if (document.location.search.includes('dark-theme=true')) { document.body.classList.add('dark-theme'); } const load = () => { const l0 = document.createElement('div') const l1 = document.createElement('div') const l2 = document.createElement('div') l0.classList.add('lds-ripple') l0.appendChild(l1) l0.appendChild(l2) return l0 } let charts = []; const createButton = (title, libraries, methods) => { const button = document.createElement('button') button.textContent = title; button.onclick = async () => { document.getElementById('pip-graph').innerHTML = '' document.getElementById('star-graph').innerHTML = '' const e = load() document.body.appendChild(e) const selectedLibraries = libraries.filter(e => document.querySelector(`#${e}Checkbox`).checked); if (charts.length !== 0) { for (const chart of charts) { chart.destroy() } } for (const method of methods()) { charts.push(await method(selectedLibraries)) } document.body.removeChild(e) }; return button; } const initialize = async () => { const inferResponse = await fetch(`initialize`); const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); inferJson.push('Cumulated') // const graphsDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('graphs')[0]; const librarySelector = document.getElementById('library-selector'); const graphSelector = document.getElementById('graph-selector'); const selectorSubmit = document.getElementById('selector-submit'); const introSpan = document.createElement("h3") introSpan.textContent = "Select libraries to display" librarySelector.appendChild(introSpan); const graphSpan = document.createElement("h3") graphSpan.textContent = "Select graphs to display" graphSelector.appendChild(graphSpan); for (const element of inferJson) { const div = document.createElement('div'); const checkBox = document.createElement('input'); checkBox.type = 'checkbox' checkBox.id = `${element}Checkbox`; const checkBoxLabel = document.createElement('label'); const labelSpan = document.createElement('span') if (element == 'Cumulated') labelSpan.textContent = "Cumulated - Only works for pip installs, will crash otherwise." else labelSpan.textContent = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1) checkBoxLabel.appendChild(checkBox) checkBoxLabel.appendChild(labelSpan) div.appendChild(checkBoxLabel) librarySelector.appendChild(div) } for (const element of ['pip', 'stars', 'issues']) { const div = document.createElement('div'); const checkBox = document.createElement('input'); checkBox.type = 'checkbox' checkBox.id = `${element}CheckboxGraph`; const checkBoxLabel = document.createElement('label'); const labelSpan = document.createElement('span') labelSpan.textContent = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1) checkBoxLabel.appendChild(checkBox) checkBoxLabel.appendChild(labelSpan) div.appendChild(checkBoxLabel) graphSelector.appendChild(div) } const fetchButton = createButton('Fetch', inferJson, () => { const graphNames = ['pip', 'stars', 'issues'].filter(e => document.querySelector(`#${e}CheckboxGraph`).checked); const graphs = [] if (graphNames.includes('pip')) graphs.push(retrievePipInstalls) if (graphNames.includes('stars')) graphs.push(retrieveStars) if (graphNames.includes('issues')) graphs.push(retrieveIssues) return graphs }) selectorSubmit.appendChild(fetchButton); }; const retrievePipInstalls = async (libraryNames) => { const inferResponse = await fetch(`retrievePipInstalls?input=${libraryNames}`); const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); const colors = ['Lilac', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Orange', 'Green'] console.log(inferJson) const labels = Array.from(inferJson['day']).map(e => new Date(e)) const datasets = []; for (const element in inferJson) { if (element === 'day') continue const color = colors.pop() datasets.push({ label: element, data: inferJson[element], backgroundColor: color, borderColor: color, tension: 0.01, pointRadius: 1, borderWidth: 2, fill: false }) } const ctx = document.getElementById('pip-graph'); const myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: {labels, datasets}, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true }, x: { type: 'time', } }, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: 'Pip installs' } } } }); return myChart; }; const retrieveStars = async (libraryNames) => { const inferResponse = await fetch(`retrieveStars?input=${libraryNames}`); const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); const colors = ['Lilac', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Orange', 'Green'] const labels = Array.from(inferJson['day']).map(e => new Date(e)) const datasets = []; for (const element in inferJson) { if (element === 'day') continue const color = colors.pop() datasets.push({ label: element, data: inferJson[element], backgroundColor: color, borderColor: color, tension: 0.01, pointRadius: 1, borderWidth: 2, fill: false }) } const ctx = document.getElementById('star-graph'); const myChart = new Chart(ctx, { title: "Stars", type: 'line', data: {labels, datasets}, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true }, x: { type: 'time', } }, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: 'Number of stargazers' } } } }); return myChart; }; const retrieveIssues = async (libraryNames) => { const inferResponse = await fetch(`retrieveIssues?input=${libraryNames}`); const inferJson = await inferResponse.json(); const colors = ['Lilac', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Orange', 'Green'] console.log(inferJson) const labels = Array.from(inferJson['day']).map(e => new Date(e)) const datasets = []; for (const element in inferJson) { if (element === 'day') continue const color = colors.pop() datasets.push({ label: element, data: inferJson[element], backgroundColor: color, borderColor: color, tension: 0.01, pointRadius: 1, borderWidth: 2, fill: false }) } const ctx = document.getElementById('issue-graph'); const myChart = new Chart(ctx, { title: "Issues", type: 'line', data: {labels, datasets}, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true }, x: { type: 'time', } }, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: 'Number of issues, PRs, and comments on these' } } } }); return myChart; }; ( async () => { const e = load() document.body.appendChild(e) await initialize() document.body.removeChild(e) } )();