import streamlit as st | |
from utils import window, get_depths, get_local_maxima, compute_threshold, get_threshold_segments | |
st.write("loading ...") | |
import spacy | |
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') | |
def print_list(lst): | |
for e in lst: | |
st.markdown("- " + e) | |
# Demo start | |
st.subheader("Topic Segmentation Demo") | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("choose a text file", type=["txt"]) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
st.session_state["text"] = uploaded_file.getvalue().decode('utf-8') | |
st.write("OR") | |
input_text = st.text_area( | |
label="Enter text separated by newlines", | |
value="", | |
key="text", | |
height=150 | |
) | |
button=st.button('Get Segments') | |
if (button==True) and input_text != "": | |
# Parse sample document and break it into sentences | |
texts = input_text.split('\n') | |
sents = [] | |
for text in texts: | |
doc = nlp(text) | |
for sent in doc.sents: | |
sents.append(sent) | |
# Select tokens while ignoring punctuations and stopwords, and lowercase them | |
MIN_LENGTH = 3 | |
tokenized_sents = [[token.lemma_.lower() for token in sent if | |
not token.is_stop and not token.is_punct and token.text.strip() and len(token) >= MIN_LENGTH] | |
for sent in sents] | |
st.write("building topic model ...") | |
# Build gensim dictionary and topic model | |
from gensim import corpora, models | |
import numpy as np | |
np.random.seed(123) | |
N_TOPICS = 5 | |
N_PASSES = 5 | |
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(tokenized_sents) | |
bow = [dictionary.doc2bow(sent) for sent in tokenized_sents] | |
topic_model = models.LdaModel(corpus=bow, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=N_TOPICS, passes=N_PASSES) | |
###st.write(topic_model.show_topics()) | |
st.write("inferring topics ...") | |
# Infer topics with minimum threshold | |
THRESHOLD = 0.05 | |
doc_topics = list(topic_model.get_document_topics(bow, minimum_probability=THRESHOLD)) | |
# st.write(doc_topics) | |
# get top k topics for each sentence | |
k = 3 | |
top_k_topics = [[t[0] for t in sorted(sent_topics, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)][:k] | |
for sent_topics in doc_topics] | |
# st.write(top_k_topics) | |
###st.write("apply window") | |
from itertools import chain | |
window_topics = window(top_k_topics, n=WINDOW_SIZE) | |
# assert(len(window_topics) == (len(tokenized_sents) - WINDOW_SIZE + 1)) | |
window_topics = [list(set(chain.from_iterable(window))) for window in window_topics] | |
# Encode topics for similarity computation | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer | |
binarizer = MultiLabelBinarizer(classes=range(N_TOPICS)) | |
encoded_topic = binarizer.fit_transform(window_topics) | |
# Get similarities | |
st.write("generating segments ...") | |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity | |
sims_topic = [cosine_similarity([pair[0]], [pair[1]])[0][0] for pair in zip(encoded_topic, encoded_topic[1:])] | |
# plot | |
# Compute depth scores | |
depths_topic = get_depths(sims_topic) | |
# plot | |
# Get local maxima | |
filtered_topic = get_local_maxima(depths_topic, order=1) | |
# plot | |
###st.write("compute threshold") | |
# Automatic threshold computation | |
# threshold_topic = compute_threshold(depths_topic) | |
threshold_topic = compute_threshold(filtered_topic) | |
# topk_segments = get_topk_segments(filtered_topic, k=5) | |
# Select segments based on threshold | |
threshold_segments_topic = get_threshold_segments(filtered_topic, threshold_topic) | |
# st.write(threshold_topic) | |
###st.write("compute segments") | |
segment_ids = threshold_segments_topic + WINDOW_SIZE | |
segment_ids = [0] + segment_ids.tolist() + [len(sents)] | |
slices = list(zip(segment_ids[:-1], segment_ids[1:])) | |
segmented = [sents[s[0]: s[1]] for s in slices] | |
for segment in segmented[:-1]: | |
print_list([s.text for s in segment]) | |
st.markdown("""---""") | |
print_list([s.text for s in segmented[-1]]) |