yolov5-char / app.py
nakamura196's picture
fix: bug
history blame
1.71 kB
import gradio as gr
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import yolov5
import json
model = yolov5.load("./best.pt")
def yolo(im):
results = model(im) # inference
df = results.pandas().xyxy[0].to_json(orient="records")
res = json.loads(df)
im_with_boxes = results.render()[0] # results.render() returns a list of images
# Convert the numpy array back to an image
output_image = Image.fromarray(im_with_boxes)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
for bb in res:
xmin = bb['xmin']
ymin = bb['ymin']
xmax = bb['xmax']
ymax = bb['ymax']
draw.rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], outline="red", width=3)
return [
inputs = gr.Image(type='pil', label="Original Image")
outputs = [
gr.Image(type="pil", label="Output Image"),
gr.JSON(label="Output JSON"),
gr.Image(type='pil', label="Output Image with Boxes"),
title = "YOLOv5 Character"
description = "YOLOv5 Character Gradio demo for object detection. Upload an image or click an example image to use."
article = "<p style='text-align: center'>YOLOv5 Character is an object detection model trained on the <a href=\"http://codh.rois.ac.jp/char-shape/\">日本古典籍くずし字データセット</a>.</p>"
examples = [
demo = gr.Interface(yolo, inputs, outputs, title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=examples)
demo.css = """
.json-holder {
height: 300px;
overflow: auto;