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from numba import njit, prange
import numpy as np
# Check this:
# and this:
# TODO: Don't see any performance improvement with numba
def mas_width1(attn_map: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Applies a Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation with a hard-coded width of 1 to an attention map.
Mas with hardcoded width=1
Essentially, it produces optimal alignments based on previous attention distribution.
attn_map (np.ndarray): The original attention map, a 2D numpy array where rows correspond to mel bins and columns to text bins.
opt (np.ndarray): Returns the optimal attention map after applying the MAS operation.
# assumes mel x text
# Create a placeholder for the output
opt = np.zeros_like(attn_map)
# Convert the attention map to log scale for stability
attn_map = np.log(attn_map)
# Initialize the first row of attention map appropriately
attn_map[0, 1:] = -np.inf
# Initialize log_p with the first row of attention map
log_p = np.zeros_like(attn_map)
log_p[0, :] = attn_map[0, :]
# Placeholder to remember the previous indices for backtracking later
prev_ind = np.zeros_like(attn_map, dtype=np.int64)
# Compute the log probabilities based on previous attention distribution
for i in range(1, attn_map.shape[0]):
for j in range(attn_map.shape[1]): # for each text dim
prev_log = log_p[i - 1, j]
prev_j = j
# Compare with left (j-1) pixel and update if the left pixel has larger log probability
if j - 1 >= 0 and log_p[i - 1, j - 1] >= log_p[i - 1, j]:
prev_log = log_p[i - 1, j - 1]
prev_j = j - 1
log_p[i, j] = attn_map[i, j] + prev_log
# Store the position of maximum cumulative log probability
prev_ind[i, j] = prev_j
# Backtrack to retrieve the path of attention with maximum cumulative log probability
curr_text_idx = attn_map.shape[1] - 1
for i in range(attn_map.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
opt[i, curr_text_idx] = 1
curr_text_idx = prev_ind[i, curr_text_idx]
# Mark the first position of the optimal path
opt[0, curr_text_idx] = 1
return opt
def b_mas(
b_attn_map: np.ndarray,
in_lens: np.ndarray,
out_lens: np.ndarray,
width: int=1) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Applies Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation in parallel to the batches of an attention map.
It uses the `mas_width1` function internally to perform MAS operation.
b_attn_map (np.ndarray): The batched attention map; a 3D array where the first dimension is the batch size, second dimension corresponds to source length, and third dimension corresponds to target length.
in_lens (np.ndarray): Lengths of sequences in the input batch.
out_lens (np.ndarray): Lengths of sequences in the output batch.
width (int, optional): The width for the MAS operation. Defaults to 1.
AssertionError: If width is not equal to 1. This function currently supports only width of 1.
np.ndarray: The batched attention map after applying the MAS operation. It has the same dimensions as `b_attn_map`.
# Assert that the width is 1. This function currently supports only width of 1
assert width == 1
attn_out = np.zeros_like(b_attn_map)
# Loop over each attention map in the batch in parallel
for b in prange(b_attn_map.shape[0]):
# Apply Monotonic Alignments Shrink operation to the b-th attention map in the batch
out = mas_width1(b_attn_map[b, 0, : out_lens[b], : in_lens[b]])
# Update the b-th attention map in the output with the result of MAS operation
attn_out[b, 0, : out_lens[b], : in_lens[b]] = out
# Return the batched attention map after applying the MAS operation
return attn_out