import os import re import pandas as pd from pypdf import PdfReader from typing import List, Dict from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain_google_genai import GoogleGenerativeAI api_key = "AIzaSyCPVTznOBcQkWuDAe47kXNP9zftLq8Zqh0" class InvoicePipeline: def __init__(self, paths): self._paths = paths self._llm = GoogleGenerativeAI(model="gemini-1.5-pro", google_api_key=api_key) self._prompt_template = self._get_default_prompt_template() # This funcition will help in extracting and run the code, and will produce a dataframe for us def run(self) -> pd.DataFrame: # We have defined the way the data has to be returned df = pd.DataFrame({ "Invoice ID": pd.Series(dtype = "int"), "DESCRIPTION": pd.Series(dtype = "str"), "Issue Data": pd.Series(dtype = "str"), "UNIT PRICE": pd.Series(dtype = "str"), "AMOUNT": pd.Series(dtype = "int"), "Bill For": pd.Series(dtype = "str"), "From": pd.Series(dtype ="str"), "Terms": pd.Series(dtype = "str")} ) for path in self._paths: raw_text = self._get_raw_text_from_pdf(path) # This function needs to be created llm_resp = self._extract_data_from_llm(raw_text) # data = self._parse_response(llm_resp) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([data])], ignore_index = True) return df # The default template that the machine will take def _get_default_prompt_template(self) -> PromptTemplate: template = """Extract all the following values: Invoice ID, DESCRIPTION, Issue Data,UNIT PRICE, AMOUNT, Bill for, From and Terms for: {pages} Expected Outcome: remove any dollar symbols {{"Invoice ID":"12341234", "DESCRIPTION": "UNIT PRICE", "AMOUNT": "3", "Date": "2/1/2021", "AMOUNT": "100", "Bill For": "Dev", "From": "Coca Cola", "Terms" : "Net for 30 days"}} """ prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables = ["pages"], template = template) return prompt_template # We will try to extract the text from the PDF to a normal variable. def _get_raw_text_from_pdf(self, path:str) -> str: text = "" pdf_reader = PdfReader(path) for page in pdf_reader.pages: text += page.extract_text() return text def _extract_data_from_llm(self, raw_data:str) -> str: resp = self._llm(self._prompt_template.format(pages = raw_data)) return resp def _parse_response(self, response: str) -> Dict[str, str]: pattern = r'{(.+)}' re_match =, response, re.DOTALL) if re_match: extracted_text = data = eval('{' + extracted_text + '}') return data else: raise Exception("No match found.")