from flask import Flask, request, jsonify,send_file, Response from flask_cors import CORS import logging import gc import os from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path import sys import torch from PIL import Image, ImageOps import numpy as np from run.utils_ootd import get_mask_location from run.cloths_db import cloths_map, modeL_db from preprocess.openpose.run_openpose import OpenPose from preprocess.humanparsing.run_parsing import Parsing from ootd.inference_ootd_dc import OOTDiffusionDC PROJECT_ROOT = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1].absolute() sys.path.insert(0, str(PROJECT_ROOT)) #run python garbage collector and nvidia cuda clear memory gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Setup Flask server app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, origins="*") # Enable CORS for the entire app logger = logging.getLogger() openpose_model = OpenPose(0) parsing_model_dc = Parsing(0) ootd_model_dc = OOTDiffusionDC(0) example_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'examples') garment_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'examples','garment')'cuda')'cuda')'cuda')'cuda') category_dict = ['upperbody', 'lowerbody', 'dress'] category_dict_utils = ['upper_body', 'lower_body', 'dresses'] # Ensure this directory exists UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'temp_images' if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_FOLDER): os.makedirs(UPLOAD_FOLDER) def process_dc(vton_img, garm_img, category): model_type = 'dc' # if category == 'Upper-body': # category = 0 # elif category == 'Lower-body': # category = 1 # else: # category = 2 with torch.no_grad(): #'cuda') #'cuda') #'cuda') #'cuda') garm_img ='RGB').resize((768, 1024)) vton_img ='RGB').resize((768, 1024)) keypoints = openpose_model(vton_img.resize((384, 512))) print(len(keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"])) print(keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"]) left_point = keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"][2] right_point = keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"][5] neck_point = keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"][1] hip_point = keypoints["pose_keypoints_2d"][8] print(f'left shoulder - {left_point}') print(f'right shoulder - {right_point}') # #find disctance using Euclidian distance shoulder_width_pixels = round(np.sqrt( np.power((right_point[0]-left_point[0]),2) + np.power((right_point[1]-left_point[1]),2)),2) height_pixels = round(np.sqrt( np.power((neck_point[0]-hip_point[0]),2) + np.power((neck_point[1]-hip_point[1]),2)),2) *2 # # Assuming an average human height average_height_cm = 172.72 *1.5 # Conversion factor from pixels to cm conversion_factor = average_height_cm / height_pixels # Convert shoulder width to real-world units shoulder_width_cm = shoulder_width_pixels * conversion_factor print(f'Shoulder width (in pixels): {shoulder_width_pixels}') print(f'Estimated height (in pixels): {height_pixels}') print(f'Conversion factor (pixels to cm): {conversion_factor}') print(f'Shoulder width (in cm): {shoulder_width_cm}') print(f'Shoulder width (in INCH): {round(shoulder_width_cm/2.54,1)}') model_parse,_ = parsing_model_dc(vton_img.resize((384, 512))) mask, mask_gray = get_mask_location(model_type, category_dict_utils[category], model_parse, keypoints) mask = mask.resize((768, 1024), Image.NEAREST) mask_gray = mask_gray.resize((768, 1024), Image.NEAREST) # Save the resized masks #"mask_resized.png") #"mask_gray_resized.png") masked_vton_img = Image.composite(mask_gray, vton_img, mask) #"masked_vton_img.png") print(f'category is {category}') images = ootd_model_dc( model_type=model_type, category=category_dict[category], image_garm=garm_img, image_vton=masked_vton_img, mask=mask, image_ori=vton_img, num_samples=1, num_steps=10, image_scale= 1.0, seed=-1, ) return images @app.route('/') def root(): try: response_data = {"message": "This is VTR API v1.0"} return jsonify(response_data) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Root endpoint error: {str(e)}") response_data = {"message": "Internal server Error"} return jsonify(response_data), 500 #write Flask api name "generate" with POST method that will input 2 images and return 1 image @app.route('/generate', methods=['POST']) def generate(): """ A Flask route that handles a POST request to the '/generate' endpoint. It expects two files, 'garm_img' and 'vton_img', to be included in the request. The function calls the 'process_dc' function with the provided files and the category 'Upper-body'. It then sends the processed image as a file with the mimetype 'image/png' and returns it to the client. If any exception occurs, the function logs the error and returns a JSON response with a status code of 500. Parameters: None Returns: A Flask response object with the processed image as a file. Raises: None """ # if category == 'Upper-body': # category = 0 # elif category == 'Lower-body': # category = 1 # else: # category = 2 try: garm_img = request.files['garm_img'] vton_img = request.files['vton_img'] category = 0 # Default to Upper-body if not specified # Save the uploaded files garm_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'garm_input.png') vton_path = os.path.join(UPLOAD_FOLDER, 'vton_input.png') # Convert file objects to bytes IO objects # garm_img = BytesIO( # vton_img = BytesIO( output_images = process_dc(garm_img=garm_img, vton_img=vton_img, category=category) if not output_images: return Response("No output image generated", status=500) output_image = output_images[0] # Get the first image # Convert PIL Image to bytes img_byte_arr = BytesIO(), format='PNG') img_byte_arr = img_byte_arr.getvalue() return Response(img_byte_arr, mimetype='image/png') except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {str(e)}") # Log the error return Response(str(e), status=500) if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=5009) # nohup gunicorn -b sentiment_api:app &