sw-api / new_features_examples /insurance_swarm.py
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import asyncio
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional
from swarms import Agent
class InsuranceType(Enum):
AUTO = "auto"
LIFE = "life"
HEALTH = "health"
HOME = "home"
BUSINESS = "business"
DENTAL = "dental"
TRAVEL = "travel"
class InsuranceProduct:
code: str
name: str
type: InsuranceType
description: str
coverage: List[str]
price_range: str
min_coverage: float
max_coverage: float
payment_options: List[str]
waiting_period: str
available: bool
# Simulated product database
"AUTO001": InsuranceProduct(
name="Seguro Auto Total",
description="Seguro completo para veh铆culos con cobertura integral",
"Da帽os por colisi贸n",
"Robo total",
"Responsabilidad civil",
"Asistencia en carretera 24/7",
"Gastos m茅dicos ocupantes",
price_range="$800-2000 USD/a帽o",
payment_options=["Mensual", "Trimestral", "Anual"],
"LIFE001": InsuranceProduct(
name="Vida Protegida Plus",
description="Seguro de vida con cobertura extendida y beneficios adicionales",
"Muerte natural",
"Muerte accidental (doble indemnizaci贸n)",
"Invalidez total y permanente",
"Enfermedades graves",
"Gastos funerarios",
price_range="$30-100 USD/mes",
payment_options=["Mensual", "Anual"],
waiting_period="30 d铆as",
"HEALTH001": InsuranceProduct(
name="Salud Preferencial",
description="Plan de salud premium con cobertura internacional",
"Consultas m茅dicas",
"Tratamientos especializados",
"Cobertura internacional",
price_range="$100-300 USD/mes",
payment_options=["Mensual", "Anual"],
waiting_period="90 d铆as",
class WorkflowNode(Enum):
MAIN_MENU = "main_menu"
CHECK_AVAILABILITY = "check_availability"
PRODUCT_DETAILS = "product_details"
QUOTE_REQUEST = "quote_request"
CLAIMS = "claims"
LOCATE_OFFICE = "locate_office"
PAYMENT_OPTIONS = "payment_options"
"Brasil": [
"city": "S茫o Paulo",
"offices": [
"address": "Av. Paulista, 1374 - Bela Vista",
"phone": "+55 11 1234-5678",
"hours": "Lun-Vie: 9:00-18:00",
"M茅xico": [
"city": "Ciudad de M茅xico",
"offices": [
"address": "Paseo de la Reforma 250, Ju谩rez",
"phone": "+52 55 1234-5678",
"hours": "Lun-Vie: 9:00-18:00",
class InsuranceBot:
def __init__(self):
self.agent = Agent(
system_prompt="""You are a specialized insurance assistant for Latin America's leading insurance provider.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Product Information:
- Explain our comprehensive insurance portfolio
- Provide detailed coverage information
- Compare plans and benefits
- Quote estimates based on customer needs
2. Customer Service:
- Process policy inquiries
- Handle claims information
- Assist with payment options
- Locate nearest offices
3. Cultural Considerations:
- Communicate in Spanish and Portuguese
- Understand LATAM insurance regulations
- Consider regional healthcare systems
- Respect local customs and practices
Use the following simulated product database for accurate information:
When discussing products, always reference accurate prices, coverage amounts, and waiting periods.""",
self.current_node = WorkflowNode.MAIN_MENU
self.current_product = None
async def process_user_input(self, user_input: str) -> str:
"""Process user input and return appropriate response"""
if self.current_node == WorkflowNode.MAIN_MENU:
menu_choice = user_input.strip()
if menu_choice == "1":
# Use agent to provide personalized product recommendations
return await self.agent.run(
"""Por favor ayude al cliente a elegir un producto:
Productos disponibles:
- AUTO001: Seguro Auto Total
- LIFE001: Vida Protegida Plus
- HEALTH001: Salud Preferencial
Explique brevemente cada uno y solicite informaci贸n sobre sus necesidades espec铆ficas."""
elif menu_choice == "2":
self.current_node = WorkflowNode.QUOTE_REQUEST
# Use agent to handle quote requests
return await self.agent.run(
"""Inicie el proceso de cotizaci贸n.
Solicite la siguiente informaci贸n de manera conversacional:
1. Tipo de seguro
2. Informaci贸n personal b谩sica
3. Necesidades espec铆ficas de cobertura"""
elif menu_choice == "3":
return await self.agent.run(
"""Explique el proceso de reclamos para cada tipo de seguro,
incluyendo documentaci贸n necesaria y tiempos estimados."""
elif menu_choice == "4":
self.current_node = WorkflowNode.LOCATE_OFFICE
# Use agent to provide location guidance
return await self.agent.run(
f"""Based on our office locations: {LATAM_LOCATIONS}
Ask the customer for their location and help them find the nearest office.
Provide the response in Spanish."""
elif menu_choice == "5":
# Use agent to explain payment options
return await self.agent.run(
"""Explique todas las opciones de pago disponibles,
incluyendo m茅todos, frecuencias y cualquier descuento por pago anticipado."""
elif menu_choice == "6":
# Use agent to handle advisor connection
return await self.agent.run(
"""Explique el proceso para conectar con un asesor personal,
horarios de atenci贸n y canales disponibles."""
return await self.agent.run(
"Explain that the option is invalid and list the main menu options."
elif self.current_node == WorkflowNode.LOCATE_OFFICE:
# Use agent to process location request
return await self.agent.run(
f"""Based on user input: '{user_input}'
and our office locations: {LATAM_LOCATIONS}
Help them find the most relevant office. Response in Spanish."""
# Check if input is a product code
if user_input.upper() in INSURANCE_PRODUCTS:
product = self.get_product_info(user_input.upper())
# Use agent to provide detailed product information
return await self.agent.run(
f"""Provide detailed information about this product:
Include additional benefits and comparison with similar products.
Response in Spanish."""
# Handle general queries
return await self.agent.run(
f"""The user said: '{user_input}'
Provide a helpful response based on our insurance products and services.
Response in Spanish."""
except Exception:
self.current_node = WorkflowNode.MAIN_MENU
return await self.agent.run(
"Explain that there was an error and list the main menu options. Response in Spanish."
def get_product_info(
self, product_code: str
) -> Optional[InsuranceProduct]:
"""Get product information from simulated database"""
return INSURANCE_PRODUCTS.get(product_code)
def format_product_info(self, product: InsuranceProduct) -> str:
"""Format product information for display"""
return f"""
Producto: {product.name} (C贸digo: {product.code})
Tipo: {product.type.value}
Descripci贸n: {product.description}
Cobertura incluye:
{chr(10).join(f'- {coverage}' for coverage in product.coverage)}
Rango de precio: {product.price_range}
Cobertura m铆nima: ${product.min_coverage:,.2f} USD
Cobertura m谩xima: ${product.max_coverage:,.2f} USD
Opciones de pago: {', '.join(product.payment_options)}
Per铆odo de espera: {product.waiting_period}
Estado: {'Disponible' if product.available else 'No disponible'}
def handle_main_menu(self) -> List[str]:
"""Return main menu options"""
return [
"1. Consultar productos de seguro",
"2. Solicitar cotizaci贸n",
"3. Informaci贸n sobre reclamos",
"4. Ubicar oficina m谩s cercana",
"5. Opciones de pago",
"6. Hablar con un asesor",
async def main():
"""Run the interactive session"""
bot = InsuranceBot()
"Sistema de Seguros LATAM inicializado. Escriba 'salir' para terminar."
print("\nOpciones disponibles:")
while True:
user_input = input("\nUsted: ").strip()
if user_input.lower() in ["salir", "exit"]:
print("隆Gracias por usar nuestro servicio!")
response = await bot.process_user_input(user_input)
print(f"Agente: {response}")
if __name__ == "__main__":