#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. """ Flashlight decoders. """ import gc import itertools as it import os.path as osp from typing import List import warnings from collections import deque, namedtuple import numpy as np import torch from examples.speech_recognition.data.replabels import unpack_replabels from fairseq import tasks from fairseq.utils import apply_to_sample from omegaconf import open_dict from fairseq.dataclass.utils import convert_namespace_to_omegaconf try: from flashlight.lib.text.dictionary import create_word_dict, load_words from flashlight.lib.sequence.criterion import CpuViterbiPath, get_data_ptr_as_bytes from flashlight.lib.text.decoder import ( CriterionType, LexiconDecoderOptions, KenLM, LM, LMState, SmearingMode, Trie, LexiconDecoder, ) except: warnings.warn( "flashlight python bindings are required to use this functionality. Please install from https://github.com/facebookresearch/flashlight/tree/master/bindings/python" ) LM = object LMState = object class W2lDecoder(object): def __init__(self, args, tgt_dict): self.tgt_dict = tgt_dict self.vocab_size = len(tgt_dict) self.nbest = args.nbest # criterion-specific init self.criterion_type = CriterionType.CTC self.blank = ( tgt_dict.index("<ctc_blank>") if "<ctc_blank>" in tgt_dict.indices else tgt_dict.bos() ) if "<sep>" in tgt_dict.indices: self.silence = tgt_dict.index("<sep>") elif "|" in tgt_dict.indices: self.silence = tgt_dict.index("|") else: self.silence = tgt_dict.eos() self.asg_transitions = None def generate(self, models, sample, **unused): """Generate a batch of inferences.""" # model.forward normally channels prev_output_tokens into the decoder # separately, but SequenceGenerator directly calls model.encoder encoder_input = { k: v for k, v in sample["net_input"].items() if k != "prev_output_tokens" } emissions = self.get_emissions(models, encoder_input) return self.decode(emissions) def get_emissions(self, models, encoder_input): """Run encoder and normalize emissions""" model = models[0] encoder_out = model(**encoder_input) if hasattr(model, "get_logits"): emissions = model.get_logits(encoder_out) # no need to normalize emissions else: emissions = model.get_normalized_probs(encoder_out, log_probs=True) return emissions.transpose(0, 1).float().cpu().contiguous() def get_tokens(self, idxs): """Normalize tokens by handling CTC blank, ASG replabels, etc.""" idxs = (g[0] for g in it.groupby(idxs)) idxs = filter(lambda x: x != self.blank, idxs) return torch.LongTensor(list(idxs)) class W2lViterbiDecoder(W2lDecoder): def __init__(self, args, tgt_dict): super().__init__(args, tgt_dict) def decode(self, emissions): B, T, N = emissions.size() hypos = [] if self.asg_transitions is None: transitions = torch.FloatTensor(N, N).zero_() else: transitions = torch.FloatTensor(self.asg_transitions).view(N, N) viterbi_path = torch.IntTensor(B, T) workspace = torch.ByteTensor(CpuViterbiPath.get_workspace_size(B, T, N)) CpuViterbiPath.compute( B, T, N, get_data_ptr_as_bytes(emissions), get_data_ptr_as_bytes(transitions), get_data_ptr_as_bytes(viterbi_path), get_data_ptr_as_bytes(workspace), ) return [ [{"tokens": self.get_tokens(viterbi_path[b].tolist()), "score": 0}] for b in range(B) ] class W2lKenLMDecoder(W2lDecoder): def __init__(self, args, tgt_dict): super().__init__(args, tgt_dict) self.unit_lm = getattr(args, "unit_lm", False) if args.lexicon: self.lexicon = load_words(args.lexicon) self.word_dict = create_word_dict(self.lexicon) self.unk_word = self.word_dict.get_index("<unk>") self.lm = KenLM(args.kenlm_model, self.word_dict) self.trie = Trie(self.vocab_size, self.silence) start_state = self.lm.start(False) for i, (word, spellings) in enumerate(self.lexicon.items()): word_idx = self.word_dict.get_index(word) _, score = self.lm.score(start_state, word_idx) for spelling in spellings: spelling_idxs = [tgt_dict.index(token) for token in spelling] assert ( tgt_dict.unk() not in spelling_idxs ), f"{spelling} {spelling_idxs}" self.trie.insert(spelling_idxs, word_idx, score) self.trie.smear(SmearingMode.MAX) self.decoder_opts = LexiconDecoderOptions( beam_size=args.beam, beam_size_token=int(getattr(args, "beam_size_token", len(tgt_dict))), beam_threshold=args.beam_threshold, lm_weight=args.lm_weight, word_score=args.word_score, unk_score=args.unk_weight, sil_score=args.sil_weight, log_add=False, criterion_type=self.criterion_type, ) if self.asg_transitions is None: N = 768 # self.asg_transitions = torch.FloatTensor(N, N).zero_() self.asg_transitions = [] self.decoder = LexiconDecoder( self.decoder_opts, self.trie, self.lm, self.silence, self.blank, self.unk_word, self.asg_transitions, self.unit_lm, ) else: assert args.unit_lm, "lexicon free decoding can only be done with a unit language model" from flashlight.lib.text.decoder import LexiconFreeDecoder, LexiconFreeDecoderOptions d = {w: [[w]] for w in tgt_dict.symbols} self.word_dict = create_word_dict(d) self.lm = KenLM(args.kenlm_model, self.word_dict) self.decoder_opts = LexiconFreeDecoderOptions( beam_size=args.beam, beam_size_token=int(getattr(args, "beam_size_token", len(tgt_dict))), beam_threshold=args.beam_threshold, lm_weight=args.lm_weight, sil_score=args.sil_weight, log_add=False, criterion_type=self.criterion_type, ) self.decoder = LexiconFreeDecoder( self.decoder_opts, self.lm, self.silence, self.blank, [] ) def get_timesteps(self, token_idxs: List[int]) -> List[int]: """Returns frame numbers corresponding to every non-blank token. Parameters ---------- token_idxs : List[int] IDs of decoded tokens. Returns ------- List[int] Frame numbers corresponding to every non-blank token. """ timesteps = [] for i, token_idx in enumerate(token_idxs): if token_idx == self.blank: continue if i == 0 or token_idx != token_idxs[i-1]: timesteps.append(i) return timesteps def decode(self, emissions): B, T, N = emissions.size() hypos = [] for b in range(B): emissions_ptr = emissions.data_ptr() + 4 * b * emissions.stride(0) results = self.decoder.decode(emissions_ptr, T, N) nbest_results = results[: self.nbest] hypos.append( [ { "tokens": self.get_tokens(result.tokens), "score": result.score, "timesteps": self.get_timesteps(result.tokens), "words": [ self.word_dict.get_entry(x) for x in result.words if x >= 0 ], } for result in nbest_results ] ) return hypos FairseqLMState = namedtuple("FairseqLMState", ["prefix", "incremental_state", "probs"]) class FairseqLM(LM): def __init__(self, dictionary, model): LM.__init__(self) self.dictionary = dictionary self.model = model self.unk = self.dictionary.unk() self.save_incremental = False # this currently does not work properly self.max_cache = 20_000 model.cuda() model.eval() model.make_generation_fast_() self.states = {} self.stateq = deque() def start(self, start_with_nothing): state = LMState() prefix = torch.LongTensor([[self.dictionary.eos()]]) incremental_state = {} if self.save_incremental else None with torch.no_grad(): res = self.model(prefix.cuda(), incremental_state=incremental_state) probs = self.model.get_normalized_probs(res, log_probs=True, sample=None) if incremental_state is not None: incremental_state = apply_to_sample(lambda x: x.cpu(), incremental_state) self.states[state] = FairseqLMState( prefix.numpy(), incremental_state, probs[0, -1].cpu().numpy() ) self.stateq.append(state) return state def score(self, state: LMState, token_index: int, no_cache: bool = False): """ Evaluate language model based on the current lm state and new word Parameters: ----------- state: current lm state token_index: index of the word (can be lexicon index then you should store inside LM the mapping between indices of lexicon and lm, or lm index of a word) Returns: -------- (LMState, float): pair of (new state, score for the current word) """ curr_state = self.states[state] def trim_cache(targ_size): while len(self.stateq) > targ_size: rem_k = self.stateq.popleft() rem_st = self.states[rem_k] rem_st = FairseqLMState(rem_st.prefix, None, None) self.states[rem_k] = rem_st if curr_state.probs is None: new_incremental_state = ( curr_state.incremental_state.copy() if curr_state.incremental_state is not None else None ) with torch.no_grad(): if new_incremental_state is not None: new_incremental_state = apply_to_sample( lambda x: x.cuda(), new_incremental_state ) elif self.save_incremental: new_incremental_state = {} res = self.model( torch.from_numpy(curr_state.prefix).cuda(), incremental_state=new_incremental_state, ) probs = self.model.get_normalized_probs( res, log_probs=True, sample=None ) if new_incremental_state is not None: new_incremental_state = apply_to_sample( lambda x: x.cpu(), new_incremental_state ) curr_state = FairseqLMState( curr_state.prefix, new_incremental_state, probs[0, -1].cpu().numpy() ) if not no_cache: self.states[state] = curr_state self.stateq.append(state) score = curr_state.probs[token_index].item() trim_cache(self.max_cache) outstate = state.child(token_index) if outstate not in self.states and not no_cache: prefix = np.concatenate( [curr_state.prefix, torch.LongTensor([[token_index]])], -1 ) incr_state = curr_state.incremental_state self.states[outstate] = FairseqLMState(prefix, incr_state, None) if token_index == self.unk: score = float("-inf") return outstate, score def finish(self, state: LMState): """ Evaluate eos for language model based on the current lm state Returns: -------- (LMState, float): pair of (new state, score for the current word) """ return self.score(state, self.dictionary.eos()) def empty_cache(self): self.states = {} self.stateq = deque() gc.collect() class W2lFairseqLMDecoder(W2lDecoder): def __init__(self, args, tgt_dict): super().__init__(args, tgt_dict) self.unit_lm = getattr(args, "unit_lm", False) self.lexicon = load_words(args.lexicon) if args.lexicon else None self.idx_to_wrd = {} checkpoint = torch.load(args.kenlm_model, map_location="cpu") if "cfg" in checkpoint and checkpoint["cfg"] is not None: lm_args = checkpoint["cfg"] else: lm_args = convert_namespace_to_omegaconf(checkpoint["args"]) with open_dict(lm_args.task): lm_args.task.data = osp.dirname(args.kenlm_model) task = tasks.setup_task(lm_args.task) model = task.build_model(lm_args.model) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model"], strict=False) self.trie = Trie(self.vocab_size, self.silence) self.word_dict = task.dictionary self.unk_word = self.word_dict.unk() self.lm = FairseqLM(self.word_dict, model) if self.lexicon: start_state = self.lm.start(False) for i, (word, spellings) in enumerate(self.lexicon.items()): if self.unit_lm: word_idx = i self.idx_to_wrd[i] = word score = 0 else: word_idx = self.word_dict.index(word) _, score = self.lm.score(start_state, word_idx, no_cache=True) for spelling in spellings: spelling_idxs = [tgt_dict.index(token) for token in spelling] assert ( tgt_dict.unk() not in spelling_idxs ), f"{spelling} {spelling_idxs}" self.trie.insert(spelling_idxs, word_idx, score) self.trie.smear(SmearingMode.MAX) self.decoder_opts = LexiconDecoderOptions( beam_size=args.beam, beam_size_token=int(getattr(args, "beam_size_token", len(tgt_dict))), beam_threshold=args.beam_threshold, lm_weight=args.lm_weight, word_score=args.word_score, unk_score=args.unk_weight, sil_score=args.sil_weight, log_add=False, criterion_type=self.criterion_type, ) self.decoder = LexiconDecoder( self.decoder_opts, self.trie, self.lm, self.silence, self.blank, self.unk_word, [], self.unit_lm, ) else: assert args.unit_lm, "lexicon free decoding can only be done with a unit language model" from flashlight.lib.text.decoder import LexiconFreeDecoder, LexiconFreeDecoderOptions d = {w: [[w]] for w in tgt_dict.symbols} self.word_dict = create_word_dict(d) self.lm = KenLM(args.kenlm_model, self.word_dict) self.decoder_opts = LexiconFreeDecoderOptions( beam_size=args.beam, beam_size_token=int(getattr(args, "beam_size_token", len(tgt_dict))), beam_threshold=args.beam_threshold, lm_weight=args.lm_weight, sil_score=args.sil_weight, log_add=False, criterion_type=self.criterion_type, ) self.decoder = LexiconFreeDecoder( self.decoder_opts, self.lm, self.silence, self.blank, [] ) def decode(self, emissions): B, T, N = emissions.size() hypos = [] def idx_to_word(idx): if self.unit_lm: return self.idx_to_wrd[idx] else: return self.word_dict[idx] def make_hypo(result): hypo = {"tokens": self.get_tokens(result.tokens), "score": result.score} if self.lexicon: hypo["words"] = [idx_to_word(x) for x in result.words if x >= 0] return hypo for b in range(B): emissions_ptr = emissions.data_ptr() + 4 * b * emissions.stride(0) results = self.decoder.decode(emissions_ptr, T, N) nbest_results = results[: self.nbest] hypos.append([make_hypo(result) for result in nbest_results]) self.lm.empty_cache() return hypos