els_journal / torah.py
neuralworm's picture
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import json
import os
import re
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
from gematria import calculate_gematria
import math
def process_json_files(start, end, step, rounds="1", length=0, tlang="en", strip_spaces=True, strip_in_braces=True,
strip_diacritics=True, translate=False):
Processes Tripitaka JSON files and performs various text manipulations.
- start (int): Start number of the Tripitaka book.
- end (int): End number of the Tripitaka book.
- step (int): Step size for character selection.
- rounds (str): Comma-separated list of round numbers (can include negative values).
- length (int): Maximum length of the result text.
- tlang (str): Target language for translation.
- strip_spaces (bool): Whether to remove spaces from the text.
- strip_in_braces (bool): Whether to remove text within braces.
- strip_diacritics (bool): Whether to remove diacritics from the text.
- translate (bool): Whether to translate the result text.
- list: A list of dictionaries containing processed data or error messages.
base_path = "texts/torah"
translator = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target=tlang)
results = []
for i in range(start, end + 1):
file_name = f"{base_path}/{i:02}.json"
with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
data = json.load(file)
text_blocks = data["text"]
full_text = ""
for block in text_blocks:
full_text += ' '.join(block)
clean_text = full_text
if strip_in_braces:
clean_text = re.sub(r"\[.*?\]", "", clean_text, flags=re.DOTALL)
if strip_diacritics:
clean_text = re.sub(r"[^\u05D0-\u05EA ]+", "", clean_text)
if strip_spaces:
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" ", "")
# Replace multiple spaces with a single space
clean_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', clean_text)
text_length = len(clean_text)
if text_length == 0:
# If after cleaning, there's no text, skip processing
rounds_list = list(map(float, rounds.split(','))) # Allow floats
result_text = ""
for r in rounds_list:
abs_r = abs(r)
# Determine the number of full passes and the remainder.
full_passes = math.floor(abs_r)
remainder = abs_r - full_passes
# Base chars per pass
base_chars = text_length // step
if base_chars == 0:
if abs_r > 1: # Changed from >=1 to >1
# When step > text_length and rounds >1, pick 1 character per full pass
chars_per_full_pass = 1
# No characters to pick
chars_per_full_pass = 0
# For remainder, since base_chars=0, no remainder characters
chars_for_remainder = 0
# Normal case
chars_per_full_pass = base_chars
chars_for_remainder = math.floor(base_chars * remainder) # Partial pass
if r > 0:
current_index = (step - 1) % text_length
direction = 1
current_index = (text_length - step) % text_length
direction = -1
pass_result = ""
# Full passes, we only keep the last pass
for pass_num in range(1, full_passes + 1):
current_pass_chars = ""
for _ in range(chars_per_full_pass):
if chars_per_full_pass == 0:
current_pass_chars += clean_text[current_index]
current_index = (current_index + direction * step) % text_length
# Keep only the last full pass
if pass_num == full_passes:
pass_result = current_pass_chars
# Remainder pass, for fractional rounds
if remainder > 0 and chars_for_remainder > 0:
current_pass_chars = ""
for _ in range(chars_for_remainder):
current_pass_chars += clean_text[current_index]
current_index = (current_index + direction * step) % text_length
pass_result += current_pass_chars
# Handle cases where step > text_length and chars_per_full_pass=1
if base_chars == 0 and chars_per_full_pass == 1 and full_passes > 0:
# Append the last character picked in the full passes
# Since only one character is picked per full pass, pass_result is already set
elif base_chars ==0 and chars_per_full_pass ==0 and full_passes >0:
# When no characters are picked, and rounds >=1, we might want to skip
result_text += pass_result
# Only translate if needed
translated_text = translator.translate(result_text) if (result_text and translate) else ""
if length != 0:
result_text = result_text[:length]
if result_text:
"book": f"Torah {i}.",
"title": data.get("title", "Unknown Title"),
"result_text": result_text,
"result_sum": calculate_gematria(result_text),
"translated_text": translated_text,
"source_language": "iw",
except FileNotFoundError:
results.append({"error": f"File {file_name} not found."})
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
results.append({"error": f"File {file_name} could not be read as JSON: {e}"})
except KeyError as e:
results.append({"error": f"Expected key 'text' is missing in {file_name}: {e}"})
return results if results else None
# Tests
test_results = [
(process_json_files(0, 0, 21, rounds="3", length=0), "ืง"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="1", length=0), "ืช"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="3", length=0), "ืช"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="3", length=0), "ื’"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 11, rounds="1", length=0), "ื›ืช"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 2, rounds="1", length=0), "ื‘ื“ื•ื—ื™ืœื ืขืฆืจืช"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="1", length=0), None), # Expect None, when no results
(process_json_files(0, 0, 23, rounds="-1", length=0), None), # Expect None, when no results
(process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="-1", length=0), "ื"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 22, rounds="-2", length=0), "ื"),
(process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="1,-1", length=0), "ืื‘ื’ื“ื”ื•ื–ื—ื˜ื™ื›ืœืžื ืกืขืคืฆืงืจืฉืชืชืฉืจืงืฆืคืขืกื ืžืœื›ื™ื˜ื—ื–ื•ื”ื“ื’ื‘ื"), # Combined rounds
(process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="-1", length=0), "ืชืฉืจืงืฆืคืขืกื ืžืœื›ื™ื˜ื—ื–ื•ื”ื“ื’ื‘ื"), # Reversed Hebrew alphabet
(process_json_files(0, 0, 1, rounds="-1.5", length=0), "ืชืฉืจืงืฆืคืขืกื ืžืœื›ื™ื˜ื—ื–ื•ื”ื“ื’ื‘ืืชืฉืจืงืฆืคืขืกื ืžืœ"), # Fractional rounds
all_tests_passed = True
for result, expected in test_results:
result_text = result[0]['result_text'] if result else None
if expected is None: # Check if no result is expected
if not result:
logger.warning(f"Test passed: Expected no results, got no results.")
logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected no results, but got: {result_text}")
all_tests_passed = False
# Check if result is not empty before accessing elements
if result:
if result_text == expected:
logger.warning(f"Test passed: Expected '{expected}', got '{result_text}'")
logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected '{expected}', but got '{result_text}'")
all_tests_passed = False
logger.error(f"Test failed: Expected '{expected}', but got no results")
all_tests_passed = False
if all_tests_passed:
logger.info("All round tests passed.")