# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
"""bn helper."""
import itertools
import torch
def compute_and_update_bn_stats(model, data_loader, num_batches=200):
Compute and update the batch norm stats to make it more precise. During
training both bn stats and the weight are changing after every iteration,
so the bn can not precisely reflect the latest stats of the current model.
Here the bn stats is recomputed without change of weights, to make the
running mean and running var more precise.
model (model): the model using to compute and update the bn stats.
data_loader (dataloader): dataloader using to provide inputs.
num_batches (int): running iterations using to compute the stats.
# Prepares all the bn layers.
bn_layers = [
for m in model.modules()
if any(
isinstance(m, bn_type)
for bn_type in (
# In order to make the running stats only reflect the current batch, the
# momentum is disabled.
# bn.running_mean = (1 - momentum) * bn.running_mean + momentum * batch_mean
# Setting the momentum to 1.0 to compute the stats without momentum.
momentum_actual = [bn.momentum for bn in bn_layers]
for bn in bn_layers:
bn.momentum = 1.0
# Calculates the running iterations for precise stats computation.
running_mean = [torch.zeros_like(bn.running_mean) for bn in bn_layers]
running_square_mean = [torch.zeros_like(bn.running_var) for bn in bn_layers]
for ind, (inputs, _, _) in enumerate(
itertools.islice(data_loader, num_batches)
# Forwards the model to update the bn stats.
if isinstance(inputs, (list,)):
for i in range(len(inputs)):
inputs[i] = inputs[i].float().cuda(non_blocking=True)
inputs = inputs.cuda(non_blocking=True)
for i, bn in enumerate(bn_layers):
# Accumulates the bn stats.
running_mean[i] += (bn.running_mean - running_mean[i]) / (ind + 1)
# $E(x^2) = Var(x) + E(x)^2$.
cur_square_mean = bn.running_var + bn.running_mean ** 2
running_square_mean[i] += (
cur_square_mean - running_square_mean[i]
) / (ind + 1)
for i, bn in enumerate(bn_layers):
bn.running_mean = running_mean[i]
# Var(x) = $E(x^2) - E(x)^2$.
bn.running_var = running_square_mean[i] - bn.running_mean ** 2
# Sets the precise bn stats.
bn.momentum = momentum_actual[i]