import os import json # import torch # import clip from PIL import Image # import sng_parser from tqdm import tqdm import codecs import numpy as np import csv import sys from io import BytesIO import base64 import pickle from random import shuffle import ast # uniq-id, image (base64 string), caption, question, answer, #ground-truth objects (objects appearing in the caption or question), #dataset name (source of the data) and task type (caption, qa or visual gronunding). # import subprocess from multiprocessing import Pool # import shutil try: from psutil import cpu_count except: from multiprocessing import cpu_count from functools import partial def remove_special(input_string): final_string = "" for character in input_string: if character == " ": final_string = final_string + character else: if(character.isalnum()): final_string = final_string + character return final_string def convert_img_to_str(file_name): img = # path to file img_buffer = BytesIO(), format=img.format) byte_data = img_buffer.getvalue() base64_str = base64.b64encode(byte_data) # bytes base64_str = base64_str.decode("utf-8") # str return base64_str def add_new_tsv(original_tsv_path, new_tsv, output_path): tsv = [] with open(original_tsv_path) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t') for line in tqdm(tsv_file): tsv.append(line) start_id = len(tsv)+1 print(start_id) for d in tqdm(new_tsv): d[0] = d[0] + start_id tsv.append(d) shuffle(tsv) with open(output_path, 'w', newline='') as f_output: csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter='\t') for t in tqdm(tsv): csv_output.writerow(t) return tsv def get_tsv_caption_data_from_json(original_data, start_id, dataset_name, task_type, convert_images=True): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): caption = remove_special(d['caption']) img_path = d['image'] if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path t = [start_id, img, caption, '','', '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 return tsv_data def get_tsv_caption_data_from_video_json(original_data, start_id, dataset_name, task_type, convert_images=True, prefix=None): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): caption = remove_special(d['caption']) if prefix is not None: img_path = os.path.join(prefix, d['video']) if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path t = [start_id, img, caption, '','', '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 return tsv_data def get_tsv_vqa_data_from_json(original_data, start_id, dataset_name, task_type, image_root=None, convert_images=True): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): question = remove_special(d['question']) img_path = d['image'] if 'COCO_' in img_path: img_path = os.path.join('coco/', img_path) if image_root is not None: img_path = os.path.join(image_root, img_path) if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path answers = set(d['answer']) answer_weight = {} for ans in answers: ans = remove_special(ans) if ans in answer_weight.keys(): answer_weight[ans] += 1/len(answers) else: answer_weight[ans] = 1/len(answers) ans_ = ["{:.1f}".format(conf)+'|!+'+ans for ans, conf in answer_weight.items()] ans_ = '&&'.join(ans_) t = [start_id, img, '', question, ans_, '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_vqa_synth_data_from_json(original_data, start_id, dataset_name, task_type, image_root=None, convert_images=True, data_type='all'): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): if data_type == 'manual' and 'manual' in d['dataset']: pass elif data_type == 'auto' and 'manual' not in d['dataset']: pass elif data_type == 'all': pass else: continue question = remove_special(d['question']) img_path = d['image'] if 'COCO_' in img_path: img_path = os.path.join('coco/', img_path) if image_root is not None: img_path = os.path.join(image_root, img_path) if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path answers = set(d['answer']) answer_weight = {} for ans in answers: ans = remove_special(ans) if ans in answer_weight.keys(): answer_weight[ans] += 1/len(answers) else: answer_weight[ans] = 1/len(answers) ans_ = ["{:.1f}".format(conf)+'|!+'+ans for ans, conf in answer_weight.items()] ans_ = '&&'.join(ans_) t = [start_id, img, '', question, ans_, '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_from_vg_grounding(regions, data, start_id, dataset_name='visual_genome', task_type='visual_grounding', convert_images=True, split='train', thresh=16384): original_data = json.load(open(regions,'r')) image_data = json.load(open(data,'r')) id_2_imagepath = {} for d in tqdm(image_data): id_ = int(d['image'].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) id_2_imagepath[id_] = d['image'] tsv_data = [] for d in tqdm(original_data): img_path = id_2_imagepath[d['id']] if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path for reg in d['regions']: width = reg['width'] height = reg['height'] x = reg['x'] y = reg['y'] area = width*height if area < thresh: x1, y1, x2, y2 = x, y, x + width, y + height # top left, bottom right box = '{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2) sentence = remove_special(reg['phrase']) t = [start_id, img, sentence, '', box, '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_from_refcoco(ref_path, instances_path, start_id, dataset_name='refcoco_train', task_type='visual_grounding', convert_images=True, split='train'): refs = pickle.load(open(ref_path, 'rb')) instances = json.load(open(instances_path,'r')) id_to_annot = {} for annot in tqdm(instances['annotations']): id_to_annot[annot['id']] = annot id_to_images = {} for annot in tqdm(instances['images']): id_to_images[annot['id']] = annot tsv_data = [] for ref in tqdm(refs): ref_split = ref['split'] if ref_split == split: image_id = ref['image_id'] file_name = id_to_images[ref['image_id']]['file_name'] if ref_split == 'train': file_name = os.path.join('coco/train2014', file_name) if convert_images: img_path = os.path.join('/data/mshukor/data/', file_name) img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = file_name.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path ann_id = ref['ann_id'] annot = id_to_annot[ann_id] bbox = annot['bbox'] # x,y,w,h bottom left x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3] # top left, bottom right box = '{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2) for sent in ref['sentences']: sentence = remove_special(sent['sent']) # [id, image, 'third book starting from left', '', '29.1,11.72,66.81,343.41', '', 'refcoco_train', 'visual_grounding'] t = [start_id, img, sentence, '', box, '', dataset_name, task_type] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_data_from_jsons(datasets, start_id, task_types, image_root=None, convert_images=True): tsvs = [] for (original_data_path, task_type) in zip(datasets, task_types): print(task_type) if task_type == 'caption': dataset_name = original_data_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print(dataset_name,'start_id:', start_id) original_data = json.load(open(original_data_path,'r')) tsvs += get_tsv_caption_data_from_json(original_data=original_data, start_id=start_id, dataset_name=dataset_name, task_type=task_type, convert_images=convert_images) elif task_type == 'qa': dataset_name = original_data_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] print(dataset_name,'start_id:', start_id) original_data = json.load(open(original_data_path,'r')) tsvs += get_tsv_vqa_data_from_json(original_data=original_data, start_id=start_id, dataset_name=dataset_name, task_type=task_type, image_root=image_root, convert_images=convert_images) elif task_type == 'visual_grounding': dataset_name = original_data_path[0].split('/')[-2].replace('+', '')+'_train' print(dataset_name,'start_id:', start_id) if dataset_name == 'refcoco_train': tsvs += get_tsv_from_refcoco(original_data_path[0], original_data_path[1], start_id, dataset_name=dataset_name, task_type=task_type, convert_images=convert_images, split='train') elif task_type == 'detection': dataset_name = original_data_path[0] if dataset_name == 'vg': tsvs+= get_tsv_from_vg_detection(original_data_path[1], original_data_path[2], start_id, convert_images=convert_images, split='train') elif dataset_name == 'coco': tsvs+= get_tsv_from_coco_detection(original_data_path[1], start_id, convert_images=convert_images, split='train') else: raise start_id = tsvs[-1][0] + 1 shuffle(tsvs) return tsvs def create_imagenet_txt_files(path_data, output_path, dataset='imagenet'): data = [] # start_id = 0 for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(path_data): for d in tqdm(dirs): dir_path = os.path.join(root, d) for _, _, dir_files in os.walk(dir_path): for f in dir_files: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) if dataset == 'imagenet21k': file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-3:]) elif dataset == 'openimages': file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) elif dataset == 'yfcc': file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-5:]) elif dataset == 'imagenet': file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-5:]) else: file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) image_id = f.split('.')[0] tmp = [image_id, file_path] data.append(tmp) # start_id+=1 with open(output_path, 'w', newline='') as f_output: csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter='\t') for t in tqdm(data): csv_output.writerow(t) def get_tsv_from_vg_detection(instances_path, path_images, start_id, convert_images=True, split='train'): print('start id:', start_id) instances = json.load(open(instances_path,'r')) id_to_objects = {} for d in instances: id_to_objects[d['id']] = d id_to_image_path = {} for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(path_images): for d in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, d) for _, _, dir_files in os.walk(dir_path): for f in dir_files: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) image_id = f.split('.')[0] id_to_image_path[image_id] = file_path tsv_data = [] missied = [] for ref in tqdm(id_to_image_path.keys()): ref_split = split image_id = ref file_name = id_to_image_path[image_id] if convert_images: img_path = os.path.join('/data/mshukor/data/', file_name) img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = file_name.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path if int(image_id) in id_to_objects: objects = id_to_objects[int(image_id)]['objects'] else: missied.append(image_id) continue if len(objects) == 0: missied.append(image_id) continue areas = [] detections = [] for annot in objects: x,y,w,h = annot['x'], annot['y'], annot['w'], annot['h'] # x,y,w,h bottom left area = w*h x1, y1, x2, y2 = x, y, x + w, y + h # top left, bottom right x1 = max(0, x1) x2 = max(0, x2) category = ','.join(remove_special(annot['names'])).replace('\x00','') object_id = annot['id'] tmp = '{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{},{}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2, object_id, category) detections.append(tmp) areas.append(area) sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(areas)), key=lambda k: areas[k], reverse=True) detections = [detections[k] for k in sorted_indices] detections = '&&'.join(detections) t = [start_id, img, detections] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 print('missed images:', len(missied)) shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_from_coco_detection(instances_path, start_id, convert_images=True, split='train'): print('start id:', start_id) instances = json.load(open(instances_path,'r')) imgid_to_annot = {} for annot in tqdm(instances['annotations']): if annot['image_id'] not in imgid_to_annot: imgid_to_annot[annot['image_id']] = [annot] else: imgid_to_annot[annot['image_id']].append(annot) id_to_category = {} for annot in tqdm(instances['categories']): id_to_category[annot['id']] = annot['name'] tsv_data = [] missied = [] for ref in tqdm(instances['images']): ref_split = split image_id = ref['id'] file_name = ref['file_name'] if ref_split == 'train': file_name = os.path.join('coco/train2014', file_name) if convert_images: img_path = os.path.join('/data/mshukor/data/', file_name) img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = file_name.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path # ann_id = ref['id'] # annot = id_to_annot[ann_id] if image_id not in imgid_to_annot: missied.append(image_id) continue annots = imgid_to_annot[image_id] detections = [] areas = [] for annot in annots: bbox = annot['bbox'] # x,y,w,h bottom left area = bbox[2]*bbox[3] x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0] + bbox[2], bbox[1] + bbox[3] # top left, bottom right # box = '{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2) object_id = annot['category_id'] category = remove_special(id_to_category[object_id]) tmp = '{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{},{}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2, object_id, category) areas.append(area) detections.append(tmp) sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(areas)), key=lambda k: areas[k], reverse=True) detections = [detections[k] for k in sorted_indices] detections = '&&'.join(detections) t = [start_id, img, detections] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def imagepath_to_image_size(img_path, dir_path): img_path = os.path.join(dir_path, img_path) w, h = # imageid_to_meta_dict[img_path] = [w, h] return w, h, img_path def save_imageid_to_meta_dict(path_images, output_path, mp=False, num_workers=1): id_to_image_path = {} for file in os.listdir(path_images): file_path = os.path.join(path_images, file) file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) image_id = file.split('.')[0] id_to_image_path[image_id] = file imageid_to_meta_dict = {} if mp: iterable = list(id_to_image_path.values()) mp_func = partial(imagepath_to_image_size, dir_path=path_images,) num_cores = cpu_count() num_workers = num_workers print(f"Begin with {num_cores}-core logical processor, {num_workers} workers") with Pool(num_workers) as pool, tqdm(total=len(iterable), desc="running") as pbar: for idx, res in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(mp_func, iterable, chunksize=32)): w, h, img_path = res imageid_to_meta_dict[img_path] = [w, h] pbar.update(1) else: for k, p in tqdm(id_to_image_path.items()): w, h, img_path = imagepath_to_image_size(path_images, p) imageid_to_meta_dict[img_path] = [w, h] print(len(imageid_to_meta_dict)) with open(output_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(imageid_to_meta_dict, f) return imageid_to_meta_dict def get_tsv_from_openimages_detection(instances_path, path_images, class_path, start_id, convert_images=False, split='train', image_root='/gpfsdswork/dataset', image_meta=None): id_to_image_path = {} # for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(path_images): # for d in dirs: # dir_path = os.path.join(root, d) # print(dir_path) # for _, _, dir_files in os.walk(dir_path): # for f in dir_files: # print(f) # file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f) # file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) # image_id = f.split('.')[0] # id_to_image_path[image_id] = file_path for file in os.listdir(path_images): file_path = os.path.join(path_images, file) file_path = '/'.join(file_path.split('/')[-4:]) image_id = file.split('.')[0] id_to_image_path[image_id] = file def imagepath_to_image_size(img_path): w, h = return w, h id_to_annot = {} with open(instances_path) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t') for i, line in tqdm(enumerate(tsv_file)): if i == 0: continue # skip header img_id = line[0].split(',')[0] if img_id in id_to_annot: id_to_annot[img_id].append(line) else: id_to_annot[img_id] = [line] classid_to_class = {} with open(class_path) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',') for i, line in tqdm(enumerate(tsv_file)): classid_to_class[line[0]] = line[1] if image_meta is not None: image_size = json.load(open(image_meta, 'r')) else: image_size = None tsv_data = [] for i, img_id in tqdm(enumerate(id_to_annot.keys())): annots = id_to_annot[img_id] if img_id in id_to_image_path: img_path = id_to_image_path[img_id] orig_img_path = os.path.join(path_images, img_path) save_img_path = os.path.join(image_root, img_path) if image_size is None: w, h = imagepath_to_image_size(orig_img_path) else: w, h = image_size[orig_img_path] if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(orig_img_path) else: img = save_img_path areas = [] detections = [] for d in annots: d = d[0].split(',') x1, x2, y1, y2 = d[4:8] x1, x2, y1, y2 = float(x1), float(x2), float(y1), float(y2) x1, x2, y1, y2 = x1*w, x2*w, y1*h, y2*h box_w, box_h = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 area = box_w*box_h areas.append(area) object_id = d[2] category = remove_special(classid_to_class[object_id]) tmp = '{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{:.3f},{},{}'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2, object_id, category) detections.append(tmp) sorted_indices = sorted(range(len(areas)), key=lambda k: areas[k], reverse=True) detections = [detections[k] for k in sorted_indices] detections = '&&'.join(detections) t = [start_id, img, detections] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def replace_image_id_by_path(input_tsv, output_tsv, mapping_file): selected_cols='0,1,2' data = [] selected_col_ids = [int(col_id) for col_id in selected_cols.split(",")] with open(input_tsv) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t') for line in tqdm(tsv_file): d = [line[i] for i in selected_col_ids] data.append(d) im_id_to_path = {} with open(mapping_file) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader(file, delimiter='\t') for line in tqdm(tsv_file): d = [line[i] for i in [0, 1]] im_id_to_path[d[0]] = d[1] for d in tqdm(data): im_id = d[1].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] im_path = im_id_to_path[im_id] d[1] = im_path with open(output_tsv, 'w', newline='') as f_output: csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter='\t') for t in tqdm(data): csv_output.writerow(t) return data ####3 video def get_tsv_msrvtt_vqa_data_from_json(original_data, start_id, image_root=None, convert_images=False): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): question = remove_special(d['question'])+'?' img_path = d['video'] img_id = img_path.split('.')[0] if image_root is not None: img_path = os.path.join(image_root, img_path) if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path answer = remove_special(d['answer']) conf = 1.0 ans = "{:.1f}".format(conf)+'|!+'+answer t = [start_id, img_id, question, ans, '', img] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data def get_tsv_msrvtt_caption_data_from_json(original_data, start_id, image_root=None, convert_images=False): tsv_data = [] for i, d in tqdm(enumerate(original_data)): caption = d['caption'] if isinstance(caption, list): cs = [remove_special(c) for c in caption] caption = '&&'.join(cs) else: caption = remove_special(caption) img_path = d['video'] img_id = img_path.split('.')[0] if image_root is not None: img_path = os.path.join(image_root, img_path) if convert_images: img = convert_img_to_str(img_path) else: img_path = img_path.replace('/data/mshukor/data/', '') img = img_path t = [start_id, img_id, caption, '', img] tsv_data.append(t) start_id+=1 shuffle(tsv_data) return tsv_data ######3 Pile def get_tsv_from_piletext_data(path, output_path, start_id=0, num_max_characters=2500, dataset_names=None, keepspecial=False): print("consider only", dataset_names) tsv = [] failed = 0 with open(output_path, 'w', newline='') as f_output: csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter='\t') with open(path, "rb") as f: for d in tqdm(f): d_str = d.decode("UTF-8") d_dict = ast.literal_eval(d_str) data_name = d_dict['meta']['pile_set_name'] text = d_dict['text'][:num_max_characters] if dataset_names is not None and data_name in dataset_names: text = text.replace('\t', ' ').replace("\n", ' ').replace('\"', '') if not keepspecial: text = remove_special(text) item = [start_id, text] try: csv_output.writerow(item) except: # (UnicodeEncodeError,SyntaxError) failed+=1 continue start_id+=1 tsv.append(item) print("len", len(tsv), "failed", failed) return tsv def save_pile_tsvs(path, output_path, dataset_names, dir_names=None, keepspecial=False, num_max_characters=1500, prefix=''): print('prepare:', dir_names) for filename in os.listdir(path): if dir_names is not None and filename in dir_names: input_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if 'jsonl' in filename: output_file_name = filename.split('.')[0]+prefix+'_pile.tsv' output_file_name = os.path.join(output_path, output_file_name) print("creating:", output_file_name, "from", input_path) tsv = get_tsv_from_piletext_data(input_path, output_file_name, start_id=0, num_max_characters=num_max_characters, dataset_names=dataset_names, keepspecial=keepspecial) return tsv def add_pile_tsvs(path, output_path='pile_all.tsv', key='pile.tsv'): start_id = 0 with open(output_path, 'w', newline='') as f_output: csv_output = csv.writer(f_output, delimiter='\t') for filename in os.listdir(path): input_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if key in filename: with open(input_path) as file: tsv_file = csv.reader((line.replace('\0','') for line in file), delimiter='\t') for line in tqdm(tsv_file): line[0] = start_id csv_output.writerow(line) start_id+=1 print('start id', line[0]) # return tsv