import platform import subprocess import pkg_resources import psutil import toml def get_python_version(): return platform.python_version() def get_pip_version() -> str: """Get pip version Returns: str: The version of pip installed """ try: pip_version = ( subprocess.check_output(["pip", "--version"]) .decode() .split()[1] ) except Exception as e: pip_version = str(e) return pip_version def get_swarms_verison() -> tuple[str, str]: """Get swarms version from both command line and package Returns: tuple[str, str]: A tuple containing (command line version, package version) """ try: swarms_verison_cmd = ( subprocess.check_output(["swarms", "--version"]) .decode() .split()[1] ) except Exception as e: swarms_verison_cmd = str(e) swarms_verison_pkg = pkg_resources.get_distribution( "swarms" ).version swarms_verison = swarms_verison_cmd, swarms_verison_pkg return swarms_verison def get_os_version() -> str: """Get operating system version Returns: str: The operating system version and platform details """ return platform.platform() def get_cpu_info() -> str: """Get CPU information Returns: str: The processor information """ return platform.processor() def get_ram_info() -> str: """Get RAM information Returns: str: A formatted string containing total, used and free RAM in GB """ vm = psutil.virtual_memory() used_ram_gb = vm.used / (1024**3) free_ram_gb = / (1024**3) total_ram_gb = / (1024**3) return ( f"{total_ram_gb:.2f} GB, used: {used_ram_gb:.2f}, free:" f" {free_ram_gb:.2f}" ) def get_package_mismatches(file_path: str = "pyproject.toml") -> str: """Get package version mismatches between pyproject.toml and installed packages Args: file_path (str, optional): Path to pyproject.toml file. Defaults to "pyproject.toml". Returns: str: A formatted string containing package version mismatches """ with open(file_path) as file: pyproject = toml.load(file) dependencies = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["dependencies"] dev_dependencies = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]["group"]["dev"][ "dependencies" ] dependencies.update(dev_dependencies) installed_packages = { pkg.key: pkg.version for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set } mismatches = [] for package, version_info in dependencies.items(): if isinstance(version_info, dict): version_info = version_info["version"] installed_version = installed_packages.get(package) if installed_version and version_info.startswith("^"): expected_version = version_info[1:] if not installed_version.startswith(expected_version): mismatches.append( f"\t {package}: Mismatch," f" pyproject.toml={expected_version}," f" pip={installed_version}" ) else: mismatches.append(f"\t {package}: Not found in pip list") return "\n" + "\n".join(mismatches) def system_info() -> dict[str, str]: """Get system information including Python, pip, OS, CPU and RAM details Returns: dict[str, str]: A dictionary containing system information """ return { "Python Version": get_python_version(), "Pip Version": get_pip_version(), # "Swarms Version": swarms_verison, "OS Version and Architecture": get_os_version(), "CPU Info": get_cpu_info(), "RAM Info": get_ram_info(), }