import asyncio import time import random from ..TikTokApi import TikTokApi from ..TikTokApi.exceptions import TikTokException class SameMsTokenException(TikTokException): """Raised when the same ms_token is used.""" def hashtagProcess(hashtag: str): '''Converts the given hashtag string to lowercase. Parameters: - `hashtag: str`: The hashtag string to be processed. Returns: - `str`: The lowercase version of the input hashtag.''' hashtag = hashtag.lower() return hashtag async def tiktokUserCountVideoViews(proxylist: list = None, ms_token: str = None, userlist: list = None, hashtag: str = None, cookies: list[dict] = None, blackList: dict[list] = None) -> dict: '''Asynchronous function that retrieves video view counts for a list of TikTok users, filtering by a specified hashtag and blacklist. Parameters: - `proxylist: list = None`: A list of proxy servers to use. - `ms_token: str = None`: A required TikTok MS token. - `userlist: list = None`: A list of TikTok usernames to process. - `hashtag: str = None`: A hashtag to filter the videos by. - `cookies: list[dict] = None`: A list of cookie dictionaries to use for the TikTok API sessions. - `blackList: dict[list] = None`: A dictionary containing lists of blacklisted usernames and video IDs. Returns: - `dict`: A dictionary containing the user statistics and the total number of views across all users.''' if not ms_token: raise ValueError("A TikTok MS token is required.") if not userlist: raise ValueError("A list of users is required.") if blackList == None: blackList = [] print(f"username = {blackList}") hashtag = hashtagProcess(hashtag) print(hashtag) for userName in userlist: if userName in blackList: userlist.remove(userName) try: async with TikTokApi() as api: startTime = time.time() await api.create_sessions(headless=False, ms_tokens=[ms_token], num_sessions=1, sleep_after=30, cookies=cookies) #tasks = [process_user(userName=userName, api=api, hashtag=hashtag, videoBlacklist=blackList.get("videos"), userBlacklist=blackList.get("usernames")) for userName in userlist] #results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) results = [] for userName in userlist: print(f"Processing user: {userName}") results.append(asyncio.gather(process_user(userName=userName, api=api, hashtag=hashtag, videoBlacklist=blackList.get("videos"), userBlacklist=blackList.get("usernames")))) total_total_views = 0 for i in results: if isinstance(i, dict): total_total_views += i['total_views'] elif isinstance(i, int): total_total_views += i results_as_dict = {"userStats": results, "total_total_views": total_total_views} await api.close_sessions() endTime = time.time() print(f"Total views: \033[32m{total_total_views}\033[0m = process time: \033[31m{round(endTime - startTime, 4)}\033[0m") return results_as_dict except Exception as e: if "TimeoutError" in str(e): print(f"Error: {e}") await api.close_sessions() return 0 else: print(f"An error occurred: {type(e).__name__}: {e}") await api.close_sessions() return 0 async def process_user(userName, hashtag:str, api:TikTokApi, userBlacklist, videoBlacklist): '''Asynchronously processes a user's TikTok account, retrieving video data and calculating the total views for videos with a specified hashtag. Args: - `userName (str)`: The username of the TikTok user to process. - `hashtag (str)`: The hashtag to search for in the user's videos. - `api (TikTokApi)`: The TikTokApi instance to use for making API requests. - `userBlacklist (list)`: A list of usernames to exclude from processing. - `videoBlacklist (list)`: A list of video IDs to exclude from processing. Returns: - `dict`: A dictionary containing the username, total views, and total videos with the specified hashtag. ''' print(userName) #TODO: if user in blacklist then return 0 #time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5)/10) if userName in userBlacklist: print(f"{userName} in blacklist") return 0 # await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(1, 5) / 10) startTime = time.time() try: user = api.user(username=userName) user_data = await if "userInfo" not in user_data or "stats" not in user_data["userInfo"] or "videoCount" not in user_data["userInfo"]["stats"]: print(f"Error: Invalid user data format for {userName}") return 0 video_count = user_data["userInfo"]["stats"]["videoCount"] if video_count == 0: print(f"{userName} has no videos.") return 0 print(f"{userName} has {video_count} videos.") total_views = 0 total_videos_with_tag = 0 blackListI = 0 async for video in user.videos(count=video_count): if in videoBlacklist: blackListI += 1 continue try: # TODO: check if video is in a black list play_count = int(video.stats.get("playCount", 0)) # Handle potential missing data if any(str( == hashtag for h in video.hashtags): total_views += play_count total_videos_with_tag += 1 except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: print(f"Error processing video for {userName}: {e}") return 0 # Skip to the next video if there's an error endTime = time.time() tabs = "" for _ in range(int(24 - len(userName))): tabs += " " print(f"\tTotal views for \033[33m{userName}\033[0m:{tabs} \033[32m{total_views}\033[0m \ttotal videos with tag: \033[35m{total_videos_with_tag}\033[0m \t total videos: \033[36m{video_count}\033[0m process time: \033[31m{round(endTime - startTime, 4)}\033[0m \tblacklisted: \033[31m{blackListI}\033[0m") return {"username": userName, "total_views": total_views, "total_videos_with_tag": total_videos_with_tag} except Exception as e: print(f"An unexpected error occurred for {userName}: {e}") return 0 # Skip to the next video if there's an error