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import streamlit as st
from utils.code_examples import coupling_examples
st.title("Coupling in Software Architecture")
Coupling refers to the degree of interdependence between software modules.
Low coupling is typically a sign of a well-structured computer system and a good design.
st.subheader("Types of Coupling")
1. **Tight Coupling**: Modules are highly dependent on each other.
2. **Loose Coupling**: Modules are relatively independent of each other.
st.subheader("Examples of Coupling")
for i, (title, description, python_code) in enumerate(coupling_examples, 1):
st.markdown(f"### Example {i}: {title}")
# Create tabs for Python and Java examples
python_tab, java_tab = st.tabs(["Python", "Java"])
with python_tab:
st.code(python_code, language="python")
with java_tab:
if title == "Tight Coupling":
java_code = """
class Database {
public User getUser(int userId) {
// database logic here
return new User(userId);
class UserService {
private Database db;
public UserService() {
this.db = new Database();
public User getUserInfo(int userId) {
return db.getUser(userId);
elif title == "Loose Coupling":
java_code = """
class Database {
public User getUser(int userId) {
// database logic here
return new User(userId);
class UserService {
private Database db;
public UserService(Database database) {
this.db = database;
public User getUserInfo(int userId) {
return db.getUser(userId);
elif title == "Decoupling with Interfaces":
java_code = """
interface DatabaseInterface {
User getUser(int userId);
class DatabaseImpl implements DatabaseInterface {
public User getUser(int userId) {
// database logic here
return new User(userId);
class UserService {
private DatabaseInterface db;
public UserService(DatabaseInterface database) {
this.db = database;
public User getUserInfo(int userId) {
return db.getUser(userId);
st.code(java_code, language="java")
st.subheader("Interactive Exercise: Identify Coupling Issues")
st.write("Analyze the following code snippets and identify the type of coupling present.")
code1 = """
class Database:
def get_user(self, user_id):
# database logic here
class UserService:
def __init__(self):
self.db = Database()
def get_user_info(self, user_id):
return self.db.get_user(user_id)
code2 = """
class Database:
def get_user(self, user_id):
# database logic here
class UserService:
def __init__(self, database):
self.db = database
def get_user_info(self, user_id):
return self.db.get_user(user_id)
st.code(code1, language="python")
user_answer1 = st.radio("What type of coupling is present in the first example?",
("Tight Coupling", "Loose Coupling"))
st.code(code2, language="python")
user_answer2 = st.radio("What type of coupling is present in the second example?",
("Tight Coupling", "Loose Coupling"))
if st.button("Check Answers"):
if user_answer1 == "Tight Coupling" and user_answer2 == "Loose Coupling":
st.success("Correct! The first example shows tight coupling, while the second shows loose coupling.")
st.error("Not quite. Try again!")
st.subheader("Quiz: Coupling Concepts")
from utils.quiz import coupling_quiz