import numpy as np from PIL import Image from transformation import apply_vector_field_transform import os from os import path def definitions(generator): # The image bulge should be entirly contained within the image. For instance, if we have a radius of 0.5 (the max), the image should be force to be at 0.5 (x and y) locations. radius = generator.random() * 0.5 # radius = generator.normal(loc=0.5, scale=(0.5/4)) # print(f"Radius is {radius}") # strengtH = Generator.random() strength = generator.normal(loc=1, scale=(1/6)) # print(f"Strength is {strength}") smoothness = generator.normal(loc=1, scale=(1/6)) # print(f"Smoothness is {smoothness}") # size = 3 vmin = min([1-radius, radius]) vmax = max([1-radius, radius]) print() print("Radius is {radius}") print("Max and Min positions to calculate mean + std") print(vmin) print(vmax) print() print("Mean and Std Dev") mean = (vmax+vmin) / 2 std = (vmax-vmin) / 4 print(mean) print(std) print() # x = generator.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=(2)) x = np.random.uniform(low=vmin, high=vmax, size=(2)) # print(x) # print(f"({np.random.uniform(vmin, vmax)}, {np.random.uniform(vmin, vmax)})") # print(f"({x[0]}, {x[1]})") return radius, x, strength, smoothness def bulge(x, y): return -np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) if __name__ == "__main__": # Sets the numpy generator rng = np.random.default_rng() os.chdir("data/") os.makedirs("grid", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True) files = os.listdir("grid/") os.chdir("grid/") for _ in files: rad, location, strth, smth = definitions(rng) I = np.asarray( transformed, (gx, gy) = apply_vector_field_transform(I, bulge, rad, location, strth, smth) os.chdir("../output/") result = Image.fromarray(transformed)"{_.title()}.jpg") os.chdir("../grid/")