import json | |
import os | |
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta | |
from dateutil import parser as dateparser | |
import meilisearch | |
from fasthtml.common import * | |
from markdown import markdown | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler | |
from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger | |
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager | |
from constants import MeilisearchIndexFields | |
from update import process_webhook, update_webhooks | |
loaded = load_dotenv("./.env", override=True) | |
print("Loaded .env file:", loaded) | |
MS_URL = os.getenv("MS_URL") | |
MS_SEARCH_KEY = os.getenv("MS_SEARCH_KEY") | |
ms_client = meilisearch.Client(MS_URL, MS_SEARCH_KEY) | |
css_content = open("styles.css").read() | |
async def lifespan(app): | |
# Setup | |
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() | |
scheduler.add_job(update_webhooks, CronTrigger.from_crontab("0 */3 * * *")) | |
scheduler.start() | |
yield | |
# Cleanup | |
scheduler.shutdown() | |
# If running locally, don't use the lifespan | |
if os.getenv("SPACE_ID") is None: | |
lifespan = None | |
app, rt = fast_app(hdrs=(Style(css_content),), lifespan=lifespan) | |
md_exts = "codehilite", "smarty", "extra", "sane_lists" | |
def Markdown(s, exts=md_exts, **kw): | |
return Div(NotStr(markdown(s, extensions=exts)), **kw) | |
scroll_script = Script( | |
""" | |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { | |
var scrollButton = document.getElementById('scroll-top-btn'); | |
window.onscroll = function() { | |
if (document.body.scrollTop > 20 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) { | | = "block"; | |
} else { | | = "none"; | |
} | |
}; | |
scrollButton.onclick = function() { | |
document.body.scrollTop = 0; // For Safari | |
document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; // For Chrome, Firefox, IE and Opera | |
}; | |
}); | |
""" | |
) | |
def date_range_inputs(start_date, end_date): | |
return Div( | |
Div( | |
Label("Start date", for_="start_date"), | |
Input( | |
type="date", | |
name="start_date", | |
value=start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), | |
title="Start date", | |
), | |
cls="date-input", | |
), | |
Div( | |
Label("End date", for_="end_date"), | |
Input( | |
type="date", | |
name="end_date", | |
value=end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), | |
title="End date", | |
), | |
cls="date-input", | |
), | |
cls="date-range", | |
) | |
def search_form(start_date, end_date): | |
return Form( | |
Input(type="text", name="query", placeholder="Enter search query"), | |
date_range_inputs(start_date, end_date), | |
Button("Search", type="submit"), | |
hx_post="/search", | |
hx_target="#search-results", | |
hx_trigger="submit", | |
id="search-form", | |
) | |
def iso_to_unix_timestamp(iso_string): | |
dt = dateparser.isoparse(iso_string) | |
return int(dt.timestamp()) | |
def unix_timestamp_to_nice_format(timestamp): | |
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=timezone.utc) | |
return dt.strftime("%b %d, %Y at %H:%M UTC") | |
def make_query(query, start_date, end_date, page=1, limit=10): | |
twenty_three_hours_59_minutes_59_seconds_in_seconds = (23 * 60 + 59) * 60 + 59 | |
after_timestamp = iso_to_unix_timestamp(start_date) | |
before_timestamp = ( | |
iso_to_unix_timestamp(end_date) | |
+ twenty_three_hours_59_minutes_59_seconds_in_seconds | |
) | |
options = { | |
"limit": limit, | |
"offset": (page - 1) * limit, | |
"filter": f"{MeilisearchIndexFields.UPDATED_AT.value} >= {after_timestamp} AND {MeilisearchIndexFields.UPDATED_AT.value} < {before_timestamp}", | |
"attributesToCrop": [MeilisearchIndexFields.CONTENT.value], | |
"cropLength": 30, | |
"attributesToHighlight": [ | |
MeilisearchIndexFields.CONTENT.value, | |
MeilisearchIndexFields.TITLE.value, | |
], | |
"highlightPreTag": '<span class="highlight">', | |
"highlightPostTag": "</span>", | |
"distinct": MeilisearchIndexFields.URL.value, | |
} | |
return ms_client.index(MeilisearchIndexFields.INDEX_NAME.value).search( | |
query=query, opt_params=options | |
) | |
def search_results(query, start_date, end_date, page=1): | |
raw_results = make_query(query, start_date, end_date, page) | |
return Div( | |
make_results_bar(raw_results), | |
Div(*[make_card(r) for r in raw_results["hits"]]), | |
make_pagination(page, raw_results["estimatedTotalHits"]), | |
id="search-results", | |
) | |
def make_results_bar(results): | |
processing_time = results["processingTimeMs"] | |
estimated_hits = results["estimatedTotalHits"] | |
return Div( | |
Div(f"Processing time: {processing_time}ms"), | |
Div(f"Estimated total hits: {estimated_hits}"), | |
cls="results-bar", | |
) | |
def make_card(result): | |
result = result["_formatted"] | |
url = result[MeilisearchIndexFields.URL.value] | |
date = unix_timestamp_to_nice_format( | |
int(result[MeilisearchIndexFields.UPDATED_AT.value]) | |
) | |
return Div( | |
Div( | |
Strong(NotStr(result[MeilisearchIndexFields.TITLE.value])), | |
P(NotStr(result[MeilisearchIndexFields.CONTENT.value]), cls="comment-text"), | |
Div(Span(date)), | |
A(url, href=url, target="_blank"), | |
), | |
cls="card-item", | |
) | |
def make_pagination(current_page, total_hits, limit=10): | |
total_pages = -(-total_hits // limit) # Ceiling division | |
children = [] | |
if current_page > 1: | |
children.append( | |
Button( | |
"Previous", | |
hx_post=f"/search?page={current_page-1}", | |
hx_target="#search-results", | |
hx_include="[name='query'], [name='start_date'], [name='end_date']", | |
) | |
) | |
children.append(Span(f"Page {current_page} of {total_pages}")) | |
if current_page < total_pages: | |
children.append( | |
Button( | |
"Next", | |
hx_post=f"/search?page={current_page+1}", | |
hx_target="#search-results", | |
hx_include="[name='query'], [name='start_date'], [name='end_date']", | |
) | |
) | |
return Div(*children, cls="pagination") | |
scroll_button = Button( | |
"Scroll to Top", | |
id="scroll-top-btn", | |
style=""" | |
position: fixed; | |
bottom: 20px; | |
right: 20px; | |
display: none; | |
background-color: #007bff; | |
color: white; | |
border: none; | |
border-radius: 5px; | |
padding: 10px 15px; | |
cursor: pointer; | |
""", | |
) | |
def get(): | |
end_date = | |
start_date = end_date - timedelta(days=7) | |
return Titled( | |
"HF Discussion Search", | |
Div( | |
search_form(start_date, end_date), | |
Div(id="search-results"), | |
scroll_button, | |
scroll_script, | |
cls="container", | |
), | |
) | |
def post(query: str, start_date: str, end_date: str, page: int = 1): | |
return search_results(query, start_date, end_date, page) | |
async def hf_webhook(request): | |
return await process_webhook(request) | |
serve() | |