Runtime error
Runtime error
#include <torch/extension.h> | |
#include <vector> | |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <ATen/ATen.h> | |
#include <ATen/NativeFunctions.h> | |
#include <ATen/Parallel.h> | |
#define GPU_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \ | |
for (size_t i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i<n; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) | |
#define NUM_THREADS 256 | |
#define NUM_BLOCKS(batch_size) ((batch_size + NUM_THREADS - 1) / NUM_THREADS) | |
__device__ void | |
actSO3(const float *q, const float *X, float *Y) { | |
float uv[3]; | |
uv[0] = 2.0 * (q[1]*X[2] - q[2]*X[1]); | |
uv[1] = 2.0 * (q[2]*X[0] - q[0]*X[2]); | |
uv[2] = 2.0 * (q[0]*X[1] - q[1]*X[0]); | |
Y[0] = X[0] + q[3]*uv[0] + (q[1]*uv[2] - q[2]*uv[1]); | |
Y[1] = X[1] + q[3]*uv[1] + (q[2]*uv[0] - q[0]*uv[2]); | |
Y[2] = X[2] + q[3]*uv[2] + (q[0]*uv[1] - q[1]*uv[0]); | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
actSE3(const float *t, const float *q, const float *X, float *Y) { | |
actSO3(q, X, Y); | |
Y[3] = X[3]; | |
Y[0] += X[3] * t[0]; | |
Y[1] += X[3] * t[1]; | |
Y[2] += X[3] * t[2]; | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
adjSE3(const float *t, const float *q, const float *X, float *Y) { | |
float qinv[4] = {-q[0], -q[1], -q[2], q[3]}; | |
actSO3(qinv, &X[0], &Y[0]); | |
actSO3(qinv, &X[3], &Y[3]); | |
float u[3], v[3]; | |
u[0] = t[2]*X[1] - t[1]*X[2]; | |
u[1] = t[0]*X[2] - t[2]*X[0]; | |
u[2] = t[1]*X[0] - t[0]*X[1]; | |
actSO3(qinv, u, v); | |
Y[3] += v[0]; | |
Y[4] += v[1]; | |
Y[5] += v[2]; | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
relSE3(const float *ti, const float *qi, const float *tj, const float *qj, float *tij, float *qij) { | |
qij[0] = -qj[3] * qi[0] + qj[0] * qi[3] - qj[1] * qi[2] + qj[2] * qi[1], | |
qij[1] = -qj[3] * qi[1] + qj[1] * qi[3] - qj[2] * qi[0] + qj[0] * qi[2], | |
qij[2] = -qj[3] * qi[2] + qj[2] * qi[3] - qj[0] * qi[1] + qj[1] * qi[0], | |
qij[3] = qj[3] * qi[3] + qj[0] * qi[0] + qj[1] * qi[1] + qj[2] * qi[2], | |
actSO3(qij, ti, tij); | |
tij[0] = tj[0] - tij[0]; | |
tij[1] = tj[1] - tij[1]; | |
tij[2] = tj[2] - tij[2]; | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
expSO3(const float *phi, float* q) { | |
// SO3 exponential map | |
float theta_sq = phi[0]*phi[0] + phi[1]*phi[1] + phi[2]*phi[2]; | |
float theta_p4 = theta_sq * theta_sq; | |
float theta = sqrtf(theta_sq); | |
float imag, real; | |
if (theta_sq < 1e-8) { | |
imag = 0.5 - (1.0/48.0)*theta_sq + (1.0/3840.0)*theta_p4; | |
real = 1.0 - (1.0/ 8.0)*theta_sq + (1.0/ 384.0)*theta_p4; | |
} else { | |
imag = sinf(0.5 * theta) / theta; | |
real = cosf(0.5 * theta); | |
} | |
q[0] = imag * phi[0]; | |
q[1] = imag * phi[1]; | |
q[2] = imag * phi[2]; | |
q[3] = real; | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
crossInplace(const float* a, float *b) { | |
float x[3] = { | |
a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1], | |
a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2], | |
a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0], | |
}; | |
b[0] = x[0]; | |
b[1] = x[1]; | |
b[2] = x[2]; | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
expSE3(const float *xi, float* t, float* q) { | |
// SE3 exponential map | |
expSO3(xi + 3, q); | |
float tau[3] = {xi[0], xi[1], xi[2]}; | |
float phi[3] = {xi[3], xi[4], xi[5]}; | |
float theta_sq = phi[0]*phi[0] + phi[1]*phi[1] + phi[2]*phi[2]; | |
float theta = sqrtf(theta_sq); | |
t[0] = tau[0]; | |
t[1] = tau[1]; | |
t[2] = tau[2]; | |
if (theta > 1e-4) { | |
float a = (1 - cosf(theta)) / theta_sq; | |
crossInplace(phi, tau); | |
t[0] += a * tau[0]; | |
t[1] += a * tau[1]; | |
t[2] += a * tau[2]; | |
float b = (theta - sinf(theta)) / (theta * theta_sq); | |
crossInplace(phi, tau); | |
t[0] += b * tau[0]; | |
t[1] += b * tau[1]; | |
t[2] += b * tau[2]; | |
} | |
} | |
__device__ void | |
retrSE3(const float *xi, const float* t, const float* q, float* t1, float* q1) { | |
// retraction on SE3 manifold | |
float dt[3] = {0, 0, 0}; | |
float dq[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; | |
expSE3(xi, dt, dq); | |
q1[0] = dq[3] * q[0] + dq[0] * q[3] + dq[1] * q[2] - dq[2] * q[1]; | |
q1[1] = dq[3] * q[1] + dq[1] * q[3] + dq[2] * q[0] - dq[0] * q[2]; | |
q1[2] = dq[3] * q[2] + dq[2] * q[3] + dq[0] * q[1] - dq[1] * q[0]; | |
q1[3] = dq[3] * q[3] - dq[0] * q[0] - dq[1] * q[1] - dq[2] * q[2]; | |
actSO3(dq, t, t1); | |
t1[0] += dt[0]; | |
t1[1] += dt[1]; | |
t1[2] += dt[2]; | |
} | |
__global__ void pose_retr_kernel(const int t0, const int t1, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> poses, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> update) | |
{ | |
GPU_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(i, t1 - t0) { | |
const float t = t0 + i; | |
float t1[3], t0[3] = { poses[t][0], poses[t][1], poses[t][2] }; | |
float q1[4], q0[4] = { poses[t][3], poses[t][4], poses[t][5], poses[t][6] }; | |
float xi[6] = { | |
update[i][0], | |
update[i][1], | |
update[i][2], | |
update[i][3], | |
update[i][4], | |
update[i][5], | |
}; | |
retrSE3(xi, t0, q0, t1, q1); | |
poses[t][0] = t1[0]; | |
poses[t][1] = t1[1]; | |
poses[t][2] = t1[2]; | |
poses[t][3] = q1[0]; | |
poses[t][4] = q1[1]; | |
poses[t][5] = q1[2]; | |
poses[t][6] = q1[3]; | |
} | |
} | |
__global__ void patch_retr_kernel( | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> index, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> patches, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> update) | |
{ | |
GPU_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(n, index.size(0)) { | |
const int p = patches.size(2); | |
const int ix = index[n]; | |
float d = patches[ix][2][0][0]; | |
d = d + update[n]; | |
d = (d > 20) ? 1.0 : d; | |
d = max(d, 1e-4); | |
for (int i=0; i<p; i++) { | |
for (int j=0; j<p; j++) { | |
patches[ix][2][i][j] = d; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
__global__ void reprojection_residuals_and_hessian( | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> poses, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> patches, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> intrinsics, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> target, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> weight, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> lmbda, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> ii, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> jj, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> kk, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> ku, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> B, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> E, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> C, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> v, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> u, const int t0) | |
{ | |
__shared__ float fx, fy, cx, cy; | |
if (threadIdx.x == 0) { | |
fx = intrinsics[0][0]; | |
fy = intrinsics[0][1]; | |
cx = intrinsics[0][2]; | |
cy = intrinsics[0][3]; | |
} | |
__syncthreads(); | |
GPU_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(n, ii.size(0)) { | |
int k = ku[n]; | |
int ix = ii[n]; | |
int jx = jj[n]; | |
int kx = kk[n]; | |
float ti[3] = { poses[ix][0], poses[ix][1], poses[ix][2] }; | |
float tj[3] = { poses[jx][0], poses[jx][1], poses[jx][2] }; | |
float qi[4] = { poses[ix][3], poses[ix][4], poses[ix][5], poses[ix][6] }; | |
float qj[4] = { poses[jx][3], poses[jx][4], poses[jx][5], poses[jx][6] }; | |
float Xi[4], Xj[4]; | |
Xi[0] = (patches[kx][0][1][1] - cx) / fx; | |
Xi[1] = (patches[kx][1][1][1] - cy) / fy; | |
Xi[2] = 1.0; | |
Xi[3] = patches[kx][2][1][1]; | |
float tij[3], qij[4]; | |
relSE3(ti, qi, tj, qj, tij, qij); | |
actSE3(tij, qij, Xi, Xj); | |
const float X = Xj[0]; | |
const float Y = Xj[1]; | |
const float Z = Xj[2]; | |
const float W = Xj[3]; | |
const float d = (Z >= 0.2) ? 1.0 / Z : 0.0; | |
const float d2 = d * d; | |
const float x1 = fx * (X / Z) + cx; | |
const float y1 = fy * (Y / Z) + cy; | |
const float rx = target[n][0] - x1; | |
const float ry = target[n][1] - y1; | |
const bool in_bounds = (sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry) < 128) && (Z > 0.2) && | |
(x1 > -64) && (y1 > -64) && (x1 < 2*cx + 64) && (y1 < 2*cy + 64); | |
const float mask = in_bounds ? 1.0 : 0.0; | |
ix = ix - t0; | |
jx = jx - t0; | |
{ | |
const float r = target[n][0] - x1; | |
const float w = mask * weight[n][0]; | |
float Jz = fx * (tij[0] * d - tij[2] * (X * d2)); | |
float Ji[6], Jj[6] = {fx*W*d, 0, fx*-X*W*d2, fx*-X*Y*d2, fx*(1+X*X*d2), fx*-Y*d}; | |
adjSE3(tij, qij, Jj, Ji); | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
for (int j=0; j<6; j++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*ix+i][6*ix+j], w * Ji[i] * Ji[j]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*jx+i][6*jx+j], w * Jj[i] * Jj[j]); | |
if (ix >= 0 && jx >= 0) { | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*ix+i][6*jx+j], -w * Ji[i] * Jj[j]); | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*jx+i][6*ix+j], -w * Jj[i] * Ji[j]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&E[6*ix+i][k], -w * Jz * Ji[i]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&E[6*jx+i][k], w * Jz * Jj[i]); | |
} | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&v[6*ix+i], -w * r * Ji[i]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&v[6*jx+i], w * r * Jj[i]); | |
} | |
atomicAdd(&C[k], w * Jz * Jz); | |
atomicAdd(&u[k], w * r * Jz); | |
} | |
{ | |
const float r = target[n][1] - y1; | |
const float w = mask * weight[n][1]; | |
float Jz = fy * (tij[1] * d - tij[2] * (Y * d2)); | |
float Ji[6], Jj[6] = {0, fy*W*d, fy*-Y*W*d2, fy*(-1-Y*Y*d2), fy*(X*Y*d2), fy*X*d}; | |
adjSE3(tij, qij, Jj, Ji); | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
for (int j=0; j<6; j++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*ix+i][6*ix+j], w * Ji[i] * Ji[j]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*jx+i][6*jx+j], w * Jj[i] * Jj[j]); | |
if (ix >= 0 && jx >= 0) { | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*ix+i][6*jx+j], -w * Ji[i] * Jj[j]); | |
atomicAdd(&B[6*jx+i][6*ix+j], -w * Jj[i] * Ji[j]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&E[6*ix+i][k], -w * Jz * Ji[i]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&E[6*jx+i][k], w * Jz * Jj[i]); | |
} | |
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { | |
if (ix >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&v[6*ix+i], -w * r * Ji[i]); | |
if (jx >= 0) | |
atomicAdd(&v[6*jx+i], w * r * Jj[i]); | |
} | |
atomicAdd(&C[k], w * Jz * Jz); | |
atomicAdd(&u[k], w * r * Jz); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
__global__ void reproject( | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> poses, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> patches, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> intrinsics, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> ii, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> jj, | |
const torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> kk, | |
torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits> coords) { | |
__shared__ float fx, fy, cx, cy; | |
if (threadIdx.x == 0) { | |
fx = intrinsics[0][0]; | |
fy = intrinsics[0][1]; | |
cx = intrinsics[0][2]; | |
cy = intrinsics[0][3]; | |
} | |
__syncthreads(); | |
GPU_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(n, ii.size(0)) { | |
int ix = ii[n]; | |
int jx = jj[n]; | |
int kx = kk[n]; | |
float ti[3] = { poses[ix][0], poses[ix][1], poses[ix][2] }; | |
float tj[3] = { poses[jx][0], poses[jx][1], poses[jx][2] }; | |
float qi[4] = { poses[ix][3], poses[ix][4], poses[ix][5], poses[ix][6] }; | |
float qj[4] = { poses[jx][3], poses[jx][4], poses[jx][5], poses[jx][6] }; | |
float tij[3], qij[4]; | |
relSE3(ti, qi, tj, qj, tij, qij); | |
float Xi[4], Xj[4]; | |
for (int i=0; i<patches.size(2); i++) { | |
for (int j=0; j<patches.size(3); j++) { | |
Xi[0] = (patches[kx][0][i][j] - cx) / fx; | |
Xi[1] = (patches[kx][1][i][j] - cy) / fy; | |
Xi[2] = 1.0; | |
Xi[3] = patches[kx][2][i][j]; | |
actSE3(tij, qij, Xi, Xj); | |
coords[n][0][i][j] = fx * (Xj[0] / Xj[2]) + cx; | |
coords[n][1][i][j] = fy * (Xj[1] / Xj[2]) + cy; | |
// coords[n][2][i][j] = 1.0 / Xj[2]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
std::vector<torch::Tensor> cuda_ba( | |
torch::Tensor poses, | |
torch::Tensor patches, | |
torch::Tensor intrinsics, | |
torch::Tensor target, | |
torch::Tensor weight, | |
torch::Tensor lmbda, | |
torch::Tensor ii, | |
torch::Tensor jj, | |
torch::Tensor kk, | |
const int t0, const int t1, const int iterations) | |
{ | |
auto ktuple = torch::_unique(kk, true, true); | |
torch::Tensor kx = std::get<0>(ktuple); | |
torch::Tensor ku = std::get<1>(ktuple); | |
const int N = t1 - t0; // number of poses | |
const int M = kx.size(0); // number of patches | |
const int P = patches.size(3); // patch size | |
auto opts = torch::TensorOptions() | |
.dtype(torch::kFloat32).device(torch::kCUDA); | |
poses = poses.view({-1, 7}); | |
patches = patches.view({-1,3,P,P}); | |
intrinsics = intrinsics.view({-1, 4}); | |
target = target.view({-1, 2}); | |
weight = weight.view({-1, 2}); | |
const int num = ii.size(0); | |
torch::Tensor B = torch::empty({6*N, 6*N}, opts); | |
torch::Tensor E = torch::empty({6*N, 1*M}, opts); | |
torch::Tensor C = torch::empty({M}, opts); | |
torch::Tensor v = torch::empty({6*N}, opts); | |
torch::Tensor u = torch::empty({1*M}, opts); | |
for (int itr=0; itr < iterations; itr++) { | |
B.zero_(); | |
E.zero_(); | |
C.zero_(); | |
v.zero_(); | |
u.zero_(); | |
v = v.view({6*N}); | |
u = u.view({1*M}); | |
reprojection_residuals_and_hessian<<<NUM_BLOCKS(ii.size(0)), NUM_THREADS>>>( | |
poses.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
patches.packed_accessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
intrinsics.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
target.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
weight.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
lmbda.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
ii.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
jj.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
kk.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
ku.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
B.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
E.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
C.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
v.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
u.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), t0); | |
v = v.view({6*N, 1}); | |
u = u.view({1*M, 1}); | |
torch::Tensor Q = 1.0 / (C + lmbda).view({1, M}); | |
if (t1 - t0 == 0) { | |
torch::Tensor Qt = torch::transpose(Q, 0, 1); | |
torch::Tensor dZ = Qt * u; | |
dZ = dZ.view({M}); | |
patch_retr_kernel<<<NUM_BLOCKS(M), NUM_THREADS>>>( | |
kx.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
patches.packed_accessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
dZ.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>()); | |
} | |
else { | |
torch::Tensor EQ = E * Q; | |
torch::Tensor Et = torch::transpose(E, 0, 1); | |
torch::Tensor Qt = torch::transpose(Q, 0, 1); | |
torch::Tensor S = B - torch::matmul(EQ, Et); | |
torch::Tensor y = v - torch::matmul(EQ, u); | |
torch::Tensor I = torch::eye(6*N, opts); | |
S += I * (1e-4 * S + 1.0); | |
torch::Tensor U = torch::linalg::cholesky(S); | |
torch::Tensor dX = torch::cholesky_solve(y, U); | |
torch::Tensor dZ = Qt * (u - torch::matmul(Et, dX)); | |
dX = dX.view({N, 6}); | |
dZ = dZ.view({M}); | |
pose_retr_kernel<<<NUM_BLOCKS(N), NUM_THREADS>>>(t0, t1, | |
poses.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
dX.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>()); | |
patch_retr_kernel<<<NUM_BLOCKS(M), NUM_THREADS>>>( | |
kx.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
patches.packed_accessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
dZ.packed_accessor32<float,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>()); | |
} | |
} | |
return {}; | |
} | |
torch::Tensor cuda_reproject( | |
torch::Tensor poses, | |
torch::Tensor patches, | |
torch::Tensor intrinsics, | |
torch::Tensor ii, | |
torch::Tensor jj, | |
torch::Tensor kk) | |
{ | |
const int N = ii.size(0); | |
const int P = patches.size(3); // patch size | |
poses = poses.view({-1, 7}); | |
patches = patches.view({-1,3,P,P}); | |
intrinsics = intrinsics.view({-1, 4}); | |
auto opts = torch::TensorOptions() | |
.dtype(torch::kFloat32).device(torch::kCUDA); | |
torch::Tensor coords = torch::empty({N, 2, P, P}, opts); | |
reproject<<<NUM_BLOCKS(N), NUM_THREADS>>>( | |
poses.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
patches.packed_accessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
intrinsics.packed_accessor32<float,2,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
ii.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
jj.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
kk.packed_accessor32<long,1,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(), | |
coords.packed_accessor32<float,4,torch::RestrictPtrTraits>()); | |
return coords.view({1, N, 2, P, P}); | |
} |