from typing import Optional from piq import SSIMLoss import torch from torch import Tensor, nn from torch.nn import functional from models.config import AcousticModelConfigType from training.loss.utils import sample_wise_min_max # from def sequence_mask(sequence_length: Tensor, max_len: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: """Create a sequence mask for filtering padding in a sequence tensor. Args: sequence_length (torch.tensor): Sequence lengths. max_len (int, Optional): Maximum sequence length. Defaults to None. Shapes: - mask: :math:`[B, T_max]` """ max_len_ = max_len if max_len is not None else sequence_length.max().item() seq_range = torch.arange(max_len_, dtype=sequence_length.dtype, device=sequence_length.device) # B x T_max return seq_range.unsqueeze(0) < sequence_length.unsqueeze(1) class ForwardSumLoss(nn.Module): r"""A class used to compute the forward sum loss. Attributes: log_softmax (torch.nn.LogSoftmax): The log softmax function applied along dimension 3. ctc_loss (torch.nn.CTCLoss): The CTC loss function with zero infinity set to True. blank_logprob (int): The log probability of a blank, default is -1. Methods: forward(attn_logprob: Tensor, in_lens: Tensor, out_lens: Tensor) Compute the forward sum loss. """ def __init__(self, blank_logprob: int = -1): r"""Constructs all the necessary attributes for the ForwardSumLoss object. Args: blank_logprob (int, optional): The log probability of a blank (default is -1). """ super().__init__() self.log_softmax = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(dim=3) self.ctc_loss = torch.nn.CTCLoss(zero_infinity=True) self.blank_logprob = blank_logprob def forward(self, attn_logprob: Tensor, in_lens: Tensor, out_lens: Tensor): r"""Compute the forward sum loss. Args: attn_logprob (Tensor): The attention log probabilities. in_lens (Tensor): The input lengths. out_lens (Tensor): The output lengths. Returns: total_loss (float): The total loss computed. """ key_lens = in_lens query_lens = out_lens attn_logprob_padded = functional.pad(input=attn_logprob, pad=(1, 0), value=self.blank_logprob) total_loss = 0.0 for bid in range(attn_logprob.shape[0]): target_seq = torch.arange(1, key_lens[bid].item() + 1).unsqueeze(0) curr_logprob = attn_logprob_padded[bid].permute(1, 0, 2)[: query_lens[bid], :, : key_lens[bid] + 1] curr_logprob = self.log_softmax(curr_logprob[None])[0] loss = self.ctc_loss( curr_logprob, target_seq, input_lengths=query_lens[bid : bid + 1], target_lengths=key_lens[bid : bid + 1], ) total_loss = total_loss + loss total_loss = total_loss / attn_logprob.shape[0] return total_loss class DelightfulTTSLoss(nn.Module): r"""A class used to compute the delightful TTS loss. Attributes: mse_loss (nn.MSELoss): The mean squared error loss function. mae_loss (nn.L1Loss): The mean absolute error loss function. forward_sum_loss (ForwardSumLoss): The forward sum loss function. mel_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the mel loss. aligner_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the aligner loss. pitch_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the pitch loss. energy_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the energy loss. u_prosody_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the u prosody loss. p_prosody_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the p prosody loss. dur_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the duration loss. binary_alignment_loss_alpha (float): The weight for the binary alignment loss. Methods: _binary_alignment_loss(alignment_hard: Tensor, alignment_soft: Tensor) Compute the binary alignment loss. forward( mel_output: Tensor, mel_target: Tensor, mel_lens: Tensor, dur_output: Tensor, dur_target: Tensor, pitch_output: Tensor, pitch_target: Tensor, energy_output: Tensor, energy_target: Tensor, src_lens: Tensor, p_prosody_ref: Tensor, p_prosody_pred: Tensor, u_prosody_ref: Tensor, u_prosody_pred: Tensor, aligner_logprob: Tensor, aligner_hard: Tensor, aligner_soft: Tensor, binary_loss_weight: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) Compute the delightful TTS loss. """ def __init__(self, config: AcousticModelConfigType): r"""Constructs all the necessary attributes for the DelightfulTTSLoss object. Args: config (AcousticModelConfigType): Configuration parameters for the loss function. """ super().__init__() self.mse_loss = nn.MSELoss() self.mae_loss = nn.L1Loss() self.forward_sum_loss = ForwardSumLoss() self.ssim_loss = SSIMLoss() self.mel_loss_alpha = config.loss.mel_loss_alpha self.ssim_loss_alpha = config.loss.ssim_loss_alpha self.aligner_loss_alpha = config.loss.aligner_loss_alpha self.pitch_loss_alpha = config.loss.pitch_loss_alpha self.energy_loss_alpha = config.loss.energy_loss_alpha self.u_prosody_loss_alpha = config.loss.u_prosody_loss_alpha self.p_prosody_loss_alpha = config.loss.p_prosody_loss_alpha self.dur_loss_alpha = config.loss.dur_loss_alpha self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha = config.loss.binary_align_loss_alpha @staticmethod def _binary_alignment_loss(alignment_hard: Tensor, alignment_soft: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Binary loss that forces soft alignments to match the hard alignments as explained in ``. Args: alignment_hard (Tensor): The hard alignment tensor. alignment_soft (Tensor): The soft alignment tensor. Returns: loss (float): The computed binary alignment loss. """ log_sum = torch.log(torch.clamp(alignment_soft[alignment_hard == 1], min=1e-12)).sum() return -log_sum / alignment_hard.sum() def forward( self, mel_output: Tensor, mel_target: Tensor, mel_lens: Tensor, dur_output: Tensor, dur_target: Tensor, pitch_output: Tensor, pitch_target: Tensor, energy_output: Tensor, energy_target: Tensor, src_lens: Tensor, p_prosody_ref: Tensor, p_prosody_pred: Tensor, u_prosody_ref: Tensor, u_prosody_pred: Tensor, aligner_logprob: Tensor, aligner_hard: Tensor, aligner_soft: Tensor, ): r"""Compute the delightful TTS loss. Args: mel_output (Tensor): The mel output tensor. mel_target (Tensor): The mel target tensor. mel_lens (Tensor): The mel lengths tensor. dur_output (Tensor): The duration output tensor. dur_target (Tensor): The duration target tensor. pitch_output (Tensor): The pitch output tensor. pitch_target (Tensor): The pitch target tensor. energy_output (Tensor): The energy output tensor. energy_target (Tensor): The energy target tensor. src_lens (Tensor): The source lengths tensor. p_prosody_ref (Tensor): The p prosody reference tensor. p_prosody_pred (Tensor): The p prosody prediction tensor. u_prosody_ref (Tensor): The u prosody reference tensor. u_prosody_pred (Tensor): The u prosody prediction tensor. aligner_logprob (Tensor): The aligner log probabilities tensor. aligner_hard (Tensor): The hard aligner tensor. aligner_soft (Tensor): The soft aligner tensor. Returns: loss_dict (Tupple): A dictionary containing all the loss values. Shapes: - mel_output: :math:`(B, C_mel, T_mel)` - mel_target: :math:`(B, C_mel, T_mel)` - mel_lens: :math:`(B)` - dur_output: :math:`(B, T_src)` - dur_target: :math:`(B, T_src)` - pitch_output: :math:`(B, 1, T_src)` - pitch_target: :math:`(B, 1, T_src)` - energy_output: :math:`(B, 1, T_src)` - energy_target: :math:`(B, 1, T_src)` - src_lens: :math:`(B)` - p_prosody_ref: :math:`(B, T_src, 4)` - p_prosody_pred: :math:`(B, T_src, 4)` - u_prosody_ref: :math:`(B, 1, 256) - u_prosody_pred: :math:`(B, 1, 256) - aligner_logprob: :math:`(B, 1, T_mel, T_src)` - aligner_hard: :math:`(B, T_mel, T_src)` - aligner_soft: :math:`(B, T_mel, T_src)` """ src_mask = sequence_mask(src_lens).to(mel_output.device) # (B, T_src) mel_mask = sequence_mask(mel_lens).to(mel_output.device) # (B, T_mel) dur_target.requires_grad = False mel_target.requires_grad = False pitch_target.requires_grad = False mel_predictions_normalized = sample_wise_min_max(mel_output).float().to(mel_output.device) mel_targets_normalized = sample_wise_min_max(mel_target).float().to(mel_target.device) masked_mel_predictions = mel_output.masked_select(mel_mask[:, None]) mel_targets = mel_target.masked_select(mel_mask[:, None]) mel_loss = self.mae_loss(masked_mel_predictions, mel_targets) * self.mel_loss_alpha ssim_loss: torch.Tensor = self.ssim_loss( mel_predictions_normalized.unsqueeze(1), mel_targets_normalized.unsqueeze(1), ) * self.ssim_loss_alpha if ssim_loss.item() > 1.0 or ssim_loss.item() < 0.0: print( f"Overflow in ssim loss detected, which was {ssim_loss.item()}, setting to 1.0", ) ssim_loss = torch.tensor([1.0], device=mel_output.device) p_prosody_ref = p_prosody_ref.detach() p_prosody_loss = self.mae_loss( p_prosody_ref.masked_select(src_mask.unsqueeze(-1)), p_prosody_pred.masked_select(src_mask.unsqueeze(-1)), ) * self.p_prosody_loss_alpha u_prosody_ref = u_prosody_ref.detach() u_prosody_loss = self.mae_loss(u_prosody_ref, u_prosody_pred) * self.u_prosody_loss_alpha duration_loss = self.mse_loss(dur_output, dur_target) * self.dur_loss_alpha pitch_output = pitch_output.masked_select(src_mask[:, None]) pitch_target = pitch_target.masked_select(src_mask[:, None]) pitch_loss = self.mse_loss(pitch_output, pitch_target) * self.pitch_loss_alpha energy_output = energy_output.masked_select(src_mask[:, None]) energy_target = energy_target.masked_select(src_mask[:, None]) energy_loss = self.mse_loss(energy_output, energy_target) * self.energy_loss_alpha forward_sum_loss = self.forward_sum_loss( aligner_logprob, src_lens, mel_lens, ) * self.aligner_loss_alpha binary_alignment_loss = self._binary_alignment_loss( aligner_hard, aligner_soft, ) * self.binary_alignment_loss_alpha total_loss = ( mel_loss + ssim_loss + duration_loss + u_prosody_loss + p_prosody_loss + pitch_loss + forward_sum_loss + binary_alignment_loss + energy_loss ) return ( total_loss, mel_loss, ssim_loss, duration_loss, u_prosody_loss, p_prosody_loss, pitch_loss, forward_sum_loss, binary_alignment_loss, energy_loss, )