import streamlit as st
from utils.uploadAndExample import add_upload

####################################### Dashboard ######################################################

# App 

st.set_page_config(page_title = 'Vulnerable Groups Identification', 
                   initial_sidebar_state='expanded', layout="wide") 

with st.sidebar:
    # upload and example doc
    choice = = 'Select the Document',
                            help = 'You can upload the document \
                            or else you can try a example document', 
                            options = ('Upload Document', 'Try Example'), 
                            horizontal = True)

with st.container():
        st.markdown("<h2 style='text-align: center; color: black;'> Vulnerable Groups Identification </h2>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
        st.write(' ')

with st.expander("ℹ️ - About this app", expanded=False):
        The Vulnerable Groups Identification App is an open-source\
        digital tool which aims to assist policy analysts and \
        other users in extracting and filtering relevant \
        information from public documents.

            - **Place holder**: Place holder \
            Place holder \
            Place holder \
            Place holder \ 
            Place holder
    #c1, c2, c3 =  st.columns([12,1,10])
    #with c1:
        #image ='docStore/img/flow.jpg') 
    #with c3:
            #What Happens in background?

#st.title("Identify references to vulnerable groups.")

#st.write("""Vulnerable groups encompass various communities and individuals who are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change
#due to their socioeconomic status, geographical location, or inherent characteristics. By incorporating the needs and perspectives of these groups 
#into national climate policies, governments can ensure equitable outcomes, promote social justice, and strive to build resilience within the most marginalized populations, 
#fostering a more sustainable and inclusive society as we navigate the challenges posed by climate change.This app allows you to identify whether a text contains any 
#references to vulnerable groups, for example when talking about policy documents.""")

# Document upload
#uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your file here")

# Create text input box
#input_text = st.text_area(label='Please enter your text here', value="This policy has been implemented to support women.")

#st.write('Prediction:', model(input_text))

######################################### Model #########################################################

# Load the model
#model = SetFitModel.from_pretrained("leavoigt/vulnerable_groups")

# Define the classes
#id2label = {
 #   0: 'Agricultural communities',
 #   1: 'Children and Youth',
 #   2: 'Coastal communities',
 #   3: 'Drought-prone regions',
 #   4: 'Economically disadvantaged communities',
 #   5: 'Elderly population',
 #   6: 'Ethnic minorities and indigenous people',
 #   7: 'Informal sector workers',
 #   8: 'Migrants and Refugees',
 #   9: 'Other',
 #   10: 'People with Disabilities',
 #   11: 'Rural populations',
 #   12: 'Sexual minorities (LGBTQI+)',
 #   13: 'Urban populations',
 #   14: 'Women'}

### Process document to paragraphs 
# Source:

# Store uploaded file temporarily in directory to get file path (necessary for processing)
# def save_uploadedfile(upl_file):
#      with open(os.path.join("tempDir",,"wb") as f:
#          f.write(upl_file.getbuffer())
#      return st.success("Saved File:{} to tempDir".format(

# if uploaded_file is not None: 
#     # Save the file 
#     file_details = {"FileName":, "FileType": uploaded_file.type}
#     save_uploadedfile(uploaded_file)

#     #Get the file path