import os import re print("\n\n" " Bot can search files recursively, but you have to add the list of drives you want to search.\n" " Use the following format: (You can use 'root' in the ID in case you wan to use main drive.)\n" " teamdrive NAME --> anything that you likes\n" " teamdrive ID --> id of teamdrives in which you likes to search ('root' for main drive)\n" " teamdrive INDEX URL --> enter index url for this drive.\n" " go to the respective drive and copy the url from address bar\n") msg = '' if os.path.exists('list_drives.txt'): with open('list_drives.txt', 'r+') as f: lines = if not re.match(r'^\s*$', lines): print(lines) print("\n\n" " DO YOU WISH TO KEEP THE ABOVE DETAILS THAT YOU PREVIOUSLY ADDED???? ENTER (y/n)\n" " IF NOTHING SHOWS ENTER n") while 1: choice = input() if choice in ['y', 'Y']: msg = f'{lines}' break elif choice in ['n', 'N']: break else: print( "\n\n DO YOU WISH TO KEEP THE ABOVE DETAILS ???? y/n <=== this is option ..... OPEN YOUR EYES & READ...") num = int(input(" How Many Drive/Folder You Likes To Add : ")) for count in range(1, num + 1): print(f"\n > DRIVE - {count}\n") name = input(" Enter Drive NAME (anything) : ") id = input(" Enter Drive ID : ") index = input(" Enter Drive INDEX URL (optional) : ") if not name or not id: print("\n\n ERROR : Dont leave the name/id without filling.") exit(1) name = name.replace(" ", "_") if index: if index[-1] == "/": index = index[:-1] else: index = '' msg += f"{name} {id} {index}\n" with open('list_drives.txt', 'w') as file: file.truncate(0) file.write(msg) print("\n\n Done!")