
Major update. Support for 15 LLMs, World Flora Online taxonomy validation, geolocation, 2 OCR methods, significant UI changes, stability improvements, consistent JSON parsing
import os, requests | |
import pycountry_convert as pc | |
import unicodedata | |
import pycountry_convert as pc | |
import warnings | |
def normalize_country_name(name): | |
return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).encode('ASCII', 'ignore').decode('ASCII') | |
def get_continent(country_name): | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='pycountry') | |
continent_code_to_name = { | |
"AF": "Africa", | |
"NA": "North America", | |
"OC": "Oceania", | |
"AN": "Antarctica", | |
"AS": "Asia", | |
"EU": "Europe", | |
"SA": "South America" | |
} | |
try: | |
normalized_country_name = normalize_country_name(country_name) | |
# Get country alpha2 code | |
country_code = pc.country_name_to_country_alpha2(normalized_country_name) | |
# Get continent code from country alpha2 code | |
continent_code = pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(country_code) | |
# Map the continent code to continent name | |
return continent_code_to_name.get(continent_code, '') | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(str(e)) | |
return '' | |
def validate_coordinates_here(record, replace_if_success_geo=False): | |
forward_url = '' | |
reverse_url = '' | |
pinpoint = ['GEO_city','GEO_county','GEO_state','GEO_country',] | |
GEO_dict_null = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
GEO_dict = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
GEO_dict_rev = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
GEO_dict_forward = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality = { | |
'GEO_override_OCR': False, | |
'GEO_method': '', | |
'GEO_formatted_full_string': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_lat': '', | |
'GEO_decimal_long': '', | |
'GEO_city': '', | |
'GEO_county': '', | |
'GEO_state': '', | |
'GEO_state_code': '', | |
'GEO_country': '', | |
'GEO_country_code': '', | |
'GEO_continent': '', | |
} | |
# For production | |
query_forward = ', '.join(filter(None, [record.get('municipality', '').strip(), | |
record.get('county', '').strip(), | |
record.get('stateProvince', '').strip(), | |
record.get('country', '').strip()])).strip() | |
query_forward_locality = ', '.join(filter(None, [record.get('locality', '').strip(), | |
record.get('municipality', '').strip(), | |
record.get('county', '').strip(), | |
record.get('stateProvince', '').strip(), | |
record.get('country', '').strip()])).strip() | |
query_reverse = ','.join(filter(None, [record.get('decimalLatitude', '').strip(), | |
record.get('decimalLongitude', '').strip()])).strip() | |
query_reverse_verbatim = record.get('verbatimCoordinates', '').strip() | |
''' | |
#For testing | |
# query_forward = 'Ann bor, michign' | |
query_forward = 'michigan' | |
query_forward_locality = 'Ann bor, michign' | |
# query_gps = "42 N,-83 W" # cannot have any spaces | |
# query_reverse_verbatim = "42.278366,-83.744718" # cannot have any spaces | |
query_reverse_verbatim = "42,-83" # cannot have any spaces | |
query_reverse = "42,-83" # cannot have any spaces | |
# params = { | |
# 'q': query_loc, | |
# 'apiKey': os.environ['here_api_key'], | |
# }''' | |
params_rev = { | |
'at': query_reverse, | |
'apiKey': os.environ['here_api_key'], | |
'lang': 'en', | |
} | |
params_reverse_verbatim = { | |
'at': query_reverse_verbatim, | |
'apiKey': os.environ['here_api_key'], | |
'lang': 'en', | |
} | |
params_forward = { | |
'q': query_forward, | |
'apiKey': os.environ['here_api_key'], | |
'lang': 'en', | |
} | |
params_forward_locality = { | |
'q': query_forward_locality, | |
'apiKey': os.environ['here_api_key'], | |
'lang': 'en', | |
} | |
### REVERSE | |
# If there are two string in the coordinates, try a reverse first based on the literal coordinates | |
response = requests.get(reverse_url, params=params_rev) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
if data.get('items'): | |
first_result = data['items'][0] | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_method'] = 'HERE_Geocode_reverse' | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_formatted_full_string'] = first_result.get('title', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_decimal_lat'] = first_result['position']['lat'] | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_decimal_long'] = first_result['position']['lng'] | |
address = first_result.get('address', {}) | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_city'] = address.get('city', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_county'] = address.get('county', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_state'] = address.get('state', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_state_code'] = address.get('stateCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_country'] = address.get('countryName', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_country_code'] = address.get('countryCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev['GEO_continent'] = get_continent(address.get('countryName', '')) | |
### REVERSE Verbatim | |
# If there are two string in the coordinates, try a reverse first based on the literal coordinates | |
if GEO_dict_rev['GEO_city']: # If the reverse was successful, pass | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev | |
else: | |
response = requests.get(reverse_url, params=params_reverse_verbatim) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
if data.get('items'): | |
first_result = data['items'][0] | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_method'] = 'HERE_Geocode_reverse_verbatimCoordinates' | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_formatted_full_string'] = first_result.get('title', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_decimal_lat'] = first_result['position']['lat'] | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_decimal_long'] = first_result['position']['lng'] | |
address = first_result.get('address', {}) | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_city'] = address.get('city', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_county'] = address.get('county', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_state'] = address.get('state', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_state_code'] = address.get('stateCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_country'] = address.get('countryName', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_country_code'] = address.get('countryCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_continent'] = get_continent(address.get('countryName', '')) | |
### FORWARD | |
### Try forward, if failes, try reverse using deci, then verbatim | |
if GEO_dict_rev['GEO_city']: # If the reverse was successful, pass | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev | |
elif GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_city']: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev_verbatim | |
else: | |
response = requests.get(forward_url, params=params_forward) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
if data.get('items'): | |
first_result = data['items'][0] | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_method'] = 'HERE_Geocode_forward' | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_formatted_full_string'] = first_result.get('title', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_decimal_lat'] = first_result['position']['lat'] | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_decimal_long'] = first_result['position']['lng'] | |
address = first_result.get('address', {}) | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_city'] = address.get('city', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_county'] = address.get('county', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_state'] = address.get('state', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_state_code'] = address.get('stateCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_country'] = address.get('countryName', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_country_code'] = address.get('countryCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward['GEO_continent'] = get_continent(address.get('countryName', '')) | |
### FORWARD locality | |
### Try forward, if failes, try reverse using deci, then verbatim | |
if GEO_dict_rev['GEO_city']: # If the reverse was successful, pass | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev | |
elif GEO_dict_rev_verbatim['GEO_city']: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev_verbatim | |
elif GEO_dict_forward['GEO_city']: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_forward | |
else: | |
response = requests.get(forward_url, params=params_forward_locality) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
data = response.json() | |
if data.get('items'): | |
first_result = data['items'][0] | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_method'] = 'HERE_Geocode_forward_locality' | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_formatted_full_string'] = first_result.get('title', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_decimal_lat'] = first_result['position']['lat'] | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_decimal_long'] = first_result['position']['lng'] | |
address = first_result.get('address', {}) | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_city'] = address.get('city', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_county'] = address.get('county', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_state'] = address.get('state', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_state_code'] = address.get('stateCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_country'] = address.get('countryName', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_country_code'] = address.get('countryCode', '') | |
GEO_dict_forward_locality['GEO_continent'] = get_continent(address.get('countryName', '')) | |
# print(json.dumps(GEO_dict,indent=4)) | |
# Pick the most detailed version | |
# if GEO_dict_rev['GEO_formatted_full_string'] and GEO_dict_forward['GEO_formatted_full_string']: | |
for loc in pinpoint: | |
rev = GEO_dict_rev.get(loc,'') | |
forward = GEO_dict_forward.get(loc,'') | |
forward_locality = GEO_dict_forward_locality.get(loc,'') | |
rev_verbatim = GEO_dict_rev_verbatim.get(loc,'') | |
if not rev and not forward and not forward_locality and not rev_verbatim: | |
pass | |
elif rev: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev | |
break | |
elif forward: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_forward | |
break | |
elif forward_locality: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_forward_locality | |
break | |
elif rev_verbatim: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_rev_verbatim | |
break | |
else: | |
GEO_dict = GEO_dict_null | |
if GEO_dict['GEO_formatted_full_string'] and replace_if_success_geo: | |
GEO_dict['GEO_override_OCR'] = True | |
record['country'] = GEO_dict.get('GEO_country') | |
record['stateProvince'] = GEO_dict.get('GEO_state') | |
record['county'] = GEO_dict.get('GEO_county') | |
record['municipality'] = GEO_dict.get('GEO_city') | |
# print(json.dumps(GEO_dict,indent=4)) | |
return record, GEO_dict | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
validate_coordinates_here(None) |