import streamlit as st import random def coupling_quiz(): questions = [ { "question": "What is coupling in software architecture?", "options": [ "The degree of interdependence between software modules", "The organization of code within a module", "The number of classes in a project", "The speed of code execution" ], "correct": 0 }, { "question": "Which of the following is a characteristic of loose coupling?", "options": [ "High dependence between modules", "Difficulty in maintaining the system", "Modules can be easily replaced or upgraded", "Increased complexity in the system" ], "correct": 2 }, { "question": "What is a common technique to achieve loose coupling?", "options": [ "Using global variables", "Implementing tight integration between modules", "Dependency injection", "Avoiding interfaces" ], "correct": 2 } ] score = 0 for q in questions: st.write(q["question"]) user_answer ="Select your answer:", q["options"], key=q["question"]) if user_answer == q["options"][q["correct"]]: score += 1 st.write(f"Your score: {score}/{len(questions)}") def cohesion_quiz(): questions = [ { "question": "What is cohesion in software architecture?", "options": [ "The degree to which elements of a module belong together", "The number of connections between different modules", "The size of individual functions in a module", "The speed of code execution within a module" ], "correct": 0 }, { "question": "Which type of cohesion is considered the strongest?", "options": [ "Logical cohesion", "Temporal cohesion", "Functional cohesion", "Coincidental cohesion" ], "correct": 2 }, { "question": "What characterizes a module with high cohesion?", "options": [ "It performs a wide variety of unrelated tasks", "It has a single, well-defined purpose", "It depends heavily on other modules", "It contains as many functions as possible" ], "correct": 1 } ] score = 0 for q in questions: st.write(q["question"]) user_answer ="Select your answer:", q["options"], key=q["question"]) if user_answer == q["options"][q["correct"]]: score += 1 st.write(f"Your score: {score}/{len(questions)}") def monolithic_quiz(): questions = [ { "question": "What is a key characteristic of monolithic architecture?", "options": [ "Components are distributed across multiple servers", "Each component has its own database", "All components are part of a single, indivisible unit", "Components communicate via APIs" ], "correct": 2 }, { "question": "Which of the following is an advantage of monolithic architecture?", "options": [ "Easy to scale individual components", "Simple to develop and deploy", "Technology stack can be different for each component", "Changes only affect a single component" ], "correct": 1 }, { "question": "What is a challenge when working with large monolithic applications?", "options": [ "High network latency between components", "Difficulty in understanding and modifying the codebase", "Increased deployment time for small changes", "All of the above" ], "correct": 3 } ] score = 0 for q in questions: st.write(q["question"]) user_answer ="Select your answer:", q["options"], key=q["question"]) if user_answer == q["options"][q["correct"]]: score += 1 st.write(f"Your score: {score}/{len(questions)}")