import dataclasses from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import nltk from nltk.corpus.reader.bracket_parse import BracketParseCorpusReader import torch from .benepar import ptb_unescape from .benepar.parse_base import BaseInputExample from .transliterate import TRANSLITERATIONS @dataclasses.dataclass class ParsingExample(BaseInputExample): """A single parse tree and sentence.""" words: List[str] space_after: List[bool] tree: Optional[nltk.Tree] = None _pos: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None word_tag_pairs: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None def leaves(self): if self.tree is not None: return self.tree.leaves() elif self._pos is not None: return [word for word, tag in self._pos] else: return None def pos(self): if self.tree is not None: return self.tree.pos() else: return self._pos def without_gold_annotations(self): return dataclasses.replace(self, tree=None, _pos=self.pos()) class Treebank( def __init__(self, examples): self.examples = examples def __len__(self): return len(self.examples) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.examples[index] @property def trees(self): return [x.tree for x in self.examples] @property def sents(self): return [x.words for x in self.examples] @property def tagged_sents(self): return [x.pos() for x in self.examples] def filter_by_length(self, max_len): return Treebank([x for x in self.examples if len(x.leaves()) <= max_len]) def without_gold_annotations(self): return Treebank([x.without_gold_annotations() for x in self.examples]) def read_text(text_path): sents = [] sent = [] end_of_multiword = 0 multiword_combined = "" multiword_separate = [] multiword_sp_after = False with open(text_path) as f: for line in f: if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"): if sent: sents.append(([w for w, sp in sent], [sp for w, sp in sent])) sent = [] assert end_of_multiword == 0 continue fields = line.split("\t", 2) num_or_range = fields[0] w = fields[1] if "-" in num_or_range: end_of_multiword = int(num_or_range.split("-")[1]) multiword_combined = w multiword_separate = [] multiword_sp_after = "SpaceAfter=No" not in fields[-1] continue elif int(num_or_range) <= end_of_multiword: multiword_separate.append(w) if int(num_or_range) == end_of_multiword: import tokenizations _, separate_to_combined = tokenizations.get_alignments( multiword_combined, multiword_separate ) have_up_to = 0 for i, char_idxs in enumerate(separate_to_combined): if i == len(multiword_separate) - 1: word = multiword_combined[have_up_to:] sent.append((word, multiword_sp_after)) elif char_idxs: word = multiword_combined[have_up_to : max(char_idxs) + 1] sent.append((word, False)) have_up_to = max(char_idxs) + 1 else: sent.append(("", False)) assert int(num_or_range) == len(sent) end_of_multiword = 0 multiword_combined = "" multiword_separate = [] multiword_sp_after = False continue else: assert int(num_or_range) == len(sent) + 1 sp = "SpaceAfter=No" not in fields[-1] sent.append((w, sp)) return sents def load_trees(const_path, text_path=None, text_processing="default"): """Load a treebank. The standard tree format presents an abstracted view of the raw text, with the assumption that a tokenizer and other early stages of the NLP pipeline have already been run. These can include formatting changes like escaping certain characters (e.g. -LRB-) or transliteration (see e.g. the Arabic and Hebrew SPMRL datasets). Tokens are not always delimited by whitespace, and the raw whitespace in the source text is thrown away in the PTB tree format. Moreover, in some treebanks the leaves of the trees are lemmas/stems rather than word forms. All of this is a mismatch for pre-trained transformer models, which typically do their own tokenization starting with raw unicode strings. A mismatch compared to pre-training often doesn't affect performance if you just want to report F1 scores within the same treebank, but it raises some questions when it comes to releasing a parser for general use: (1) Must the parser be integrated with a tokenizer that matches the treebank convention? In fact, many modern NLP libraries like spaCy train on dependency data that doesn't necessarily use the same tokenization convention as constituency treebanks. (2) Can the parser's pre-trained model be merged with other pre-trained system components (via methods like multi-task learning or adapters), or must it remain its own system because of tokenization mismatches? This tree-loading function aims to build a path towards parsing from raw text by using the `text_path` argument to specify an auxiliary file that can be used to recover the original unicode string for the text. Parser layers above the pre-trained model may still use gold tokenization during training, but this will possibly help make the parser more robust to tokenization mismatches. On the other hand, some benchmarks involve evaluating with gold tokenization, and naively switching to using raw text degrades performance substantially. This can hopefully be addressed by making the parser layers on top of the pre-trained transformers handle tokenization more intelligently, but this is still a work in progress and the option remains to use the data from the tree files with minimal processing controlled by the `text_processing` argument to clean up some escaping or transliteration. Args: const_path: Path to the file with one tree per line. text_path: (optional) Path to a file that provides the correct spelling for all tokens (without any escaping, transliteration, or other mangling) and information about whether there is whitespace after each token. Files in the CoNLL-U format ( are accepted, but the parser also accepts similarly-formatted files with just three fields (ID, FORM, MISC) instead of the usual ten. Text is recovered from the FORM field and any "SpaceAfter=No" annotations in the MISC field. text_processing: Text processing to use if no text_path is specified: - 'default': undo PTB-style escape sequences and attempt to guess whitespace surrounding punctuation - 'arabic': guess that all tokens are separated by spaces - 'arabic-translit': undo Buckwalter transliteration and guess that all tokens are separated by spaces - 'chinese': keep all tokens unchanged (i.e. do not attempt to find any escape sequences), and assume no whitespace between tokens - 'hebrew': guess that all tokens are separated by spaces - 'hebrew-translit': undo transliteration (see Sima'an et al. 2002) and guess that all tokens are separated by spaces Returns: A list of ParsingExample objects, which have the following attributes: - `tree` is an instance of nltk.Tree - `words` is a list of strings - `space_after` is a list of booleans """ reader = BracketParseCorpusReader("", [const_path]) trees = reader.parsed_sents() if text_path is not None: sents = read_text(text_path) elif text_processing in ("arabic-translit", "hebrew-translit"): translit = transliterate.TRANSLITERATIONS[ text_processing.replace("-translit", "") ] sents = [] for tree in trees: words = [translit(word) for word in tree.leaves()] sp_after = [True for _ in words] sents.append((words, sp_after)) elif text_processing in ("arabic", "hebrew"): sents = [] for tree in trees: words = tree.leaves() sp_after = [True for _ in words] sents.append((words, sp_after)) elif text_processing == "chinese": sents = [] for tree in trees: words = tree.leaves() sp_after = [False for _ in words] sents.append((words, sp_after)) elif text_processing == "default": sents = [] for tree in trees: words = ptb_unescape.ptb_unescape(tree.leaves()) sp_after = ptb_unescape.guess_space_after(tree.leaves()) sents.append((words, sp_after)) else: raise ValueError(f"Bad value for text_processing: {text_processing}") assert len(trees) == len(sents) treebank = Treebank( [ ParsingExample(tree=tree, words=words, space_after=space_after) for tree, (words, space_after) in zip(trees, sents) ] ) for example in treebank: assert len(example.words) == len(example.leaves()), ( "Constituency tree has a different number of tokens than the CONLL-U or " "other file used to specify reversible tokenization." ) return treebank def load_text(const_path): """Load the test data from conll file and store each sample in a ParseExample class. Example of input file in conll format: Zum APPRART.Dat.Sg.Neut ersten ADJA.Sup.Dat.Sg.Neut sollen VMFIN.1.Pl.Pres.* wir PPER.1.Nom.Pl.* Lieber ADJA.Pos.Nom.Sg.Masc mensch NN.Nom.Sg.Masc gedenck VVIMP.2.Sg.Imp und KON Args: const_path: Path to the conll file with one (token, tag) pair each line and each sentence separated by a new line '\n'. Returns: A list of ParsingExample objects, which have the following attributes: - `words` is a list of strings - `_pos` is a list of (token, tag) tuples - `space_after` is a list of booleans """ with open(const_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: examples = [] tags, tag_pairs, word_tag_pairs = [], [], [] for line in f.readlines(): if line == '\n': sp_after = ptb_unescape.guess_space_after(tags) examples.append( ParsingExample(words=tags, space_after=sp_after, _pos=tag_pairs, word_tag_pairs=word_tag_pairs)) tags, tag_pairs, word_tag_pairs = [], [], [] else: word, tag = line.strip().split() tags.append(tag) word_tag_pairs.append((word, tag)) tag_pairs.append((tag, tag.split('.')[0])) treebank = Treebank(examples) return treebank def load_single_text(words, tags): """Load the test data from conll file and store each sample in a ParseExample class. Example of input file in conll format: Zum APPRART.Dat.Sg.Neut ersten ADJA.Sup.Dat.Sg.Neut sollen VMFIN.1.Pl.Pres.* wir PPER.1.Nom.Pl.* Lieber ADJA.Pos.Nom.Sg.Masc mensch NN.Nom.Sg.Masc gedenck VVIMP.2.Sg.Imp und KON Args: const_path: Path to the conll file with one (token, tag) pair each line and each sentence separated by a new line '\n'. Returns: A list of ParsingExample objects, which have the following attributes: - `words` is a list of strings - `_pos` is a list of (token, tag) tuples - `space_after` is a list of booleans """ examples = [] tag_pairs, word_tag_pairs = [], [] sp_after = ptb_unescape.guess_space_after(tags) for word, tag in zip(words, tags): word_tag_pairs.append((word, tag)) tag_pairs.append((tag, tag.split('.')[0])) examples.append( ParsingExample(words=tags, space_after=sp_after, _pos=tag_pairs, word_tag_pairs=word_tag_pairs)) treebank = Treebank(examples) return treebank