""" Make the project installable via pip. the project meta data are present here. """ import setuptools from setuptools import setup # Read the readme file, which will be our long description. with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: long_description = file.read() version: str = "1.0.0" repo_name: str = "Text-summarization-nlp" git_hub_username: str = "pavi-ninjaac" author_name: str = "Pavithra Devi M" author_email = "pavipd495@gmail.com" package_name: str = "TextSummarizer" # setup the project. setup( name=package_name, version=version, author=author_name, author_email=author_email, description="A small package for text summarization", long_description=long_description, long_description_content="text/markdown", url=f"https://github.com/{git_hub_username}/{repo_name}", project_urls={ "Bug Tracker": f"https://github.com/{git_hub_username}/{repo_name}/issues", }, package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=setuptools.find_packages(where="src"), python_requires=">=3.8" )