from transformers import T5EncoderModel, T5Tokenizer import torch import numpy as np import time import os def generate_embedings(input_seq, output_path=None): # Create directories protT5_path = "ps4_data/data/protT5" # where to store the embeddings per_residue_path = "ps4_data/data/protT5/output/per_residue_embeddings" if output_path is None else output_path for dir_path in [protT5_path, per_residue_path]: __create_dir(dir_path) device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') print("Using {}".format(device)) # Load the encoder part of ProtT5-XL-U50 in half-precision (recommended) model, tokenizer = __get_T5_model(device) # Load fasta. all_seqs = {"0": input_seq} # Compute embeddings and/or secondary structure predictions results = __get_embeddings(model, tokenizer, all_seqs, device) return results def __get_T5_model(device): model = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained("Rostlab/prot_t5_xl_half_uniref50-enc") model = # move model to GPU model = model.eval() # set model to evaluation model tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained('Rostlab/prot_t5_xl_half_uniref50-enc', do_lower_case=False) return model, tokenizer def __save_embeddings(emb_dict,out_path): np.savez_compressed(out_path, **emb_dict) def __get_embeddings(model, tokenizer, seqs, device, per_residue=True, max_residues=4000, max_seq_len=1000, max_batch=100): results = {"residue_embs": dict(), "protein_embs": dict(), "sec_structs": dict() } # sort sequences according to length (reduces unnecessary padding --> speeds up embedding) seq_dict = sorted(seqs.items(), key=lambda kv: len(seqs[kv[0]]), reverse=True) start = time.time() batch = list() for seq_idx, (pdb_id, seq) in enumerate(seq_dict, 1): seq = seq seq_len = len(seq) seq = ' '.join(list(seq)) batch.append((pdb_id, seq, seq_len)) # count residues in current batch and add the last sequence length to # avoid that batches with (n_res_batch > max_residues) get processed n_res_batch = sum([s_len for _, _, s_len in batch]) + seq_len if len(batch) >= max_batch or n_res_batch >= max_residues or seq_idx == len(seq_dict) or seq_len > max_seq_len: pdb_ids, seqs, seq_lens = zip(*batch) batch = list() # add_special_tokens adds extra token at the end of each sequence token_encoding = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(seqs, add_special_tokens=True, padding="longest") input_ids = torch.tensor(token_encoding['input_ids']).to(device) attention_mask = torch.tensor(token_encoding['attention_mask']).to(device) try: with torch.no_grad(): # returns: ( batch-size x max_seq_len_in_minibatch x embedding_dim ) embedding_repr = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask) except RuntimeError: print("RuntimeError during embedding for {} (L={})".format(pdb_id, seq_len)) continue for batch_idx, identifier in enumerate(pdb_ids): # for each protein in the current mini-batch s_len = seq_lens[batch_idx] # slice off padding --> batch-size x seq_len x embedding_dim emb = embedding_repr.last_hidden_state[batch_idx, :s_len] if per_residue: # store per-residue embeddings (Lx1024) results["residue_embs"][identifier] = emb.detach().cpu().squeeze() print("emb_count:", len(results["residue_embs"])) passed_time = time.time() - start avg_time = passed_time / len(results["residue_embs"]) if per_residue else passed_time / len(results["protein_embs"]) print('\n############# EMBEDDING STATS #############') print('Total number of per-residue embeddings: {}'.format(len(results["residue_embs"]))) print("Time for generating embeddings: {:.1f}[m] ({:.3f}[s/protein])".format( passed_time / 60, avg_time)) print('\n############# END #############') return results def __create_dir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)