title: README
emoji: 🚀
colorFrom: indigo
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
pinned: true
license: agpl-3.0
short_description: Accelerate Molecular Biology Research with Machine Learning
sdk_version: 5.9.0

<p style="text-align: center;">Developed by DanLing on Earth</p>

We are a community of scientists, researchers, engineers, and others from around the world who are working together to push the boundaries of what is possible with Deep Learning.

We are a community of individuals who seek to make Deep Learning more accessible.

We are passionate about Deep Learning and the people who use it.

We are DanLing.

> [Zhiyuan](https://zyc.ai) is looking for PhD opportunities in machine learning and molecular biology. Please feel free to [reach out](mailto:this@zyc.ai) if you have any opportunities or suggestions.