import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import as px from openai import OpenAI import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import json # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Set page config st.set_page_config( page_title="GPT-4o Calculator & Demo", page_icon="🤖", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed" ) # Custom CSS for dark theme st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Check for API key if 'OPENAI_API_KEY' not in st.session_state: api_key = st.text_input('Enter your OpenAI API key:', type='password') if api_key: st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = api_key st.success('API key saved!') else: st.warning('Please enter your OpenAI API key to continue.') st.stop() # Initialize OpenAI client client = OpenAI(api_key=st.session_state['OPENAI_API_KEY']) # Pricing data pricing_data = { "gpt-4o-audio-preview": { "text_input": 2.50, "text_output": 10.00, "audio_input": 100.00, "audio_output": 200.00, "description": "Full-featured model with highest quality" }, "gpt-4o-mini-audio-preview": { "text_input": 0.150, "text_output": 0.600, "audio_input": 10.000, "audio_output": 20.000, "description": "Cost-effective model for development" } } def chat_completion_to_dict(response): """Convert ChatCompletion object to a dictionary""" if isinstance(response, str): return {"error": response} return { "id":, "choices": [{ "index": choice.index, "message": { "role": choice.message.role, "content": choice.message.content }, "finish_reason": choice.finish_reason } for choice in response.choices], "created": response.created, "model": response.model, "usage": { "prompt_tokens": response.usage.prompt_tokens, "completion_tokens": response.usage.completion_tokens, "total_tokens": response.usage.total_tokens } } def make_api_call(text_input, model="gpt-4o-mini-audio-preview"): """Make actual API call to OpenAI""" try: response = model=model, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": text_input } ] } ], modalities=["text", "audio"], audio={ "voice": "verse", "format": "pcm16" }, response_format={ "type": "text" }, temperature=0, max_completion_tokens=2048 ) return response except Exception as e: return f"Error: {str(e)}" def calculate_cost(model, input_type, duration): """Calculate cost based on input parameters""" pricing = pricing_data[model] if input_type == "Audio": tokens = duration * 1000 # ~1000 tokens per minute of audio input_cost = (tokens * pricing["audio_input"]) / 1000000 output_cost = (tokens * pricing["audio_output"]) / 1000000 else: words = duration * 150 # ~150 words per minute tokens = words * 1.3 # ~1.3 tokens per word input_cost = (tokens * pricing["text_input"]) / 1000000 output_cost = (tokens * pricing["text_output"]) / 1000000 return { "tokens": tokens, "input_cost": input_cost, "output_cost": output_cost, "total": input_cost + output_cost } # Main app st.title("GPT-4o Calculator & Demo 🤖") # Create tabs tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs([ "💰 Cost Calculator", "🎯 Live Demo", "📚 Documentation" ]) # Tab 1: Cost Calculator with tab1: st.header("Cost Calculator") col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) with col1: model = st.selectbox( "Select Model", options=list(pricing_data.keys()), help="Choose the GPT-4o model" ) input_type = "Input Type", options=["Text", "Audio"], horizontal=True, help="Select the type of content you're processing" ) duration = st.number_input( "Duration (minutes)", min_value=0.0, value=1.0, step=0.5, help="Enter the duration of your content" ) costs = calculate_cost(model, input_type, duration) with col2: st.subheader("Cost Breakdown") col_a, col_b = st.columns(2) with col_a: st.metric("Input Cost", f"${costs['input_cost']:.2f}") with col_b: st.metric("Output Cost", f"${costs['output_cost']:.2f}") st.metric("Total Cost", f"${costs['total']:.2f}") # Visualize token usage fig = px.pie( values=[costs['input_cost'], costs['output_cost']], names=['Input Cost', 'Output Cost'], title='Cost Distribution' ) fig.update_layout( paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', font_color='#e2e8f0' ) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Tab 2: Live Demo with tab2: st.header("Live API Demo") demo_text = st.text_input( "Enter your message", value="Hello, how are you today?", help="Enter the text you want to process" ) demo_model = st.selectbox( "Select Model", options=list(pricing_data.keys()), key="demo_model" ) if st.button("Send Message"): with st.spinner("Processing your request..."): response = make_api_call(demo_text, demo_model) st.subheader("API Response") if isinstance(response, str) and response.startswith("Error"): st.error(response) else: # Convert the response to a dictionary before JSON serialization response_dict = chat_completion_to_dict(response) st.code(json.dumps(response_dict, indent=2), language="json") # Calculate cost for this request text_costs = calculate_cost(demo_model, "Text", len(demo_text.split()) / 150)"Cost for this request: ${text_costs['total']:.4f}") # Tab 3: Documentation with tab3: st.header("Documentation") st.subheader("Model Capabilities") st.markdown(""" GPT-4o supports: - Text-to-text conversion - Text-to-audio conversion - Audio-to-text conversion - Audio-to-audio conversion """) st.subheader("Token Usage") token_data = pd.DataFrame([ {"Content Type": "Text", "Token Rate": "~1.3 tokens per word"}, {"Content Type": "Audio", "Token Rate": "~1000 tokens per minute"} ]) st.table(token_data) st.subheader("Pricing Details") for model, prices in pricing_data.items(): with st.expander(model): st.markdown(f""" **Text Processing** - Input: ${prices['text_input']}/1M tokens - Output: ${prices['text_output']}/1M tokens **Audio Processing** - Input: ${prices['audio_input']}/1M tokens - Output: ${prices['audio_output']}/1M tokens """) # Footer st.markdown("---") st.caption("Note: All calculations are estimates. Actual costs may vary based on specific usage patterns.")