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# Copyright 2022-present NAVER Corp.
# CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
# Available only for non-commercial use
from pdb import set_trace as bb
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
import test_singlescale as tss
import core.functional as myF
from tools.viz import dbgfig, show_correspondences
def arg_parser(parser = None):
parser = parser or tss.arg_parser()
parser.add_argument('--rec-overlap', type=float, default=0.5, help='overlap between tiles in [0,0.5]')
parser.add_argument('--rec-score-thr', type=float, default=1, help='corres score threshold to guide fine levels')
parser.add_argument('--rec-fast-thr', type=float, default=0.1, help='prune block if less than `fast` corres fall in it')
return parser
class RecursivePUMP (tss.SingleScalePUMP):
""" Recursive PUMP:
1) find initial correspondences at a coarse scale,
2) refine them at a selection of finer scales
def __init__(self, coarse_size=512, fine_size=512, rec_overlap=0.5, rec_score_thr=1.0,
rec_fast_thr = 0.1, **other_options ):
assert 10 < coarse_size < 1024
assert 10 < fine_size < 1024
assert 0 <= rec_overlap < 1
assert 0 < rec_fast_thr < 1
self.coarse_size = coarse_size
self.fine_size = fine_size
self.overlap = rec_overlap
self.score_thr = rec_score_thr
self.fast_thr = rec_fast_thr
def forward(self, img1, img2, ret='corres', dbg=()):
img1, sca1 = self.demultiplex_img_trf(img1, force=True)
img2, sca2 = self.demultiplex_img_trf(img2, force=True)
input_trfs = (sca1, sca2)
# coarse first level with low-res images
corres = self.coarse_correspondences(img1, img2)
# fine level: iterate on HQ blocks
accu1, accu2 = (self._make_accu(img1), self._make_accu(img2))
for block1, block2 in tqdm(list(self._enumerate_blocks(img1, img2, corres))):
# print(f"img1[{block1[}:{}, {}:{}]"
accus, trfs = tss.SingleScalePUMP.forward(self, block1, block2, ret='raw', dbg=dbg)
self._update_accu( accu1, accus[0], trfs[0][:2,2] )
self._update_accu( accu2, accus[1], trfs[1][:2,2] )
demul = lambda accu: (accu[:,:,:4].reshape(-1,4).clone(), accu[:,:,4].clone())
corres = demul(accu1), demul(accu2)
if dbgfig('corres', dbg): viz_correspondences(img1, img2, *corres, fig='last')
corres = [(myF.affmul(input_trfs,pos),score) for pos, score in corres] # rectify scaling etc.
if ret == 'raw': return corres, input_trfs
return self.reciprocal(*corres)
def coarse_correspondences(self, img1, img2, **kw):
# joint image resize, because relative size is important (multiscale)
shape1, shape2 = img1.shape[-2:], img2.shape[-2:]
if max(shape1 + shape2) > self.coarse_size:
f1 = self.coarse_size / max(shape1)
f2 = self.coarse_size / max(shape2)
f = min(f1, f2)
img1 = myF.imresize( img1, int(0.5+f*max(shape1)) )
img2 = myF.imresize( img2, int(0.5+f*max(shape2)) )
f = 1
init_corres = tss.SingleScalePUMP.forward(self, img1, img2, **kw)
# show_correspondences(img1, img2, init_corres, fig='last')
corres = init_corres[init_corres[:,4] > self.score_thr]
print(f" keeping {len(corres)}/{len(init_corres)} corres with score > {self.score_thr} ...")
return corres
def _update_accu(self, accu, update, offset ):
pos, scores = update
H, W = scores.shape
offx, offy = map(lambda i: int(i/4), offset)
accu = accu[offy:offy+H, offx:offx+W]
better = accu[:,:,4] < scores
accu[:,:,4][better] = scores[better].float()
accu[:,:,0:4][better] = pos.reshape(H,W,4)[better]
def _enumerate_blocks(self, img1, img2, corres):
H1, W1, H2, W2 = img1.shape[1:] + img2.shape[1:]
size, step = self.fine_size, int(self.overlap * self.fine_size)
def regular_steps(size):
if size <= self.fine_size: return [0]
nb = int(np.ceil(size / step)) - 1 # garranted >= 1
return (np.linspace(0, size-self.fine_size, nb) / 4 + 0.5).astype(int) * 4
def translation(x,y):
res = torch.eye(3, device=img1.device)
res[0,2] = x
res[1,2] = y
return res
def block2(x2,y2):
return img2[:,y2:y2+size,x2:x2+size], translation(x2,y2)
cx1, cy1 = corres[:,0:2].T
for y1 in regular_steps(H1):
for x1 in regular_steps(W1):
block1 = (img1[:,y1:y1+size,x1:x1+size], translation(x1,y1))
c2 = corres[(y1<=cy1) & (cy1<y1+size) & (x1<=cx1) & (cx1<x1+size)]
nb_init = len(c2)
while len(c2):
cx2, cy2 = c2[:,2:4].T
x2, y2 = (int(max(0,min(W2-size,cx2.median()-size//2)) / 4 + 0.5) * 4,
int(max(0,min(H2-size,cy2.median()-size//2)) / 4 + 0.5) * 4)
inside = (y2<=cy2) & (cy2<y2+size) & (x2<=cx2) & (cx2<x2+size)
if not inside.any():
x2, y2 = c2[np.random.choice(len(c2)),2:4]
x2 = int(max(0,min(W2-size,x2-size//2)) / 4 + 0.5) * 4
y2 = int(max(0,min(H2-size,y2-size//2)) / 4 + 0.5) * 4
inside = (y2<=cy2) & (cy2<y2+size) & (x2<=cx2) & (cx2<x2+size)
if inside.sum()/nb_init >= self.fast_thr:
yield block1, block2(x2,y2)
c2 = c2[~inside] # remove
def _make_accu(self, img):
C, H, W = img.shape
return img.new_zeros(((H+3)//4, (W+3)//4, 5), dtype=torch.float32)
class Main (tss.Main):
def build_matcher(args, device):
# set coarse and fine size based on now obsolete --resize argument
if isinstance(args.resize, int): args.resize = [args.resize]
if len(args.resize) == 1: args.resize *= 2
args.rec_coarse_size, args.rec_fine_size = args.resize
args.resize = 0 # disable it so that image loading does not downsize images
options = Main.get_options( args )
matcher = RecursivePUMP( coarse_size=args.rec_coarse_size, fine_size=args.rec_fine_size,
rec_overlap=args.rec_overlap, rec_score_thr=args.rec_score_thr, rec_fast_thr=args.rec_fast_thr,
return tss.Main.tune_matcher(matcher, **vars(args) ).to(device)
if __name__ == '__main__':