import string |
import math |
import json |
from itertools import chain |
import os |
import torch |
import torch.distributed as dist |
from data import data_utils |
from functools import partial |
def get_symbols_to_strip_from_output(generator): |
if hasattr(generator, "symbols_to_strip_from_output"): |
return generator.symbols_to_strip_from_output |
else: |
return {generator.bos, generator.eos} |
def decode_fn(x, tgt_dict, bpe, generator, tokenizer=None): |
x = tgt_dict.string(x.int().cpu(), extra_symbols_to_ignore=get_symbols_to_strip_from_output(generator)) |
if bpe is not None: |
x = bpe.decode(x) |
if tokenizer is not None: |
x = tokenizer.decode(x) |
return x |
def eval_caption(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
transtab = str.maketrans({key: None for key in string.punctuation}) |
hypos = task.inference_step(generator, models, sample) |
results = [] |
for i, sample_id in enumerate(sample["id"].tolist()): |
detok_hypo_str = decode_fn(hypos[i][0]["tokens"], task.tgt_dict, task.bpe, generator) |
results.append({"image_id": str(sample_id), "caption": detok_hypo_str.translate(transtab).strip()}) |
return results, None |
def eval_vqa_gen(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
if kwargs['beam_search_vqa_eval']: |
hypos = task.inference_step(generator, models, sample, prefix_tokens=sample['prefix_tokens']) |
results = [] |
for i, sample_id in enumerate(sample["id"].tolist()): |
prefix_len = sample['prefix_tokens'][i].ne(1).sum().item() |
detok_hypo_str = decode_fn(hypos[i][0]["tokens"][prefix_len:], task.tgt_dict, task.bpe, generator) |
results.append({"question_id": int(sample_id), "answer": detok_hypo_str.strip()}) |
scores = [ref_dict.get(result['answer'], 0) for ref_dict, result in zip(sample['ref_dict'], results)] |
return results, scores |
encoder_out = models[0].encoder( |
sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"], |
src_lengths=sample["net_input"]["src_lengths"], |
patch_images=sample["net_input"]["patch_images"], |
patch_masks=sample["net_input"]["patch_masks"] |
) |
device = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"].device |
eos_item = torch.tensor([task.src_dict.eos()]) |
pad = task.src_dict.pad() |
valid_result = [] |
for valid_answers, valid_constraint_masks in zip(task.valid_answers_list, task.valid_constraint_masks_list): |
valid_size = len(valid_answers) |
valid_tgt_items = [ |
torch.cat([torch.tensor(decoder_prompt[1:]), valid_answer, eos_item]) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_answer in valid_answers |
] |
valid_prev_items = [ |
torch.cat([torch.tensor(decoder_prompt), valid_answer]) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_answer in valid_answers |
] |
valid_constraint_mask_items = [ |
torch.cat( |
[torch.zeros(len(decoder_prompt) - 1, valid_constraint_mask.size(1)).bool(), valid_constraint_mask], |
dim=0 |
) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_constraint_mask in valid_constraint_masks |
] |
valid_tgt = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_tgt_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
valid_prev_output = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_prev_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
valid_constraint_masks = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_constraint_mask_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
new_encoder_out = {} |
new_encoder_out["encoder_out"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_out"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=1) |
] |
new_encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=0) |
] |
new_encoder_out["position_embeddings"] = [ |
encoder_out["position_embeddings"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=0) |
] |
decoder_out = models[0].decoder(valid_prev_output, encoder_out=new_encoder_out) |
decoder_out[0].masked_fill_(~valid_constraint_masks, -math.inf) |
lprobs = models[0].get_normalized_probs(decoder_out, log_probs=True) |
scores = lprobs.gather(dim=-1, index=valid_tgt.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) |
scores = scores.masked_fill(valid_tgt.eq(task.tgt_dict.pad()), 0) |
scores = scores.masked_fill((~valid_constraint_masks).all(2), 0) |
scores = scores.sum(1) |
scores = scores.view(-1, valid_size) |
valid_result.append(scores) |
valid_result = torch.cat(valid_result, dim=-1) |
predicts = valid_result.argmax(1).tolist() |
hyps = [task.index2ans[predict_index] for predict_index in predicts] |
results = [{"question_id": int(id), "answer": hyp} for id, hyp in zip(sample["id"].tolist(), hyps)] |
scores = [ref_dict.get(hyp, 0) for ref_dict, hyp in zip(sample['ref_dict'], hyps)] |
return results, scores |
def eval_refcoco(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
def _calculate_ap_score(hyps, refs, thresh=0.5, min_area_size=None, max_area_size=None): |
interacts = torch.cat( |
[torch.where(hyps[:, :2] < refs[:, :2], refs[:, :2], hyps[:, :2]), |
torch.where(hyps[:, 2:] < refs[:, 2:], hyps[:, 2:], refs[:, 2:])], |
dim=1 |
) |
area_predictions = (hyps[:, 2] - hyps[:, 0]) * (hyps[:, 3] - hyps[:, 1]) |
area_targets = (refs[:, 2] - refs[:, 0]) * (refs[:, 3] - refs[:, 1]) |
interacts_w = interacts[:, 2] - interacts[:, 0] |
interacts_h = interacts[:, 3] - interacts[:, 1] |
area_interacts = interacts_w * interacts_h |
ious = area_interacts / (area_predictions + area_targets - area_interacts + 1e-6) |
if max_area_size is not None and min_area_size is not None: |
ious = ious * (area_targets > max_area_size).float() * (area_targets < min_area_size).float() |
elif min_area_size is not None: |
ious = ious * (area_targets > min_area_size).float() |
elif max_area_size is not None: |
ious = ious * (area_targets < max_area_size).float() |
if thresh is None: |
return ious |
else: |
return ((ious >= thresh) & (interacts_w > 0) & (interacts_h > 0)).float() |
gen_out = task.inference_step(generator, models, sample) |
hyps_ = [] |
refs_ = [] |
for i in range(len(gen_out)): |
hyps_.append(gen_out[i][0]["tokens"][:-1] - len(task.src_dict) + task.cfg.num_bins) |
refs_.append(sample["target"][i][:-1] - len(task.src_dict) + task.cfg.num_bins) |
refs_ = torch.stack(refs_, dim=0) |
hyps_ = torch.stack(hyps_, dim=0) |
hyps = hyps_ / (task.cfg.num_bins - 1) * task.cfg.max_image_size |
hyps[:, ::2] /= sample['w_resize_ratios'].unsqueeze(1) |
hyps[:, 1::2] /= sample['h_resize_ratios'].unsqueeze(1) |
results = [ |
{"uniq_id": sample_id, |
"box": [hyps[i][0].item(), hyps[i][1].item(), hyps[i][2].item(), hyps[i][3].item()]} |
for i, sample_id in enumerate(sample["id"].tolist()) |
] |
scores_list = [] |
names = [] |
evaluate_cfg = kwargs['evaluate_cfg'] |
threshs = evaluate_cfg.acc_thresh |
if threshs is not None: |
if ',' in threshs: |
threshs = threshs.split(',') |
if not isinstance(threshs, list): |
threshs = [threshs] |
threshs = [float(t) for t in threshs] |
for thresh in threshs: |
scores = _calculate_ap_score(hyps, sample['region_coords'].float(), thresh=thresh) |
names.append(str(thresh)+'acc') |
scores_list.append(scores) |
if evaluate_cfg.min_area_size is not None: |
large_scores = _calculate_ap_score(hyps, sample['region_coords'].float(), thresh=thresh, |
min_area_size=evaluate_cfg.min_area_size) |
scores_list.append(large_scores) |
names.append(str(thresh)+'large_acc') |
if evaluate_cfg.max_area_size is not None: |
small_scores = _calculate_ap_score(hyps, sample['region_coords'].float(), thresh=thresh, |
max_area_size=evaluate_cfg.max_area_size) |
scores_list.append(small_scores) |
names.append(str(thresh)+'small_acc') |
if evaluate_cfg.max_area_size is not None and evaluate_cfg.min_area_size is not None: |
medium_scores = _calculate_ap_score(hyps, sample['region_coords'].float(), thresh=thresh, |
max_area_size=evaluate_cfg.max_area_size, min_area_size=evaluate_cfg.min_area_size) |
scores_list.append(medium_scores) |
names.append(str(thresh)+'medium_acc') |
if len(scores_list) > 0: |
scores = scores_list |
results = [names, results] |
return results, scores |
def eval_snli_ve(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
encoder_out = models[0].encoder( |
sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"], |
src_lengths=sample["net_input"]["src_lengths"], |
patch_images=sample["net_input"]["patch_images"], |
patch_masks=sample["net_input"]["patch_masks"] |
) |
device = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"].device |
eos_item = torch.tensor([task.src_dict.eos()]) |
pad = task.src_dict.pad() |
valid_result = [] |
for valid_answers, valid_constraint_masks in zip(task.valid_answers_list, task.valid_constraint_masks_list): |
valid_size = len(valid_answers) |
valid_tgt_items = [ |
torch.cat([torch.tensor(decoder_prompt[1:]), valid_answer, eos_item]) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_answer in valid_answers |
] |
valid_prev_items = [ |
torch.cat([torch.tensor(decoder_prompt), valid_answer]) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_answer in valid_answers |
] |
valid_constraint_mask_items = [ |
torch.cat( |
[torch.zeros(len(decoder_prompt) - 1, valid_constraint_mask.size(1)).bool(), valid_constraint_mask], |
dim=0 |
) |
for decoder_prompt in sample["decoder_prompts"] for valid_constraint_mask in valid_constraint_masks |
] |
valid_tgt = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_tgt_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
valid_prev_output = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_prev_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
valid_constraint_masks = data_utils.collate_tokens(valid_constraint_mask_items, pad_idx=pad).to(device) |
new_encoder_out = {} |
new_encoder_out["encoder_out"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_out"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=1) |
] |
new_encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=0) |
] |
new_encoder_out["position_embeddings"] = [ |
encoder_out["position_embeddings"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_size, dim=0) |
] |
decoder_out = models[0].decoder(valid_prev_output, encoder_out=new_encoder_out) |
decoder_out[0].masked_fill_(~valid_constraint_masks, -math.inf) |
lprobs = models[0].get_normalized_probs(decoder_out, log_probs=True) |
scores = lprobs.gather(dim=-1, index=valid_tgt.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) |
scores = scores.masked_fill(valid_tgt.eq(task.tgt_dict.pad()), 0) |
scores = scores.masked_fill((~valid_constraint_masks).all(2), 0) |
scores = scores.sum(1) |
scores = scores.view(-1, valid_size) |
valid_result.append(scores) |
valid_result = torch.cat(valid_result, dim=-1) |
predicts = valid_result.argmax(1).tolist() |
hyps = [task.index2ans[predict_index] for predict_index in predicts] |
results = [{"uniq_id": id, "answer": hyp} for id, hyp in zip(sample["id"].tolist(), hyps)] |
scores = [ref_dict.get(hyp, 0) for ref_dict, hyp in zip(sample['ref_dict'], hyps)] |
return results, scores |
def eval_image_gen(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
hypos, _ = task.inference_image(generator, sample, models) |
tokens = sample['net_input']['src_tokens'][0].view(-1).tolist() |
caption = task.bpe.decode(task.tgt_dict.string([token for token in tokens if token >= 4]))[ |
38:].replace('/', '') |
text_similarity_score, indices = task.compute_text_similarity(hypos, caption, |
sample['net_input']['src_tokens'].device) |
results = [] |
for i, indice in enumerate(indices): |
results.append({"sample_id": str(sample["id"][0]), "score": text_similarity_score[i], "image": hypos[indice]}) |
scores = [max(text_similarity_score).item()] |
sorted_hyps = [hypos[indice] for indice in indices] |
if task.cfg.gen_images_path: |
caption_tokens = sample['net_input']['src_tokens'][0].view(-1).tolist() |
caption = task.bpe.decode(task.tgt_dict.string([token for token in caption_tokens if token >= 4]))[ |
38:].replace('/', '') |
task.dump_images(sorted_hyps, text=caption, path=os.path.join(task.cfg.gen_images_path, 'all_results')) |
task.dump_images(sorted_hyps, text=caption, path=os.path.join(task.cfg.gen_images_path, 'top1'), topk=1) |
return results, scores |
def eval_image_classify(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
batch_size = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"].size(0) |
encoder_out = models[0].encoder( |
sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"], |
src_lengths=sample["net_input"]["src_lengths"], |
patch_images=sample["net_input"]["patch_images"], |
patch_masks=sample["net_input"]["patch_masks"] |
) |
device = sample["net_input"]["src_tokens"].device |
valid_result = [] |
for valid_tgt, valid_prev_output, valid_constraint_masks in zip(task.valid_tgt_list, |
task.valid_prev_output_list, |
task.valid_constraint_masks_list): |
valid_tgt_size = valid_tgt.size(0) |
valid_tgt = valid_tgt.repeat(batch_size, 1).to(device) |
valid_prev_output = valid_prev_output.repeat(batch_size, 1).to(device) |
valid_constraint_masks = valid_constraint_masks.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1).to(device) |
new_encoder_out = {} |
new_encoder_out["encoder_out"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_out"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_tgt_size, dim=1) |
] |
new_encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"] = [ |
encoder_out["encoder_padding_mask"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_tgt_size, dim=0) |
] |
new_encoder_out["position_embeddings"] = [ |
encoder_out["position_embeddings"][0].repeat_interleave(valid_tgt_size, dim=0) |
] |
decoder_out = models[0].decoder(valid_prev_output, encoder_out=new_encoder_out) |
decoder_out[0].masked_fill_(~valid_constraint_masks, -math.inf) |
lprobs = models[0].get_normalized_probs(decoder_out, log_probs=True) |
scores = lprobs.gather(dim=-1, index=valid_tgt.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) |
scores = scores.masked_fill(valid_tgt.eq(task.tgt_dict.pad()), 0) |
scores = scores.sum(1) |
scores = scores.view(-1, valid_tgt_size) |
valid_result.append(scores) |
valid_result = torch.cat(valid_result, dim=-1) |
predicts = valid_result.argmax(1).tolist() |
hyps = [task.index2ans[predict_index] for predict_index in predicts] |
scores = [ref_dict.get(hyp, 0) for ref_dict, hyp in zip(sample['ref_dict'], hyps)] |
results = [{"uniq_id": id, "answer": hyp} for id, hyp in zip(sample["id"].tolist(), hyps)] |
return results, scores |
def eval_step(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs): |
if 'caption' in task.cfg._name: |
return eval_caption(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs) |
elif 'vqa_gen' in task.cfg._name: |
return eval_vqa_gen(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs) |
elif task.cfg._name == 'refcoco': |
return eval_refcoco(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs) |
elif task.cfg._name == 'snli_ve': |
return eval_snli_ve(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs) |
elif task.cfg._name == 'image_gen': |
return eval_image_gen(task, generator, models, sample, **kwargs) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
def merge_results(task, cfg, logger, score_cnt, score_sum, results): |
if task.cfg._name == 'image_gen': |
if cfg.distributed_training.distributed_world_size > 1: |
dist.all_reduce(score_sum.data) |
dist.all_reduce(score_cnt.data) |
if score_cnt.item() > 0: |
logger.info("score_sum: {}, score_cnt: {}, score: {}".format( |
score_sum, score_cnt, round(score_sum.item() / score_cnt.item(), 4) |
)) |
else: |
gather_results = None |
if cfg.distributed_training.distributed_world_size > 1: |
gather_results = [None for _ in range(dist.get_world_size())] |
dist.all_gather_object(gather_results, results) |
dist.all_reduce(score_sum.data) |
dist.all_reduce(score_cnt.data) |
if score_cnt.item() > 0: |
logger.info("score_sum: {}, score_cnt: {}, score: {}".format( |
score_sum, score_cnt, round(score_sum.item() / score_cnt.item(), 4) |
)) |
if cfg.distributed_training.distributed_world_size == 1 or dist.get_rank() == 0: |
os.makedirs(cfg.common_eval.results_path, exist_ok=True) |
output_path = os.path.join(cfg.common_eval.results_path, "{}_predict.json".format(cfg.dataset.gen_subset)) |
gather_results = list(chain(*gather_results)) if gather_results is not None else results |
with open(output_path, 'w') as fw: |
json.dump(gather_results, fw) |