#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author : Romain Graux @date : 2023 March 17, 10:56:06 @last modified : 2023 July 18, 10:25:32 """ # Naive import of atomdetection, maybe should make a package out of it from functools import lru_cache import sys if ".." not in sys.path: sys.path.append("..") import os import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image from PIL.Image import Image as PILImage from typing import Union from utils.constants import ModelArgs from utils.paths import MODELS_PATH, DATASET_PATH from atoms_detection.dl_detection import DLDetection from atoms_detection.evaluation import Evaluation from tiff_utils import tiff_to_png LOGS_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "logs") VOID_DS = os.path.join(DATASET_PATH, "void.csv") DET_PATH = os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, "detections") INF_PATH = os.path.join(LOGS_PATH, "inference_cache") from atoms_detection.create_crop_dataset import create_crop from atoms_detection.vae_svi_train import SVItrainer, init_dataloader from atoms_detection.vae_model import rVAE from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture @lru_cache(maxsize=100) def get_vae_model( in_dim: tuple = (21, 21), latent_dim: int = 50, coord: int = 3, seed: int = 42, ): return rVAE(in_dim=in_dim, latent_dim=latent_dim, coord=coord, seed=seed) def multimers_classification( img, coords, likelihood, n_species, latent_dim: int = 50, coord: int = 3, reg_covar: float = 0.0001, seed: int = 42, epochs: int = 20, scale_factor: float = 3.0, batch_size: int = 100, ): def get_crops(img, coords): """Get crops from image and coords""" crops = np.array( [np.array(create_crop(Image.fromarray(img), x, y)) for x, y in coords] ) # TODO : can be optimized if computationally heavy (multithreading) return crops # Get crops to train VAE on crops = get_crops(img, coords) # Initialize VAE rvae = rVAE(in_dim=(21, 21), latent_dim=latent_dim, coord=coord, seed=seed) # Train VAE to reconstruct crops torch_crops = torch.tensor(crops).float() train_loader = init_dataloader(torch_crops, batch_size=batch_size) trainer = SVItrainer(rvae) for e in range(epochs): trainer.step(train_loader, scale_factor=scale_factor) trainer.print_statistics() # Extract latent space (only mean) from VAE z_mean, _ = rvae.encode(torch_crops) # Cluster latent space with GMM gmm = GaussianMixture( n_components=n_species, reg_covar=reg_covar, random_state=seed ) preds = gmm.fit_predict(z_mean) pred_proba = gmm.predict_proba(z_mean) pred_proba = np.array([pred_proba[i, pred] for i, pred in enumerate(preds)]) # To order clusters, signal-to-noise ratio OR median (across crops) of some intensity quality (eg mean top-5% int) cluster_median_values = list() for k in range(n_species): relevant_crops = crops[preds == k] crop_95_percentile = np.percentile(relevant_crops, q=95, axis=0) img_means = [] for crop, q in zip(relevant_crops, crop_95_percentile): if (crop >= q).any(): img_means.append(crop.mean()) cluster_median_value = np.median(np.array(img_means)) cluster_median_values.append(cluster_median_value) # Sort clusters by median value sorted_clusters = sorted( [(mval, c_id) for c_id, mval in enumerate(cluster_median_values)] ) # Return results in a dict with cluster id as key results = {} for _, c_id in sorted_clusters: c_idd = np.array([c_id]) results[c_id] = { "coords": coords[preds == c_idd], "likelihood": likelihood[preds == c_idd], "confidence": pred_proba[preds == c_idd], } return results def inference_fn( architecture: ModelArgs, image: Union[str, PILImage], threshold: float, n_species: int, ): if architecture != ModelArgs.BASICCNN: raise ValueError(f"Architecture {architecture} not supported yet") ckpt_filename = os.path.join( MODELS_PATH, { ModelArgs.BASICCNN: "model_C_NT_CLIP.ckpt", # ModelArgs.BASICCNN: "model_replicate20.ckpt", # ModelArgs.RESNET18 "inference_resnet.ckpt", }[architecture], ) detection = DLDetection( model_name=architecture, ckpt_filename=ckpt_filename, dataset_csv=VOID_DS, threshold=threshold, detections_path=DET_PATH, inference_cache_path=INF_PATH, batch_size=512, ) # Force the image to be in float32 because otherwise it will output wrong results (probably due to the median filter) if type(image) == str: image = Image.open(image) img = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.float32) # if img.max() <= 1: # raise ValueError("Gradio seems to preprocess badly the tiff images. Did you adapt the preprocessing function as mentionned in the app.py file comments?") prepro_img, _, pred_map = detection.image_to_pred_map(img, return_intermediate=True) center_coords_list, likelihood_list = (np.array(x) for x in detection.pred_map_to_atoms(pred_map)) results = ( multimers_classification( img=prepro_img, coords=center_coords_list, likelihood=likelihood_list, n_species=n_species, ) if n_species > 1 else { 0: { "coords": center_coords_list, "likelihood": likelihood_list, "confidence": np.ones(len(center_coords_list)), } } ) for k, v in results.items(): results[k]["atoms_bbs"] = [ Evaluation.center_coords_to_bbox(center_coords) for center_coords in v["coords"] ] return tiff_to_png(image), { "image": tiff_to_png(image), "pred_map": pred_map, "species": results, } if __name__ == "__main__": from utils.paths import IMG_PATH img_path = os.path.join(IMG_PATH, "091_HAADF_15nm_Sample_PtNC_21Oct20.tif") _ = inference_fn(ModelArgs.BASICCNN, Image.open(img_path), 0.8)