from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from swarms.telemetry.posthog_utils import ( log_activity_posthog, posthog, ) # Mock Posthog client @pytest.fixture def mock_posthog(): return Mock() # Mock environment variables @pytest.fixture def mock_env(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("POSTHOG_API_KEY", "test_api_key") monkeypatch.setenv("POSTHOG_HOST", "test_host") # Test the log_activity_posthog decorator def test_log_activity_posthog(mock_posthog, mock_env): event_name = "test_event" event_properties = {"test_property": "test_value"} # Create a test function with the decorator @log_activity_posthog(event_name, **event_properties) def test_function(): pass # Call the test function test_function() # Check if the Posthog capture method was called with the expected arguments mock_posthog.capture.assert_called_once_with( "test_user_id", event_name, event_properties ) # Test a scenario where environment variables are not set def test_missing_env_variables(monkeypatch): # Unset environment variables monkeypatch.delenv("POSTHOG_API_KEY", raising=False) monkeypatch.delenv("POSTHOG_HOST", raising=False) # Create a test function with the decorator @log_activity_posthog("test_event", test_property="test_value") def test_function(): pass # Ensure that calling the test function does not raise errors test_function() # Test the Posthog client initialization def test_posthog_client_initialization(mock_env): assert posthog.api_key == "test_api_key" assert == "test_host" assert posthog.debug is True