import re import pandas as pd from os import environ import streamlit as st from langchain.vectorstores import MyScale, MyScaleSettings from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings from langchain.retrievers.self_query.base import SelfQueryRetriever from langchain.chains.query_constructor.base import AttributeInfo from langchain.chains import RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain from langchain import OpenAI from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from prompts.arxiv_prompt import combine_prompt_template from callbacks.arxiv_callbacks import ChatDataSearchCallBackHandler, ChatDataAskCallBackHandler from langchain.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate environ['TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM'] = 'true' st.set_page_config(page_title="ChatData") st.header("ChatData") columns = ['title', 'id', 'categories', 'abstract', 'authors', 'pubdate'] def display(dataframe, columns): if len(docs) > 0: st.dataframe(dataframe[columns]) else: st.write("Sorry 😵 we didn't find any articles related to your query.\nPlease use verbs that may match the datatype.", unsafe_allow_html=True) @st.cache_resource def build_retriever(): with st.spinner("Loading Model..."): embeddings = HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings( model_name='hkunlp/instructor-xl', embed_instruction="Represent the question for retrieving supporting scientific papers: ") with st.spinner("Connecting DB..."): myscale_connection = { "host": st.secrets['MYSCALE_HOST'], "port": st.secrets['MYSCALE_PORT'], "username": st.secrets['MYSCALE_USER'], "password": st.secrets['MYSCALE_PASSWORD'], } config = MyScaleSettings(**myscale_connection, table='ChatArXiv', column_map={ "id": "id", "text": "abstract", "vector": "vector", "metadata": "metadata" }) doc_search = MyScale(embeddings, config) with st.spinner("Building Self Query Retriever..."): metadata_field_info = [ AttributeInfo( name="pubdate", description="The year the paper is published", type="timestamp", ), AttributeInfo( name="authors", description="List of author names", type="list[string]", ), AttributeInfo( name="title", description="Title of the paper", type="string", ), AttributeInfo( name="categories", description="arxiv categories to this paper", type="list[string]" ), AttributeInfo( name="length(categories)", description="length of arxiv categories to this paper", type="int" ), ] retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm( OpenAI(openai_api_key=st.secrets['OPENAI_API_KEY'], temperature=0), doc_search, "Scientific papers indexes with abstracts. All in English.", metadata_field_info, use_original_query=False) with st.spinner('Building RetrievalQAWith SourcesChain...'): document_with_metadata_prompt = PromptTemplate( input_variables=["page_content", "id", "title", "authors"], template="Content:\n\tTitle: {title}\n\tAbstract: {page_content}\n\tAuthors: {authors}\nSOURCE: {id}") COMBINE_PROMPT = PromptTemplate( template=combine_prompt_template, input_variables=["summaries", "question"]) chain = RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain.from_llm( llm=ChatOpenAI( openai_api_key=st.secrets['OPENAI_API_KEY'], temperature=0.6), document_prompt=document_with_metadata_prompt, combine_prompt=COMBINE_PROMPT, retriever=retriever, return_source_documents=True,) return [{'name':, 'desc': m.description, 'type': m.type} for m in metadata_field_info], retriever, chain if 'retriever' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['metadata_columns'], \ st.session_state['retriever'], \ st.session_state['chain'] = \ build_retriever()"Chat with 2 milions arxiv papers, powered by [MyScale](", icon="🌟")"We provides you metadata columns below for query. Please choose a natural expression to describe filters on those columns.\n\n" + "For example: \n\n" + "- What is a Bayesian network? Please use articles published later than Feb 2018 and with more than 2 categories and whose title like `computer` and must have `cs.CV` in its category.\n" + "- What is neural network? Please use articles published by Geoffrey Hinton after 2018.\n" + "- Introduce some applications of GANs published around 2019.\n" + "- 请根据 2019 年左右的文章介绍一下 GAN 的应用都有哪些?" + "- Veuillez présenter les applications du GAN sur la base des articles autour de 2019 ?") # or ask questions based on retrieved papers with button `Ask`"You can retrieve papers with button `Query`", icon='💡') st.dataframe(st.session_state.metadata_columns) st.text_input("Ask a question:", key='query') cols = st.columns([1, 1, 7]) cols[0].button("Query", key='search') # cols[1].button("Ask", key='ask') plc_hldr = st.empty() if plc_hldr = st.empty() with plc_hldr.expander('Query Log', expanded=True): call_back = None callback = ChatDataSearchCallBackHandler() try: docs = st.session_state.retriever.get_relevant_documents( st.session_state.query, callbacks=[callback]) callback.progress_bar.progress(value=1.0, text="Done!") docs = pd.DataFrame( [{**d.metadata, 'abstract': d.page_content} for d in docs]) display(docs, columns) except Exception as e: st.write('Oops 😵 Something bad happened...') # raise e if st.session_state.ask: plc_hldr = st.empty() ctx = st.container() with plc_hldr.expander('Chat Log', expanded=True): call_back = None callback = ChatDataAskCallBackHandler() try: ret = st.session_state.chain( st.session_state.query, callbacks=[callback]) callback.progress_bar.progress(value=1.0, text="Done!") st.markdown( f"### Answer from LLM\n{ret['answer']}\n### References") docs = ret['source_documents'] ref = re.findall( '(\d{4}.\d+v\d)', ret['sources']) docs = pd.DataFrame([{**d.metadata, 'abstract': d.page_content} for d in docs if d.metadata['id'] in ref]) display(docs, columns) except Exception as e: st.write('Oops 😵 Something bad happened...') # raise e