths = lengths[uncompleted] |
if self.replace_length != -1: |
to_keep[indices] = 0 |
else: |
source[indices] = self.mask_idx |
source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( |
4, len(self.tgt_dict) - self.code_dict_size - self.num_bins, size=(mask_random.sum(),) |
) |
else: |
while indices.size(0) > 0: |
uncompleted = is_word_start[indices + 1] == 0 |
indices = indices[uncompleted] + 1 |
mask_random = mask_random[uncompleted] |
if self.replace_length != -1: |
to_keep[indices] = 0 |
else: |
source[indices] = self.mask_idx |
source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( |
4, len(self.tgt_dict) - self.code_dict_size - self.num_bins, size=(mask_random.sum(),) |
) |
assert source_length - 1 not in indices |
source = source[to_keep] |
if num_inserts > 0: |
source = self.add_insertion_noise(source, num_inserts / source.size(0)) |
return source |
def add_insertion_noise(self, tokens, p): |
if p == 0.0: |
return tokens |
num_tokens = len(tokens) |
n = int(math.ceil(num_tokens * p)) |
noise_indices = torch.randperm(num_tokens + n - 2)[:n] + 1 |
noise_mask = torch.zeros(size=(num_tokens + n,), dtype=torch.bool) |
noise_mask[noise_indices] = 1 |
result = torch.LongTensor(n + len(tokens)).fill_(-1) |
num_random = int(math.ceil(n * self.random_ratio)) |
result[noise_indices[num_random:]] = self.mask_idx |
result[noise_indices[:num_random]] = torch.randint( |
low=4, high=len(self.tgt_dict)-self.code_dict_size-self.num_bins, size=(num_random,) |
) |
result[~noise_mask] = tokens |
assert (result >= 0).all() |
return result |
def collater(self, samples, pad_to_length=None): |
"""Merge samples of different tasks to form two mini-batches. |
Args: |
samples (List[Tuple]): samples to collate |
Returns: |
Tuple[dict]: two mini-batch containing the data of different tasks |
""" |
samples_v1 = [] |
samples_v2 = [] |
for sample_tuple in samples: |
samples_v1 += sample_tuple[0] |
samples_v2 += sample_tuple[1] |
if samples_v2 != []: |
res_v1 = collate(samples_v1, pad_idx=self.src_dict.pad(), eos_idx=self.eos) |
res_v2 = collate(samples_v2, pad_idx=self.src_dict.pad(), eos_idx=self.eos) |
return res_v1, res_v2 |
else: |
res_v1 = collate(samples_v1, pad_idx=self.src_dict.pad(), eos_idx=self.eos) |
return res_v1 |