# Backend - Open LLM Leaderboard 🏆 FastAPI backend for the Open LLM Leaderboard. This service is part of a larger architecture that includes a React frontend. For complete project installation, see the [main README](../README.md). ## ✨ Features - 📊 REST API for LLM models leaderboard management - 🗳️ Voting and ranking system - 🔄 HuggingFace Hub integration - 🚀 Caching and performance optimizations ## 🏗 Architecture ```mermaid flowchart TD Client(["**Frontend**<br><br>React Application"]) --> API["**API Server**<br><br>FastAPI REST Endpoints"] subgraph Backend API --> Core["**Core Layer**<br><br>• Middleware<br>• Cache<br>• Rate Limiting"] Core --> Services["**Services Layer**<br><br>• Business Logic<br>• Data Processing"] subgraph Services Layer Services --> Models["**Model Service**<br><br>• Model Submission<br>• Evaluation Pipeline"] Services --> Votes["**Vote Service**<br><br>• Vote Management<br>• Data Synchronization"] Services --> Board["**Leaderboard Service**<br><br>• Rankings<br>• Performance Metrics"] end Models --> Cache["**Cache Layer**<br><br>• In-Memory Store<br>• Auto Invalidation"] Votes --> Cache Board --> Cache Models --> HF["**HuggingFace Hub**<br><br>• Models Repository<br>• Datasets Access"] Votes --> HF Board --> HF end style Client fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style Models fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style Votes fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style Board fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px style HF fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px ``` ## 🛠️ HuggingFace Datasets The application uses several datasets on the HuggingFace Hub: ### 1. Requests Dataset (`{HF_ORGANIZATION}/requests`) - **Operations**: - 📤 `POST /api/models/submit`: Adds a JSON file for each new model submission - 📥 `GET /api/models/status`: Reads files to get models status - **Format**: One JSON file per model with submission details - **Updates**: On each new model submission ### 2. Votes Dataset (`{HF_ORGANIZATION}/votes`) - **Operations**: - 📤 `POST /api/votes/{model_id}`: Adds a new vote - 📥 `GET /api/votes/model/{provider}/{model}`: Reads model votes - 📥 `GET /api/votes/user/{user_id}`: Reads user votes - **Format**: JSONL with one vote per line - **Sync**: Bidirectional between local cache and Hub ### 3. Contents Dataset (`{HF_ORGANIZATION}/contents`) - **Operations**: - 📥 `GET /api/leaderboard`: Reads raw data - 📥 `GET /api/leaderboard/formatted`: Reads and formats data - **Format**: Main dataset containing all scores and metrics - **Updates**: Automatic after model evaluations ### 4. Maintainers Highlight Dataset (`{HF_ORGANIZATION}/maintainers-highlight`) - **Operations**: - 📥 Read-only access for highlighted models - **Format**: List of models selected by maintainers - **Updates**: Manual by maintainers ## 🛠 Local Development ### Prerequisites - Python 3.9+ - [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation) ### Standalone Installation (without Docker) ```bash # Install dependencies poetry install # Setup configuration cp .env.example .env # Start development server poetry run uvicorn app.asgi:app --host --port 7860 --reload ``` Server will be available at http://localhost:7860 ## ⚙️ Configuration | Variable | Description | Default | | ------------ | ------------------------------------ | ----------- | | ENVIRONMENT | Environment (development/production) | development | | HF_TOKEN | HuggingFace authentication token | - | | PORT | Server port | 7860 | | LOG_LEVEL | Logging level (INFO/DEBUG/WARNING) | INFO | | CORS_ORIGINS | Allowed CORS origins | ["*"] | | CACHE_TTL | Cache Time To Live in seconds | 300 | ## 🔧 Middleware The backend uses several middleware layers for optimal performance and security: - **CORS Middleware**: Handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - **GZIP Middleware**: Compresses responses > 500 bytes - **Rate Limiting**: Prevents API abuse - **Caching**: In-memory caching with automatic invalidation ## 📝 Logging The application uses a structured logging system with: - Formatted console output - Different log levels per component - Request/Response logging - Performance metrics - Error tracking ## 📁 File Structure ``` backend/ ├── app/ # Source code │ ├── api/ # Routes and endpoints │ │ └── endpoints/ # Endpoint handlers │ ├── core/ # Configurations │ ├── services/ # Business logic │ └── utils/ # Utilities └── tests/ # Tests ``` ## 📚 API Swagger documentation available at http://localhost:7860/docs ### Main Endpoints & Data Structures #### Leaderboard - `GET /api/leaderboard/formatted` - Formatted data with computed fields and metadata ```typescript Response { models: [{ id: string, // eval_name model: { name: string, // fullname sha: string, // Model sha precision: string, // e.g. "fp16", "int8" type: string, // e.g. "fined-tuned-on-domain-specific-dataset" weight_type: string, architecture: string, average_score: number, has_chat_template: boolean }, evaluations: { ifeval: { name: "IFEval", value: number, // Raw score normalized_score: number }, bbh: { name: "BBH", value: number, normalized_score: number }, math: { name: "MATH Level 5", value: number, normalized_score: number }, gpqa: { name: "GPQA", value: number, normalized_score: number }, musr: { name: "MUSR", value: number, normalized_score: number }, mmlu_pro: { name: "MMLU-PRO", value: number, normalized_score: number } }, features: { is_not_available_on_hub: boolean, is_merged: boolean, is_moe: boolean, is_flagged: boolean, is_highlighted_by_maintainer: boolean }, metadata: { upload_date: string, submission_date: string, generation: string, base_model: string, hub_license: string, hub_hearts: number, params_billions: number, co2_cost: number // CO₂ cost in kg } }] } ``` - `GET /api/leaderboard` - Raw data from the HuggingFace dataset ```typescript Response { models: [{ eval_name: string, Precision: string, Type: string, "Weight type": string, Architecture: string, Model: string, fullname: string, "Model sha": string, "Average ⬆️": number, "Hub License": string, "Hub ❤️": number, "#Params (B)": number, "Available on the hub": boolean, Not_Merged: boolean, MoE: boolean, Flagged: boolean, "Chat Template": boolean, "CO₂ cost (kg)": number, "IFEval Raw": number, IFEval: number, "BBH Raw": number, BBH: number, "MATH Lvl 5 Raw": number, "MATH Lvl 5": number, "GPQA Raw": number, GPQA: number, "MUSR Raw": number, MUSR: number, "MMLU-PRO Raw": number, "MMLU-PRO": number, "Maintainer's Highlight": boolean, "Upload To Hub Date": string, "Submission Date": string, Generation: string, "Base Model": string }] } ``` #### Models - `GET /api/models/status` - Get all models grouped by status ```typescript Response { pending: [{ name: string, submitter: string, revision: string, wait_time: string, submission_time: string, status: "PENDING" | "EVALUATING" | "FINISHED", precision: string }], evaluating: Array<Model>, finished: Array<Model> } ``` - `GET /api/models/pending` - Get pending models only - `POST /api/models/submit` - Submit model ```typescript Request { user_id: string, model_id: string, base_model?: string, precision?: string, model_type: string } Response { status: string, message: string } ``` - `GET /api/models/{model_id}/status` - Get model status #### Votes - `POST /api/votes/{model_id}` - Vote ```typescript Request { vote_type: "up" | "down", user_id: string // HuggingFace username } Response { success: boolean, message: string } ``` - `GET /api/votes/model/{provider}/{model}` - Get model votes ```typescript Response { total_votes: number, up_votes: number, down_votes: number } ``` - `GET /api/votes/user/{user_id}` - Get user votes ```typescript Response Array<{ model_id: string, vote_type: string, timestamp: string }> ``` ## 🔒 Authentication The backend uses HuggingFace token-based authentication for secure API access. Make sure to: 1. Set your HF_TOKEN in the .env file 2. Include the token in API requests via Bearer authentication 3. Keep your token secure and never commit it to version control ## 🚀 Performance The backend implements several optimizations: - In-memory caching with configurable TTL (Time To Live) - Batch processing for model evaluations - Rate limiting for API endpoints - Efficient database queries with proper indexing - Automatic cache invalidation for votes