#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
""" | |
@author : Romain Graux | |
@date : 2023 May 16, 16:18:43 | |
@last modified : 2023 August 07, 11:54:19 | |
""" | |
from typing import List, Tuple | |
from PIL import Image | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
from tempfile import mktemp | |
import matplotlib | |
import numpy as np | |
import os | |
import seaborn as sns | |
from logger import logger | |
matplotlib.use("agg") | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from scipy.stats import rayleigh | |
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors | |
def segment_image(filename, alpha=5): | |
# Get a random image png file | |
filename = filename.replace(" ", "\ ") | |
png_img = mktemp(suffix=".png") | |
segmented_img = mktemp(suffix=".png") | |
logger.debug(f"Segmenting image {filename}...") | |
logger.debug(f"Saving image to {png_img}...") | |
logger.debug(f"Saving segmented image to {segmented_img}...") | |
try: | |
# Segment with image magic in the terminal | |
ret = os.system(f"convert {filename} {png_img}") | |
if ret != 0: | |
raise RuntimeError(f"PNG conversion failed with return code {ret}") | |
ret = os.system( | |
f"convert {png_img} -alpha on -fill none -fuzz {alpha}% -draw 'color 0,0 replace' {segmented_img}" | |
) | |
if ret != 0: | |
raise RuntimeError(f"Segmentation failed with return code {ret}") | |
# Load the image | |
img = | |
# Get mask from image | |
mask = np.array(img) == 0 | |
finally: | |
# Delete the temporary files | |
if os.path.exists(png_img): | |
os.remove(png_img) | |
if os.path.exists(segmented_img): | |
os.remove(segmented_img) | |
return mask | |
condition = lambda x: x < 0.23 | |
def knn(coords: List[Tuple[int, int]], scale: float, factor: float, edge: float): | |
coords = np.array(coords) # B, 2 | |
x, y = coords.T * scale | |
print(f"edge: {edge}, scale: {scale}, factor: {factor}, edge*scale: {edge*scale}") | |
# edge = edge * scale | |
data = np.c_[x, y] | |
neighbors = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2, algorithm="ball_tree").fit(data) | |
distances = neighbors.kneighbors(data)[0][:, 1] | |
# loc, scale =, floc=0) | |
# r_KNN = scale * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.0) | |
lamda_RNN = len(x) / (edge * edge * factor) | |
r_RNN = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(lamda_RNN)) | |
n_samples = len(distances) | |
n_multimers = sum(condition(x) for x in distances) | |
percentage_multimers = 100.0 * n_multimers / n_samples | |
density = n_samples / (factor * edge**2) | |
min_dist = min(distances) | |
μ_dist = np.mean(distances) | |
return { | |
"n_samples": { | |
"description": "Number of atoms detected (units = #atoms)", | |
"value": n_samples, | |
}, | |
"number of atoms in multimers": { | |
"description": "Number of atoms detected to belong to a multimer (units = #atoms)", | |
"value": n_multimers, | |
}, | |
"share of multimers": { | |
"description": "Percentage of atoms that belong to a multimer (units = %)", | |
"value": percentage_multimers, | |
}, | |
"density": { | |
"description": "Number of atoms / area in the micrograph (units = #atoms/nm²)", | |
"value": density, | |
}, | |
"min_dist": { | |
"description": "Lowest first nearest neighbour distance detected (units = nm)", | |
"value": min_dist, | |
}, | |
"<NND>": { | |
"description": "Mean first nearest neighbour distance (units = nm)", | |
"value": μ_dist, | |
}, | |
"r_RNN": { | |
"description": "First neighbour distance expected from a purely random distribution (units = nm)", | |
"value": r_RNN, | |
}, | |
"distances": distances, | |
} | |
from bokeh.plotting import figure | |
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool | |
from bokeh.plotting import figure | |
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
color_palette = sns.color_palette("Set3")[2:] | |
def bokeh_plot_knn(distances, with_cumulative=False): | |
""" | |
Plot the KNN distances for the different images with the possibility to zoom in and out and toggle the lines | |
""" | |
p = figure(title="K=1 NN distances", background_fill_color="#fafafa") | |
p.xaxis.axis_label = "Distances (nm)" | |
p.yaxis.axis_label = "Density" | |
p.x_range.start = 0 | |
if with_cumulative: | |
cum_dists = defaultdict(list) | |
for _, dists in distances: | |
for specie, dist in dists.items(): | |
cum_dists[specie].extend(dist) | |
cum_dists = {specie: np.array(dist) for specie, dist in cum_dists.items()} | |
distances.append(("Cumulative", cum_dists)) | |
plot_dict = defaultdict(dict) | |
base_colors = color_palette | |
for (image_name, species_distances), base_color in zip(distances, base_colors): | |
palette = ( | |
sns.light_palette( | |
base_color, n_colors=len(species_distances) + 1, reverse=True | |
)[1::-1] | |
if len(species_distances) > 1 | |
else [base_color] | |
) | |
colors = [ | |
f"#{int(255*r):02x}{int(255*g):02x}{int(255*b):02x}" for r, g, b in palette | |
] | |
for (specie, dists), color in zip(species_distances.items(), colors): | |
kde = gaussian_kde(dists) | |
# Reduce smoothing | |
kde.set_bandwidth(bw_method=0.1) | |
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.2 * dists.max(), 100) | |
source = ColumnDataSource( | |
dict( | |
x=x, | |
y=kde(x), | |
species=[specie] * len(x), | |
p_below=[np.mean(dists < 0.22)] * len(x), | |
mean=[np.mean(dists)] * len(x), | |
filename=[image_name] * len(x), | |
) | |
) | |
plot_dict[image_name][specie] = [ | |
p.line( | |
line_width=2, | |
alpha=0.8, | |
legend_label=image_name, | |
line_color=color, | |
source=source, | |
), | |
p.varea( | |
y1="y", | |
y2=0, | |
alpha=0.3, | |
legend_label=image_name, | |
source=source, | |
fill_color=color, | |
), | |
] | |
p.add_tools( | |
HoverTool( | |
show_arrow=False, | |
line_policy="next", | |
tooltips=[ | |
("First NN distances < 0.22nm", "@p_below{0.00%}"), | |
("<NND>", "@mean{0.00} nm"), | |
("species", "@species"), | |
("filename", "@filename"), | |
], | |
) | |
) | |
p.legend.click_policy = "hide" | |
return p | |