from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass import os from pathlib import Path import tempfile from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple os.environ["TQDM_DISABLE"] = "1" import tqdm def nop(it, *a, **k): return it tqdm.tqdm = nop from lhotse import CutSet, RecordingSet, SupervisionSet from lhotse.cut import MonoCut from import hifitts, libritts import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import torch from torch import Tensor from import DataLoader, Dataset from voicefixer import VoiceFixer from models.config import PreprocessingConfigHifiGAN as PreprocessingConfig from models.config import get_lang_map, lang2id from training.preprocess import PreprocessLibriTTS from import pad_1D, pad_2D, pad_3D NUM_JOBS = (os.cpu_count() or 2) - 1 # The selected speakers from the HiFiTTS dataset speakers_hifi_ids = [ "Cori Samuel", # 92, "Tony Oliva", # 6671, "John Van Stan", # 9017, "Helen Taylor", # 9136, # "Phil Benson", # 6097, # "Mike Pelton", # 6670, # "Maria Kasper", # 8051, # "Sylviamb", # 11614, # "Celine Major", # 11697, # "LikeManyWaters", # 12787, ] # The selected speakers from the LibriTTS dataset speakers_libri_ids = list( map( str, [ # train-clean-100 40, 1088, # train-clean-360 3307, 5935, # train-other-500 215, 6594, 3867, 5733, 5181, ], ), ) # Map the speaker ids to string and list of selected speaker ids to set selected_speakers_ids = { v: k for k, v in enumerate( speakers_hifi_ids + speakers_libri_ids, ) } def prep_2_cutset(prep: Dict[str, Dict[str, RecordingSet | SupervisionSet]]) -> CutSet: r"""Prepare the dataset for the model. This function is used to convert the prepared dataset to a CutSet. Args: prep (Dict[str, Dict[str, RecordingSet | SupervisionSet]]): The prepared dataset. Returns: CutSet: The dataset prepared for the model. """ recordings_hifi = RecordingSet() supervisions_hifi = SupervisionSet() for hifi_row in prep.values(): record = hifi_row["recordings"] supervision = hifi_row["supervisions"] # Separate the recordings and supervisions if isinstance(record, RecordingSet): recordings_hifi += record if isinstance(supervision, SupervisionSet): supervisions_hifi += supervision # Add the recordings and supervisions to the CutSet return CutSet.from_manifests( recordings=recordings_hifi, supervisions=supervisions_hifi, ) DATASET_TYPES = Literal["hifitts", "libritts"] @dataclass class HifiLibriItem: """Dataset row for the HiFiTTS and LibriTTS datasets combined in this code. Args: id (str): The ID of the item. wav (Tensor): The waveform of the audio. mel (Tensor): The mel spectrogram. pitch (Tensor): The pitch. text (Tensor): The text. attn_prior (Tensor): The attention prior. energy (Tensor): The energy. raw_text (str): The raw text. normalized_text (str): The normalized text. speaker (int): The speaker ID. pitch_is_normalized (bool): Whether the pitch is normalized. lang (int): The language ID. dataset_type (DATASET_TYPES): The type of dataset. """ id: str wav: Tensor mel: Tensor pitch: Tensor text: Tensor attn_prior: Tensor energy: Tensor raw_text: str normalized_text: str speaker: int pitch_is_normalized: bool lang: int dataset_type: DATASET_TYPES class HifiLibriDataset(Dataset): r"""A PyTorch dataset for loading delightful TTS data.""" def __init__( self, lang: str = "en", root: str = "datasets_cache", sampling_rate: int = 44100, hifitts_path: str = "hifitts", hifi_cutset_file_name: str = "hifi.json.gz", libritts_path: str = "librittsr", libritts_cutset_file_name: str = "libri.json.gz", libritts_subsets: List[str] | str = "all", cache: bool = False, cache_dir: str = "/dev/shm", num_jobs: int = NUM_JOBS, min_seconds: Optional[float] = None, max_seconds: Optional[float] = None, include_libri: bool = True, libri_speakers: List[str] = speakers_libri_ids, hifi_speakers: List[str] = speakers_hifi_ids, ): r"""Initializes the dataset. Args: lang (str, optional): The language of the dataset. Defaults to "en". root (str, optional): The root directory of the dataset. Defaults to "datasets_cache". sampling_rate (int, optional): The sampling rate of the audio. Defaults to 44100. hifitts_path (str, optional): The path to the HiFiTTS dataset. Defaults to "hifitts". hifi_cutset_file_name (str, optional): The file name of the HiFiTTS cutset. Defaults to "hifi.json.gz". libritts_path (str, optional): The path to the LibriTTS dataset. Defaults to "librittsr". libritts_cutset_file_name (str, optional): The file name of the LibriTTS cutset. Defaults to "libri.json.gz". libritts_subsets (Union[List[str], str], optional): The subsets of the LibriTTS dataset to use. Defaults to "all". cache (bool, optional): Whether to cache the dataset. Defaults to False. cache_dir (str, optional): The directory to cache the dataset in. Defaults to "/dev/shm". num_jobs (int, optional): The number of jobs to use for preparing the dataset. Defaults to NUM_JOBS. min_seconds (Optional[float], optional): The minimum duration of the audio. Defaults from the preprocess config. max_seconds (Optional[float], optional): The maximum duration of the audio. Defaults from the preprocess config. include_libri (bool, optional): Whether to include the LibriTTS dataset. Defaults to True. libri_speakers (List[str], optional): The selected speakers from the LibriTTS dataset. Defaults to selected_speakers_libri_ids. hifi_speakers (List[str], optional): The selected speakers from the HiFiTTS dataset. Defaults to selected_speakers_hi_fi_ids. """ lang_map = get_lang_map(lang) processing_lang_type = lang_map.processing_lang_type self.preprocess_config = PreprocessingConfig( processing_lang_type, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, ) self.min_seconds = min_seconds or self.preprocess_config.min_seconds self.max_seconds = max_seconds or self.preprocess_config.max_seconds self.dur_filter = ( lambda duration: duration >= self.min_seconds and duration <= self.max_seconds ) self.preprocess_libtts = PreprocessLibriTTS( self.preprocess_config, lang, ) self.root_dir = Path(root) self.voicefixer = VoiceFixer() # Map the speaker ids to string and list of selected speaker ids to set self.selected_speakers_libri_ids_ = set(libri_speakers) self.selected_speakers_hi_fi_ids_ = set(hifi_speakers) self.cache = cache self.cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) / f"cache-{hifitts_path}-{libritts_path}" # Prepare the HiFiTTS dataset self.hifitts_path = self.root_dir / hifitts_path hifi_cutset_file_path = self.root_dir / hifi_cutset_file_name # Initialize the cutset self.cutset = CutSet() # Check if the HiFiTTS dataset has been prepared if hifi_cutset_file_path.exists(): self.cutset_hifi = CutSet.from_file(hifi_cutset_file_path) else: hifitts_root = hifitts.download_hifitts(self.hifitts_path) prepared_hifi = hifitts.prepare_hifitts( hifitts_root, num_jobs=num_jobs, ) # Add the recordings and supervisions to the CutSet self.cutset_hifi = prep_2_cutset(prepared_hifi) # Save the prepared HiFiTTS dataset cutset self.cutset_hifi.to_file(hifi_cutset_file_path) # Filter the HiFiTTS cutset to only include the selected speakers self.cutset_hifi = self.cutset_hifi.filter( lambda cut: isinstance(cut, MonoCut) and str(cut.supervisions[0].speaker) in self.selected_speakers_hi_fi_ids_ and self.dur_filter(cut.duration), ).to_eager() # Add the HiFiTTS cutset to the final cutset self.cutset += self.cutset_hifi if include_libri: # Prepare the LibriTTS dataset self.libritts_path = self.root_dir / libritts_path libritts_cutset_file_path = self.root_dir / libritts_cutset_file_name # Check if the LibriTTS dataset has been prepared if libritts_cutset_file_path.exists(): self.cutset_libri = CutSet.from_file(libritts_cutset_file_path) else: libritts_root = libritts.download_librittsr( self.libritts_path, dataset_parts=libritts_subsets, ) prepared_libri = libritts.prepare_librittsr( libritts_root / "LibriTTS_R", dataset_parts=libritts_subsets, num_jobs=num_jobs, ) # Add the recordings and supervisions to the CutSet self.cutset_libri = prep_2_cutset(prepared_libri) # Save the prepared cutset for LibriTTS self.cutset_libri.to_file(libritts_cutset_file_path) # Filter the libri cutset to only include the selected speakers self.cutset_libri = self.cutset_libri.filter( lambda cut: isinstance(cut, MonoCut) and str(cut.supervisions[0].speaker) in self.selected_speakers_libri_ids_ and self.dur_filter(cut.duration), ).to_eager() # Add the LibriTTS cutset to the final cutset self.cutset += self.cutset_libri # to_eager() is used to evaluates all lazy operations on this manifest self.cutset = self.cutset.to_eager() def get_cache_subdir_path(self, idx: int) -> Path: r"""Calculate the path to the cache subdirectory. Args: idx (int): The index of the cache subdirectory. Returns: Path: The path to the cache subdirectory. """ return self.cache_dir / str(((idx // 1000) + 1) * 1000) def get_cache_file_path(self, idx: int) -> Path: r"""Calculate the path to the cache file. Args: idx (int): The index of the cache file. Returns: Path: The path to the cache file. """ return self.get_cache_subdir_path(idx) / f"{idx}.pt" def __len__(self) -> int: r"""Returns the length of the dataset. Returns: int: The length of the dataset. """ return len(self.cutset) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> HifiLibriItem: r"""Returns the item at the specified index. Args: idx (int): The index of the item. Returns: HifiLibriItem: The item at the specified index. """ cache_file = self.get_cache_file_path(idx) if self.cache and cache_file.exists(): cached_data: Dict = torch.load(cache_file) # Cast the cached data to the PreprocessForAcousticResult class result = HifiLibriItem(**cached_data) return result cutset = self.cutset[idx] if isinstance(cutset, MonoCut) and cutset.recording is not None: dataset_speaker_id = str(cutset.supervisions[0].speaker) # Map the dataset speaker id to the speaker id in the model speaker_id = selected_speakers_ids.get( dataset_speaker_id, len(selected_speakers_ids) + 1, ) # Run voicefixer only for the libri speakers if str(dataset_speaker_id) in self.selected_speakers_libri_ids_: audio_path = cutset.recording.sources[0].source # Restore LibriTTS-R audio with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix=".wav", delete=True, ) as out_file: self.voicefixer.restore( input=audio_path, # low quality .wav/.flac file, # save file path cuda=False, # GPU acceleration mode=0, ) audio, _ = # Convert the np audio to a tensor audio = torch.from_numpy(audio).float().unsqueeze(0) else: # Load the audio from the cutset audio = torch.from_numpy(cutset.load_audio()) text: str = str(cutset.supervisions[0].text) fileid = str(cutset.supervisions[0].recording_id) split_fileid = fileid.split("_") chapter_id = split_fileid[1] utterance_id = split_fileid[-1] libri_row = ( audio, cutset.sampling_rate, text, text, speaker_id, chapter_id, utterance_id, ) data = self.preprocess_libtts.acoustic(libri_row) if data is None: rand_idx = int( torch.randint( 0, self.__len__(), (1,), ).item(), ) return self.__getitem__(rand_idx) data.wav = data.wav.unsqueeze(0) result = HifiLibriItem( id=data.utterance_id, wav=data.wav, mel=data.mel, pitch=data.pitch, text=data.phones, attn_prior=data.attn_prior,, raw_text=data.raw_text, normalized_text=data.normalized_text, speaker=speaker_id, pitch_is_normalized=data.pitch_is_normalized, lang=lang2id["en"], dataset_type="hifitts" if idx < len(self.cutset_hifi) else "libritts", ) if self.cache: # Create the cache subdirectory if it doesn't exist Path.mkdir( self.get_cache_subdir_path(idx), parents=True, exist_ok=True, ) # Save the preprocessed data to the cache, cache_file) return result else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cut not found at index {idx}.") def __iter__(self): r"""Method makes the class iterable. It iterates over the `_walker` attribute and for each item, it gets the corresponding item from the dataset using the `__getitem__` method. Yields: The item from the dataset corresponding to the current item in `_walker`. """ for item in range(self.__len__()): yield self.__getitem__(item) def collate_fn(self, data: List[HifiLibriItem]) -> List: r"""Collates a batch of data samples. Args: data (List[HifiLibriItem]): A list of data samples. Returns: List: A list of reprocessed data batches. """ data_size = len(data) idxs = list(range(data_size)) # Initialize empty lists to store extracted values empty_lists: List[List] = [[] for _ in range(12)] ( ids, speakers, texts, raw_texts, mels, pitches, attn_priors, langs, src_lens, mel_lens, wavs, energy, ) = empty_lists # Extract fields from data dictionary and populate the lists for idx in idxs: data_entry = data[idx] ids.append( speakers.append(data_entry.speaker) texts.append(data_entry.text) raw_texts.append(data_entry.raw_text) mels.append(data_entry.mel) pitches.append(data_entry.pitch) attn_priors.append(data_entry.attn_prior) langs.append(data_entry.lang) src_lens.append(data_entry.text.shape[0]) mel_lens.append(data_entry.mel.shape[1]) wavs.append(data_entry.wav) energy.append( # Convert langs, src_lens, and mel_lens to numpy arrays langs = np.array(langs) src_lens = np.array(src_lens) mel_lens = np.array(mel_lens) # NOTE: Instead of the pitches for the whole dataset, used stat for the batch # Take only min and max values for pitch pitches_stat = list(self.normalize_pitch(pitches)[:2]) texts = pad_1D(texts) mels = pad_2D(mels) pitches = pad_1D(pitches) attn_priors = pad_3D(attn_priors, len(idxs), max(src_lens), max(mel_lens)) speakers = np.repeat( np.expand_dims(np.array(speakers), axis=1), texts.shape[1], axis=1, ) langs = np.repeat( np.expand_dims(np.array(langs), axis=1), texts.shape[1], axis=1, ) wavs = pad_2D(wavs) energy = pad_2D(energy) return [ ids, raw_texts, torch.from_numpy(speakers),, torch.from_numpy(src_lens), mels, pitches, pitches_stat, torch.from_numpy(mel_lens), torch.from_numpy(langs), attn_priors, wavs, energy, ] def normalize_pitch( self, pitches: List[torch.Tensor], ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: r"""Normalizes the pitch values. Args: pitches (List[torch.Tensor]): A list of pitch values. Returns: Tuple: A tuple containing the normalized pitch values. """ pitches_t = torch.concatenate(pitches) min_value = torch.min(pitches_t).item() max_value = torch.max(pitches_t).item() mean = torch.mean(pitches_t).item() std = torch.std(pitches_t).item() return min_value, max_value, mean, std def train_dataloader( batch_size: int = 6, num_workers: int = 5, sampling_rate: int = 22050, shuffle: bool = False, lang: str = "en", root: str = "datasets_cache", hifitts_path: str = "hifitts", hifi_cutset_file_name: str = "hifi.json.gz", libritts_path: str = "librittsr", libritts_cutset_file_name: str = "libri.json.gz", libritts_subsets: List[str] | str = "all", cache: bool = False, cache_dir: str = "/dev/shm", include_libri: bool = True, libri_speakers: List[str] = speakers_libri_ids, hifi_speakers: List[str] = speakers_hifi_ids, ) -> DataLoader: r"""Returns the training dataloader, that is using the HifiLibriDataset dataset. Args: batch_size (int): The batch size. num_workers (int): The number of workers. sampling_rate (int): The sampling rate of the audio. Defaults to 22050. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the dataset. lang (str): The language of the dataset. root (str): The root directory of the dataset. hifitts_path (str): The path to the HiFiTTS dataset. hifi_cutset_file_name (str): The file name of the HiFiTTS cutset. libritts_path (str): The path to the LibriTTS dataset. libritts_cutset_file_name (str): The file name of the LibriTTS cutset. libritts_subsets (List[str] | str): The subsets of the LibriTTS dataset to use. cache (bool): Whether to cache the dataset. cache_dir (str): The directory to cache the dataset in. include_libri (bool): Whether to include the LibriTTS dataset. libri_speakers (List[str]): The selected speakers from the LibriTTS dataset. hifi_speakers (List[str]): The selected speakers from the HiFiTTS dataset. Returns: DataLoader: The training dataloader. """ dataset = HifiLibriDataset( root=root, hifitts_path=hifitts_path, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, hifi_cutset_file_name=hifi_cutset_file_name, libritts_path=libritts_path, libritts_cutset_file_name=libritts_cutset_file_name, libritts_subsets=libritts_subsets, cache=cache, cache_dir=cache_dir, lang=lang, include_libri=include_libri, libri_speakers=libri_speakers, hifi_speakers=hifi_speakers, ) train_loader = DataLoader( dataset, # 4x80Gb max 10 sec audio # batch_size=20, # self.train_config.batch_size, # 4*80Gb max ~20.4 sec audio batch_size=batch_size, # TODO: find the optimal num_workers num_workers=num_workers, persistent_workers=True, pin_memory=True, shuffle=shuffle, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) return train_loader