Runtime error
Runtime error
import numpy as np | |
import os.path as osp | |
import torch | |
from ..lietorch import SE3 | |
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation | |
def parse_list(filepath, skiprows=0): | |
""" read list data """ | |
data = np.loadtxt(filepath, delimiter=' ', dtype=np.unicode_, skiprows=skiprows) | |
return data | |
def associate_frames(tstamp_image, tstamp_depth, tstamp_pose, max_dt=1.0): | |
""" pair images, depths, and poses """ | |
associations = [] | |
for i, t in enumerate(tstamp_image): | |
if tstamp_pose is None: | |
j = np.argmin(np.abs(tstamp_depth - t)) | |
if (np.abs(tstamp_depth[j] - t) < max_dt): | |
associations.append((i, j)) | |
else: | |
j = np.argmin(np.abs(tstamp_depth - t)) | |
k = np.argmin(np.abs(tstamp_pose - t)) | |
if (np.abs(tstamp_depth[j] - t) < max_dt) and \ | |
(np.abs(tstamp_pose[k] - t) < max_dt): | |
associations.append((i, j, k)) | |
return associations | |
def loadtum(datapath, frame_rate=-1): | |
""" read video data in tum-rgbd format """ | |
if osp.isfile(osp.join(datapath, 'groundtruth.txt')): | |
pose_list = osp.join(datapath, 'groundtruth.txt') | |
elif osp.isfile(osp.join(datapath, 'pose.txt')): | |
pose_list = osp.join(datapath, 'pose.txt') | |
else: | |
return None, None, None, None | |
image_list = osp.join(datapath, 'rgb.txt') | |
depth_list = osp.join(datapath, 'depth.txt') | |
calib_path = osp.join(datapath, 'calibration.txt') | |
intrinsic = None | |
if osp.isfile(calib_path): | |
intrinsic = np.loadtxt(calib_path, delimiter=' ') | |
intrinsic = intrinsic.astype(np.float64) | |
image_data = parse_list(image_list) | |
depth_data = parse_list(depth_list) | |
pose_data = parse_list(pose_list, skiprows=1) | |
pose_vecs = pose_data[:,1:].astype(np.float64) | |
tstamp_image = image_data[:,0].astype(np.float64) | |
tstamp_depth = depth_data[:,0].astype(np.float64) | |
tstamp_pose = pose_data[:,0].astype(np.float64) | |
associations = associate_frames(tstamp_image, tstamp_depth, tstamp_pose) | |
# print(len(tstamp_image)) | |
# print(len(associations)) | |
indicies = range(len(associations))[::5] | |
# indicies = [ 0 ] | |
# for i in range(1, len(associations)): | |
# t0 = tstamp_image[associations[indicies[-1]][0]] | |
# t1 = tstamp_image[associations[i][0]] | |
# if t1 - t0 > 1.0 / frame_rate: | |
# indicies += [ i ] | |
images, poses, depths, intrinsics, tstamps = [], [], [], [], [] | |
for ix in indicies: | |
(i, j, k) = associations[ix] | |
images += [ osp.join(datapath, image_data[i,1]) ] | |
depths += [ osp.join(datapath, depth_data[j,1]) ] | |
poses += [ pose_vecs[k] ] | |
tstamps += [ tstamp_image[i] ] | |
if intrinsic is not None: | |
intrinsics += [ intrinsic ] | |
return images, depths, poses, intrinsics, tstamps | |
def all_pairs_distance_matrix(poses, beta=2.5): | |
""" compute distance matrix between all pairs of poses """ | |
poses = np.array(poses, dtype=np.float32) | |
poses[:,:3] *= beta # scale to balence rot + trans | |
poses = SE3(torch.from_numpy(poses)) | |
r = (poses[:,None].inv() * poses[None,:]).log() | |
return r.norm(dim=-1).cpu().numpy() | |
def pose_matrix_to_quaternion(pose): | |
""" convert 4x4 pose matrix to (t, q) """ | |
q = Rotation.from_matrix(pose[:3, :3]).as_quat() | |
return np.concatenate([pose[:3, 3], q], axis=0) | |
def compute_distance_matrix_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics): | |
""" compute flow magnitude between all pairs of frames """ | |
if not isinstance(poses, SE3): | |
poses = torch.from_numpy(poses).float().cuda()[None] | |
poses = SE3(poses).inv() | |
disps = torch.from_numpy(disps).float().cuda()[None] | |
intrinsics = torch.from_numpy(intrinsics).float().cuda()[None] | |
N = poses.shape[1] | |
ii, jj = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(N), torch.arange(N)) | |
ii = ii.reshape(-1).cuda() | |
jj = jj.reshape(-1).cuda() | |
MAX_FLOW = 100.0 | |
matrix = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float32) | |
s = 2048 | |
for i in range(0, ii.shape[0], s): | |
flow1, val1 = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, ii[i:i+s], jj[i:i+s]) | |
flow2, val2 = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, jj[i:i+s], ii[i:i+s]) | |
flow = torch.stack([flow1, flow2], dim=2) | |
val = torch.stack([val1, val2], dim=2) | |
mag = flow.norm(dim=-1).clamp(max=MAX_FLOW) | |
mag = mag.view(mag.shape[1], -1) | |
val = val.view(val.shape[1], -1) | |
mag = (mag * val).mean(-1) / val.mean(-1) | |
mag[val.mean(-1) < 0.7] = np.inf | |
i1 = ii[i:i+s].cpu().numpy() | |
j1 = jj[i:i+s].cpu().numpy() | |
matrix[i1, j1] = mag.cpu().numpy() | |
return matrix | |
def compute_distance_matrix_flow2(poses, disps, intrinsics, beta=0.4): | |
""" compute flow magnitude between all pairs of frames """ | |
# if not isinstance(poses, SE3): | |
# poses = torch.from_numpy(poses).float().cuda()[None] | |
# poses = SE3(poses).inv() | |
# disps = torch.from_numpy(disps).float().cuda()[None] | |
# intrinsics = torch.from_numpy(intrinsics).float().cuda()[None] | |
N = poses.shape[1] | |
ii, jj = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(N), torch.arange(N)) | |
ii = ii.reshape(-1) | |
jj = jj.reshape(-1) | |
MAX_FLOW = 128.0 | |
matrix = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float32) | |
s = 2048 | |
for i in range(0, ii.shape[0], s): | |
flow1a, val1a = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, ii[i:i+s], jj[i:i+s], tonly=True) | |
flow1b, val1b = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, ii[i:i+s], jj[i:i+s]) | |
flow2a, val2a = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, jj[i:i+s], ii[i:i+s], tonly=True) | |
flow2b, val2b = pops.induced_flow(poses, disps, intrinsics, ii[i:i+s], jj[i:i+s]) | |
flow1 = flow1a + beta * flow1b | |
val1 = val1a * val2b | |
flow2 = flow2a + beta * flow2b | |
val2 = val2a * val2b | |
flow = torch.stack([flow1, flow2], dim=2) | |
val = torch.stack([val1, val2], dim=2) | |
mag = flow.norm(dim=-1).clamp(max=MAX_FLOW) | |
mag = mag.view(mag.shape[1], -1) | |
val = val.view(val.shape[1], -1) | |
mag = (mag * val).mean(-1) / val.mean(-1) | |
mag[val.mean(-1) < 0.8] = np.inf | |
i1 = ii[i:i+s].cpu().numpy() | |
j1 = jj[i:i+s].cpu().numpy() | |
matrix[i1, j1] = mag.cpu().numpy() | |
return matrix | |