#!/usr/bin/env python3 | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
import io | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import contextlib | |
import pandas as pd | |
import streamlit as st | |
from navicat_spock.spock import run_spock_from_args | |
# Add spock directory to system path if not already present | |
spock_dir: str = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/spock" | |
if spock_dir not in sys.path: | |
sys.path.append(spock_dir) | |
# Check if the dataframe contains a target column | |
def check_columns(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: | |
if not any(["target" in col.lower() for col in df.columns]): | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Missing the target column. Please add a column that contains `target` in the name." | |
) | |
# Cache the function to run spock with the provided dataframe and arguments | |
def run_fn(df, *args, **kwargs) -> str: | |
check_columns(df) | |
fig, ax = run_spock_from_args(df, *args, **kwargs) | |
return fig | |
# Mock function for testing purposes | |
def mock_fn(df, *args, **kwargs): | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
check_columns(df) | |
print("WORKING") | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() | |
ax.plot(np.random.rand(10)) | |
return fig | |
# Load data from the uploaded file | |
def load_data(file): | |
accepted_ext = ["csv", "xlsx"] | |
if".")[-1] not in accepted_ext: | |
raise ValueError("Invalid file type. Please upload a CSV or Excel file.") | |
return pd.read_csv(file) if".csv") else pd.read_excel(file) | |
# Context manager to capture stdout with a timestamp | |
def capture_stdout_with_timestamp(): | |
class TimestampedIO(io.StringIO): | |
def write(self, msg): | |
if msg.strip(): # Only add a timestamp if the message is not just a newline | |
timestamped_msg = f"[{}] {msg}" | |
else: | |
timestamped_msg = msg | |
super().write(timestamped_msg) | |
new_stdout = TimestampedIO() | |
old_stdout = sys.stdout | |
sys.stdout = new_stdout | |
try: | |
yield new_stdout | |
finally: | |
sys.stdout = old_stdout | |
# Main function to run the Streamlit app | |
def main(): | |
st.title("Navicat Spock") | |
st.subheader("A tool for generating volcano plots from your data") | |
with st.sidebar: | |
st.header("Settings") | |
wp = st.number_input( | |
"Weighting Power", | |
min_value=0, | |
value=2, | |
help="Weighting power used to adjust the target values", | |
) | |
verb = st.number_input( | |
"Verbosity", | |
min_value=0, | |
max_value=7, | |
value=1, | |
help="Verbosity level (0-7) for the logs", | |
) | |
imputer_strat_dict = { | |
None: "none", | |
"Iterative": "iterative", | |
"Simple": "simple", | |
"KNN": "knn", | |
} | |
imputer_strat_value = st.selectbox( | |
"Imputer Strategy", | |
filter(lambda x: x, list(imputer_strat_dict.keys())), | |
index=None, | |
help="Imputer Strategy used to fill missing values", | |
) | |
imputer_strat = imputer_strat_dict[imputer_strat_value] | |
plotmode = st.number_input( | |
"Plot Mode", | |
min_value=0, | |
max_value=3, | |
value=1, | |
help="Different plot modes", | |
) | |
seed = st.number_input( | |
"Seed", min_value=0, value=None, help="Seed number to fix the random state" | |
) | |
prefit = st.toggle("Prefit", value=False) | |
setcbms = st.toggle("CBMS", value=True) | |
with st.expander("Instructions"): | |
st.markdown( | |
""" | |
1. Upload your data in an Excel or CSV file. | |
2. View and curate your data in the table below. | |
3. Click "Run Plot" to generate your plot. | |
4. View the generated plot and all the associated logs in the respective tabs. | |
""" | |
) | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( | |
"Choose a file", type=["csv", "xlsx"], accept_multiple_files=False | |
) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
try: | |
df = load_data(uploaded_file) | |
st.markdown("### Data") | |
st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) | |
if st.button("Run Plot"): | |
with st.spinner("Generating plot..."): | |
with capture_stdout_with_timestamp() as stdout_io: | |
result = run_fn( | |
df, | |
wp=wp, | |
verb=verb, | |
imputer_strat=imputer_strat, | |
plotmode=plotmode, | |
seed=seed, | |
prefit=prefit, | |
setcbms=setcbms, | |
fig=None, | |
ax=None, | |
) | |
st.markdown("### Result") | |
plot, logs = st.tabs(["Plot", "Logs"]) | |
with plot: | |
st.pyplot(result) | |
with logs: | |
st.code(stdout_io.getvalue(), language="bash") | |
except Exception as e: | |
st.toast(f":red[{e}]", icon="π¨") | |
else: | |
st.write("Please first upload a file to generate the volcano plot.") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |