Runtime error
Runtime error
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from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision.utils import save_image
import streamlit as st
from medical_diffusion.models import BasicModel
from medical_diffusion.utils.train_utils import EMAModel
from medical_diffusion.utils.math_utils import kl_gaussians
class DiffusionPipeline(BasicModel):
def __init__(self,
estimator_objective = 'x_T', # 'x_T' or 'x_0'
classifier_free_guidance_dropout=0.5, # Probability to drop condition during training, has only an effect for label-conditioned training
num_samples = 4,
do_input_centering = True, # Only for training
clip_x0=True, # Has only an effect during traing if use_self_conditioning=True, import for inference/sampling
use_ema = False,
ema_kwargs = {},
optimizer_kwargs={'lr':1e-4}, # stable-diffusion ~ 1e-4
lr_scheduler= None, # stable-diffusion - LambdaLR
sample_every_n_steps = 1000
# self.save_hyperparameters(ignore=['noise_estimator', 'noise_scheduler'])
super().__init__(optimizer, optimizer_kwargs, lr_scheduler, lr_scheduler_kwargs)
self.loss_fct = loss(**loss_kwargs)
noise_estimator_kwargs['estimate_variance'] = estimate_variance
noise_estimator_kwargs['use_self_conditioning'] = use_self_conditioning
self.noise_scheduler = noise_scheduler(**noise_scheduler_kwargs)
self.noise_estimator = noise_estimator(**noise_estimator_kwargs)
with torch.no_grad():
if latent_embedder is not None:
self.latent_embedder = latent_embedder.load_from_checkpoint(latent_embedder_checkpoint)
for param in self.latent_embedder.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
self.latent_embedder = None
self.estimator_objective = estimator_objective
self.use_self_conditioning = use_self_conditioning
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.classifier_free_guidance_dropout = classifier_free_guidance_dropout
self.do_input_centering = do_input_centering
self.estimate_variance = estimate_variance
self.clip_x0 = clip_x0
self.use_ema = use_ema
if use_ema:
self.ema_model = EMAModel(self.noise_estimator, **ema_kwargs)
def _step(self, batch: dict, batch_idx: int, state: str, step: int, optimizer_idx:int):
results = {}
x_0 = batch['source']
condition = batch.get('target', None)
# Embed into latent space or normalize
if self.latent_embedder is not None:
with torch.no_grad():
x_0 = self.latent_embedder.encode(x_0)
if self.do_input_centering:
x_0 = 2*x_0-1 # [0, 1] -> [-1, 1]
# if self.clip_x0:
# x_0 = torch.clamp(x_0, -1, 1)
# Sample Noise
with torch.no_grad():
# Randomly selecting t [0,T-1] and compute x_t (noisy version of x_0 at t)
x_t, x_T, t = self.noise_scheduler.sample(x_0)
# Use EMA Model
if self.use_ema and (state != 'train'):
noise_estimator = self.ema_model.averaged_model
noise_estimator = self.noise_estimator
# Re-estimate x_T or x_0, self-conditioned on previous estimate
self_cond = None
if self.use_self_conditioning:
with torch.no_grad():
pred, pred_vertical = noise_estimator(x_t, t, condition, None)
if self.estimate_variance:
pred, _ = pred.chunk(2, dim = 1) # Seperate actual prediction and variance estimation
if self.estimator_objective == "x_T": # self condition on x_0
self_cond = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_0(x_t, pred, t=t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
elif self.estimator_objective == "x_0": # self condition on x_T
self_cond = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_T(x_t, pred, t=t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Option estimator_target={self.estimator_objective} not supported.")
# Classifier free guidance
if torch.rand(1)<self.classifier_free_guidance_dropout:
condition = None
# Run Denoise
pred, pred_vertical = noise_estimator(x_t, t, condition, self_cond)
# Separate variance (scale) if it was learned
if self.estimate_variance:
pred, pred_var = pred.chunk(2, dim = 1) # Separate actual prediction and variance estimation
# Specify target
if self.estimator_objective == "x_T":
target = x_T
elif self.estimator_objective == "x_0":
target = x_0
raise NotImplementedError(f"Option estimator_target={self.estimator_objective} not supported.")
# ------------------------- Compute Loss ---------------------------
interpolation_mode = 'area'
loss = 0
weights = [1/2**i for i in range(1+len(pred_vertical))] # horizontal (equal) + vertical (reducing with every step down)
tot_weight = sum(weights)
weights = [w/tot_weight for w in weights]
# ----------------- MSE/L1, ... ----------------------
loss += self.loss_fct(pred, target)*weights[0]
# ----------------- Variance Loss --------------
if self.estimate_variance:
# var_scale = var_scale.clamp(-1, 1) # Should not be necessary
var_scale = (pred_var+1)/2 # Assumed to be in [-1, 1] -> [0, 1]
pred_logvar = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_variance_t(t, x_t.ndim, log=True, var_scale=var_scale)
# pred_logvar = pred_var # If variance is estimated directly
if self.estimator_objective == 'x_T':
pred_x_0 = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_0(x_t, x_T, t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
elif self.estimator_objective == "x_0":
pred_x_0 = pred
raise NotImplementedError()
with torch.no_grad():
pred_mean = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_mean_t(x_t, pred_x_0, t)
true_mean = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_mean_t(x_t, x_0, t)
true_logvar = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_variance_t(t, x_t.ndim, log=True, var_scale=0)
kl_loss = torch.mean(kl_gaussians(true_mean, true_logvar, pred_mean, pred_logvar), dim=list(range(1, x_0.ndim)))
nnl_loss = torch.mean(F.gaussian_nll_loss(pred_x_0, x_0, torch.exp(pred_logvar), reduction='none'), dim=list(range(1, x_0.ndim)))
var_loss = torch.mean(torch.where(t == 0, nnl_loss, kl_loss))
loss += var_loss
results['variance_scale'] = torch.mean(var_scale)
results['variance_loss'] = var_loss
# ----------------------------- Deep Supervision -------------------------
for i, pred_i in enumerate(pred_vertical):
target_i = F.interpolate(target, size=pred_i.shape[2:], mode=interpolation_mode, align_corners=None)
loss += self.loss_fct(pred_i, target_i)*weights[i+1]
results['loss'] = loss
# --------------------- Compute Metrics -------------------------------
with torch.no_grad():
results['L2'] = F.mse_loss(pred, target)
results['L1'] = F.l1_loss(pred, target)
# results['SSIM'] = SSIMMetric(data_range=pred.max()-pred.min(), spatial_dims=source.ndim-2)(pred, target)
# for i, pred_i in enumerate(pred_vertical):
# target_i = F.interpolate(target, size=pred_i.shape[2:], mode=interpolation_mode, align_corners=None)
# results[f'L1_{i}'] = F.l1_loss(pred_i, target_i).detach()
# ----------------- Log Scalars ----------------------
for metric_name, metric_val in results.items():
self.log(f"{state}/{metric_name}", metric_val, batch_size=x_0.shape[0], on_step=True, on_epoch=True)
#------------------ Log Image -----------------------
if self.global_step != 0 and self.global_step % self.sample_every_n_steps == 0:
dataformats = 'NHWC' if x_0.ndim == 5 else 'HWC'
def norm(x):
return (x-x.min())/(x.max()-x.min())
sample_cond = condition[0:self.num_samples] if condition is not None else None
sample_img = self.sample(num_samples=self.num_samples, img_size=x_0.shape[1:], condition=sample_cond).detach()
log_step = self.global_step // self.sample_every_n_steps
# self.logger.experiment.add_images("predict_img", norm(torch.moveaxis(pred[0,-1:], 0,-1)), global_step=self.current_epoch, dataformats=dataformats)
# self.logger.experiment.add_images("target_img", norm(torch.moveaxis(target[0,-1:], 0,-1)), global_step=self.current_epoch, dataformats=dataformats)
# self.logger.experiment.add_images("source_img", norm(torch.moveaxis(x_0[0,-1:], 0,-1)), global_step=log_step, dataformats=dataformats)
# self.logger.experiment.add_images("sample_img", norm(torch.moveaxis(sample_img[0,-1:], 0,-1)), global_step=log_step, dataformats=dataformats)
path_out = Path(self.logger.log_dir)/'images'
path_out.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# for 3D images use depth as batch :[D, C, H, W], never show more than 32 images
def depth2batch(image):
return (image if image.ndim<5 else torch.swapaxes(image[0], 0, 1))
images = depth2batch(sample_img)[:32]
save_image(images, path_out/f'sample_{log_step}.png', normalize=True)
return loss
def forward(self, x_t, t, condition=None, self_cond=None, guidance_scale=1.0, cold_diffusion=False, un_cond=None):
# Note: x_t expected to be in range ~ [-1, 1]
if self.use_ema:
noise_estimator = self.ema_model.averaged_model
noise_estimator = self.noise_estimator
# Concatenate inputs for guided and unguided diffusion as proposed by classifier-free-guidance
if (condition is not None) and (guidance_scale != 1.0):
# Model prediction
pred_uncond, _ = noise_estimator(x_t, t, condition=un_cond, self_cond=self_cond)
pred_cond, _ = noise_estimator(x_t, t, condition=condition, self_cond=self_cond)
pred = pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (pred_cond - pred_uncond)
if self.estimate_variance:
pred_uncond, pred_var_uncond = pred_uncond.chunk(2, dim = 1)
pred_cond, pred_var_cond = pred_cond.chunk(2, dim = 1)
pred_var = pred_var_uncond + guidance_scale * (pred_var_cond - pred_var_uncond)
pred, _ = noise_estimator(x_t, t, condition=condition, self_cond=self_cond)
if self.estimate_variance:
pred, pred_var = pred.chunk(2, dim = 1)
if self.estimate_variance:
pred_var_scale = pred_var/2+0.5 # [-1, 1] -> [0, 1]
pred_var_value = pred_var
pred_var_scale = 0
pred_var_value = None
# pred_var_scale = pred_var_scale.clamp(0, 1)
if self.estimator_objective == 'x_0':
x_t_prior, x_0 = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_t_prior_from_x_0(x_t, t, pred, clip_x0=self.clip_x0, var_scale=pred_var_scale, cold_diffusion=cold_diffusion)
x_T = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_T(x_t, x_0=pred, t=t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
self_cond = x_T
elif self.estimator_objective == 'x_T':
x_t_prior, x_0 = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_t_prior_from_x_T(x_t, t, pred, clip_x0=self.clip_x0, var_scale=pred_var_scale, cold_diffusion=cold_diffusion)
x_T = pred
self_cond = x_0
raise ValueError("Unknown Objective")
return x_t_prior, x_0, x_T, self_cond
def denoise(self, x_t, steps=None, condition=None, use_ddim=True, **kwargs):
self_cond = None
# ---------- run denoise loop ---------------
if use_ddim:
steps = self.noise_scheduler.timesteps if steps is None else steps
timesteps_array = torch.linspace(0, self.noise_scheduler.T-1, steps, dtype=torch.long, device=x_t.device) # [0, 1, 2, ..., T-1] if steps = T
timesteps_array = self.noise_scheduler.timesteps_array[slice(0, steps)] # [0, ...,T-1] (target time not time of x_t)
st_prog_bar = st.progress(0)
for i, t in tqdm(enumerate(reversed(timesteps_array))):
# UNet prediction
x_t, x_0, x_T, self_cond = self(x_t, t.expand(x_t.shape[0]), condition, self_cond=self_cond, **kwargs)
self_cond = self_cond if self.use_self_conditioning else None
if use_ddim and (steps-i-1>0):
t_next = timesteps_array[steps-i-2]
alpha = self.noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod[t]
alpha_next = self.noise_scheduler.alphas_cumprod[t_next]
sigma = kwargs.get('eta', 1) * ((1 - alpha / alpha_next) * (1 - alpha_next) / (1 - alpha)).sqrt()
c = (1 - alpha_next - sigma ** 2).sqrt()
noise = torch.randn_like(x_t)
x_t = x_0 * alpha_next.sqrt() + c * x_T + sigma * noise
# ------ Eventually decode from latent space into image space--------
if self.latent_embedder is not None:
x_t = self.latent_embedder.decode(x_t)
return x_t # Should be x_0 in final step (t=0)
def sample(self, num_samples, img_size, condition=None, **kwargs):
template = torch.zeros((num_samples, *img_size), device=self.device)
x_T = self.noise_scheduler.x_final(template)
x_0 = self.denoise(x_T, condition=condition, **kwargs)
return x_0
def interpolate(self, img1, img2, i = None, condition=None, lam = 0.5, **kwargs):
assert img1.shape == img2.shape, "Image 1 and 2 must have equal shape"
t = self.noise_scheduler.T-1 if i is None else i
t = torch.full(img1.shape[:1], i, device=img1.device)
img1_t = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_t(img1, t=t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
img2_t = self.noise_scheduler.estimate_x_t(img2, t=t, clip_x0=self.clip_x0)
img = (1 - lam) * img1_t + lam * img2_t
img = self.denoise(img, i, condition, **kwargs)
return img
def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.use_ema:
def configure_optimizers(self):
optimizer = self.optimizer(self.noise_estimator.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs)
if self.lr_scheduler is not None:
lr_scheduler = {
'scheduler': self.lr_scheduler(optimizer, **self.lr_scheduler_kwargs),
'interval': 'step',
'frequency': 1
return [optimizer], [lr_scheduler]
return [optimizer] |