import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import Module from torch.nn.utils import parametrize from models.config import PreprocessingConfig, VocoderModelConfig from models.helpers import get_mask_from_lengths from .lvc_block import LVCBlock class Generator(Module): """UnivNet Generator""" def __init__( self, model_config: VocoderModelConfig, preprocess_config: PreprocessingConfig, ): r"""UnivNet Generator. Initializes the UnivNet module. Args: model_config (VocoderModelConfig): the model configuration. preprocess_config (PreprocessingConfig): the preprocessing configuration. """ super().__init__() self.mel_channel = preprocess_config.stft.n_mel_channels self.noise_dim = model_config.gen.noise_dim self.hop_length = preprocess_config.stft.hop_length channel_size = model_config.gen.channel_size kpnet_conv_size = model_config.gen.kpnet_conv_size hop_length = 1 self.res_stack = nn.ModuleList() for stride in model_config.gen.strides: hop_length = stride * hop_length self.res_stack.append( LVCBlock( channel_size, preprocess_config.stft.n_mel_channels, stride=stride, dilations=model_config.gen.dilations, lReLU_slope=model_config.gen.lReLU_slope, cond_hop_length=hop_length, kpnet_conv_size=kpnet_conv_size, ), ) self.conv_pre = nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm( nn.Conv1d( model_config.gen.noise_dim, channel_size, 7, padding=3, padding_mode="reflect", ), ) self.conv_post = nn.Sequential( nn.LeakyReLU(model_config.gen.lReLU_slope), nn.utils.parametrizations.weight_norm( nn.Conv1d( channel_size, 1, 7, padding=3, padding_mode="reflect", ), ), nn.Tanh(), ) # Output of STFT(zeros) self.mel_mask_value = -11.5129 def forward(self, c: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Forward pass of the Generator module. Args: c (Tensor): the conditioning sequence of mel-spectrogram (batch, mel_channels, in_length) Returns: Tensor: the generated audio waveform (batch, 1, out_length) """ z = torch.randn( c.shape[0], self.noise_dim, c.shape[2], device=c.device,, ) z = self.conv_pre(z) # (B, c_g, L) for res_block in self.res_stack: z = res_block(z, c) # (B, c_g, L * s_0 * ... * s_i) return self.conv_post(z) # (B, 1, L * 256) def eval(self, inference: bool = False): r"""Sets the module to evaluation mode. Args: inference (bool): whether to remove weight normalization or not. """ super().eval() # don't remove weight norm while validation in training loop if inference: self.remove_weight_norm() def remove_weight_norm(self) -> None: r"""Removes weight normalization from the module.""" print("Removing weight norm...") parametrize.remove_parametrizations(self.conv_pre, "weight") for layer in self.conv_post: if len(layer.state_dict()) != 0: parametrize.remove_parametrizations(layer, "weight") for res_block in self.res_stack: res_block.remove_weight_norm() def infer(self, c: torch.Tensor, mel_lens: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Infers the audio waveform from the mel-spectrogram conditioning sequence. Args: c (Tensor): the conditioning sequence of mel-spectrogram (batch, mel_channels, in_length) mel_lens (Tensor): the lengths of the mel-spectrogram conditioning sequence. Returns: Tensor: the generated audio waveform (batch, 1, out_length) """ mel_mask = get_mask_from_lengths(mel_lens).unsqueeze(1).to(c.device) c = c.masked_fill(mel_mask, self.mel_mask_value) zero = torch.full( (c.shape[0], self.mel_channel, 10), self.mel_mask_value, device=c.device, ) mel =, zero), dim=2) audio = self(mel) audio = audio[:, :, : -(self.hop_length * 10)] audio_mask = get_mask_from_lengths(mel_lens * 256).unsqueeze(1) return audio.masked_fill(audio_mask, 0.0)