Build error
Build error
File size: 7,695 Bytes
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Provides the Dictionary class which implements Reader using dictionary lookup.
from difflib import ndiff
import jaconv
from chirptext import deko
from speach import ttlig
from speach.ttlig import RubyFrag, RubyToken
from yomikata import utils
from config.config import ASCII_SPACE_TOKEN
from yomikata.reader import Reader
class Dictionary(Reader):
def __init__(self, tagger: str = "unidic") -> None:
"""Create a Dictionary object to apply furigana using Dictionary lookup
Object holds configuration and tokenizer state.
Typical usage:
reader = Dictionary()
furi = Dictionary.furigana("お前はもう死んでいる")
# "お{前/まえ}はもう{死/し}んでいる"
tagger (str, optional): Tokenizing dictionary to be used。 Defaults to `unidic`. `juman`, `ipadic`, 'sudachi' also possible.
if tagger == "unidic":
import fugashi
self.tagger = fugashi.Tagger()
self.token_to_surface = lambda word: word.surface
self.token_to_pos = lambda word: word.feature.pos1
self.token_to_kana = (
lambda word: jaconv.kata2hira(str(word))
if (word.feature.kana == "*" or word.feature.kana is None)
else jaconv.kata2hira(str(word.feature.kana))
elif tagger == "ipadic":
import fugashi
import ipadic
self.tagger = fugashi.GenericTagger(ipadic.MECAB_ARGS)
self.token_to_surface = lambda word: word.surface
self.token_to_pos = lambda word: word.feature[0]
self.token_to_kana = (
lambda word: jaconv.kata2hira(str(word.feature[7]))
if len(word.feature) >= 8
else jaconv.kata2hira(str(word.surface))
elif tagger == "juman":
import fugashi
import jumandic
self.tagger = fugashi.GenericTagger(jumandic.MECAB_ARGS)
self.token_to_surface = lambda word: word.surface
self.token_to_pos = lambda word: word.feature[0]
self.token_to_kana = (
lambda word: word.feature[5]
if word.feature[5] != "*"
else jaconv.kata2hira(str(word))
elif tagger == "sudachi":
from sudachipy import dictionary as sudachidict
from sudachipy import tokenizer as sudachitokenizer
tokenizer_obj = sudachidict.Dictionary(dict="full").create()
mode = sudachitokenizer.Tokenizer.SplitMode.C
self.tagger = lambda s: tokenizer_obj.tokenize(s, mode)
self.token_to_surface = lambda word: word.surface()
self.token_to_pos = lambda word: word.part_of_speech()[0]
self.token_to_kana = lambda word: jaconv.kata2hira(
def furigana(self, text: str) -> str:
text = utils.standardize_text(text)
text = text.replace(" ", ASCII_SPACE_TOKEN)
rubytoken = utils.parse_furigana(text)
output = ""
for group in rubytoken.groups:
if isinstance(group, ttlig.RubyFrag):
output += f"{{{group.text}/{group.furi}}}"
group = group.replace("{", "").replace("}", "")
for word in self.tagger(group):
kana = self.token_to_kana(word)
surface = self.token_to_surface(word)
pos = self.token_to_pos(word)
if (surface == kana) or pos in ["記号", "補助記号", "特殊"]:
output += surface
output += Dictionary.furi_to_ruby(surface, kana).to_code()
output = output.replace(ASCII_SPACE_TOKEN, " ")
return output
def furi_to_ruby(surface, kana):
"""Combine a surface string and a kana string to a RubyToken object with furigana.
surface (str): Surface string
kana (str): Kana string
RubyToken: RubyToken object with furigana
This code is modified from the version in the part of speach library:
:copyright: (c) 2018 Le Tuan Anh <[email protected]>
:license: MIT
def common_substring_from_right(string1, string2):
i = -1 # start from the end of strings
while -i <= min(len(string1), len(string2)):
if string1[i] != string2[i]: # if characters don't match, break
i -= 1 # decrement i to move towards start
return string1[i + 1 :] if i != -1 else "" # return common substring
def assert_rubytoken_kana_match(ruby: RubyToken, kana: str) -> None:
assert (
[token.furi if isinstance(token, RubyFrag) else token for token in ruby.groups]
== kana
original_kana = kana
final_text = common_substring_from_right(surface, kana)
if final_text:
surface = surface[: -len(final_text)]
kana = kana[: -len(final_text)]
ruby = RubyToken(surface=surface)
if deko.is_kana(surface):
if final_text:
assert_rubytoken_kana_match(ruby, original_kana)
return ruby
edit_seq = ndiff(surface, kana)
kanji = ""
text = ""
furi = ""
before = ""
expected = ""
for item in edit_seq:
if item.startswith("- "):
# flush text if needed
if expected and kanji and furi:
ruby.append(RubyFrag(text=kanji, furi=furi))
kanji = ""
furi = ""
if text:
text = ""
kanji += item[2:]
elif item.startswith("+ "):
if expected and item[2:] == expected:
if expected and kanji and furi:
ruby.append(RubyFrag(text=kanji, furi=furi))
kanji = ""
furi = ""
expected = ""
furi += item[2:]
elif item.startswith(" "):
if before == "-" and not furi:
# shifting happened
expected = item[2:]
furi += item[2:]
text += item[2:]
# flush if possible
if kanji and furi:
ruby.append(RubyFrag(text=kanji, furi=furi))
kanji = ""
furi = ""
# possible error?
before = item[0] # end for
if kanji:
if furi:
ruby.append(RubyFrag(text=kanji, furi=furi))
elif text:
if final_text:
assert_rubytoken_kana_match(ruby, original_kana)
return ruby