VoucherVision / vouchervision /general_utils.py
phyloforfun's picture
Major update. Support for 15 LLMs, World Flora Online taxonomy validation, geolocation, 2 OCR methods, significant UI changes, stability improvements, consistent JSON parsing
history blame
59.4 kB
import os, yaml, datetime, argparse, re, cv2, random, shutil, tiktoken, json, csv
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import concurrent.futures
from time import perf_counter
import torch
from vouchervision.model_maps import ModelMaps
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/287871/how-do-i-print-colored-text-to-the-terminal
def validate_dir(dir):
if not os.path.exists(dir):
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
def get_cfg_from_full_path(path_cfg):
with open(path_cfg, "r") as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
return cfg
def num_tokens_from_string(string, encoding_name):
# Ensure the encoding is obtained correctly.
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
# Convert dictionary to string if it is not already a string
if isinstance(string, dict):
string = json.dumps(string, ensure_ascii=False)
# Encode the string and return the number of tokens.
num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
except Exception as e:
# If there's any error, log it and return 0.
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
num_tokens = 0
return num_tokens
def add_to_expense_report(dir_home, data):
path_expense_report = os.path.join(dir_home, 'expense_report','expense_report.csv')
# Check if the file exists
file_exists = os.path.isfile(path_expense_report)
# Open the file in append mode if it exists, or write mode if it doesn't
mode = 'a' if file_exists else 'w'
with open(path_expense_report, mode=mode, newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# If the file does not exist, write the header first
if not file_exists:
writer.writerow(['run','date','api_version','total_cost', 'n_images', 'tokens_in', 'tokens_out', 'rate_in', 'rate_out', 'cost_in', 'cost_out',])
# Write the data row
def save_token_info_as_csv(Dirs, LLM_version0, path_api_cost, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out, n_images, dir_home, logger):
if path_api_cost:
LLM_version = ModelMaps.get_version_mapping_cost(LLM_version0)
# Define the CSV file path
csv_file_path = os.path.join(Dirs.path_cost, Dirs.run_name + '.csv')
cost_in, cost_out, total_cost, rate_in, rate_out = calculate_cost(LLM_version, path_api_cost, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out)
# The data to be written to the CSV file
data = [Dirs.run_name, get_datetime(),LLM_version, total_cost, n_images, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out, rate_in, rate_out, cost_in, cost_out,]
# Open the file in write mode
with open(csv_file_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write the header
writer.writerow(['run','date','api_version','total_cost', 'n_images', 'tokens_in', 'tokens_out', 'rate_in', 'rate_out', 'cost_in', 'cost_out',])
# Write the data
# Create a summary string
cost_summary = (f"Cost Summary for {Dirs.run_name}:\n"
f" API Cost In: ${rate_in} per 1000 Tokens\n"
f" API Cost Out: ${rate_out} per 1000 Tokens\n"
f" Tokens In: {total_tokens_in} - Cost: ${cost_in:.4f}\n"
f" Tokens Out: {total_tokens_out} - Cost: ${cost_out:.4f}\n"
f" Images Processed: {n_images}\n"
f" Total Cost: ${total_cost:.4f}")
add_to_expense_report(dir_home, data)
return total_cost
return None #TODO add config tests to expense_report
def summarize_expense_report(path_expense_report):
# Initialize counters and sums
run_count = 0
total_cost_sum = 0
tokens_in_sum = 0
tokens_out_sum = 0
rate_in_sum = 0
rate_out_sum = 0
cost_in_sum = 0
cost_out_sum = 0
n_images_sum = 0
api_version_counts = Counter()
# Try to read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(path_expense_report)
# Process each row in the DataFrame
for index, row in df.iterrows():
run_count += 1
total_cost_sum += row['total_cost']
tokens_in_sum += row['tokens_in']
tokens_out_sum += row['tokens_out']
rate_in_sum += row['rate_in']
rate_out_sum += row['rate_out']
cost_in_sum += row['cost_in']
cost_out_sum += row['cost_out']
n_images_sum += row['n_images']
api_version_counts[row['api_version']] += 1
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"The file {path_expense_report} does not exist.")
return None
# Calculate API version percentages
api_version_percentages = {version: (count / run_count) * 100 for version, count in api_version_counts.items()}
# Calculate cost per image for each API version
cost_per_image_dict = {}
for version, count in api_version_counts.items():
total_cost = df[df['api_version'] == version]['total_cost'].sum()
n_images = df[df['api_version'] == version]['n_images'].sum()
cost_per_image = total_cost / n_images if n_images > 0 else 0
cost_per_image_dict[version] = cost_per_image
# Return the DataFrame and all summaries
return {
'run_count': run_count,
'total_cost_sum': total_cost_sum,
'tokens_in_sum': tokens_in_sum,
'tokens_out_sum': tokens_out_sum,
'rate_in_sum': rate_in_sum,
'rate_out_sum': rate_out_sum,
'cost_in_sum': cost_in_sum,
'cost_out_sum': cost_out_sum,
'api_version_percentages': api_version_percentages,
'cost_per_image': cost_per_image_dict
}, df
def calculate_cost(LLM_version, path_api_cost, total_tokens_in, total_tokens_out):
# Load the rates from the YAML file
with open(path_api_cost, 'r') as file:
cost_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
# Get the rates for the specified LLM version
if LLM_version in cost_data:
rates = cost_data[LLM_version]
cost_in = rates['in'] * (total_tokens_in/1000)
cost_out = rates['out'] * (total_tokens_out/1000)
total_cost = cost_in + cost_out
raise ValueError(f"LLM version {LLM_version} not found in the cost data")
return cost_in, cost_out, total_cost, rates['in'], rates['out']
def create_google_ocr_yaml_config(output_file, dir_images_local, dir_output):
# Define the configuration dictionary
config = {
'leafmachine': {
'LLM_version': 'PaLM 2',
'archival_component_detector': {
'detector_iteration': 'PREP_final',
'detector_type': 'Archival_Detector',
'detector_version': 'PREP_final',
'detector_weights': 'best.pt',
'do_save_prediction_overlay_images': True,
'ignore_objects_for_overlay': [],
'minimum_confidence_threshold': 0.5
'cropped_components': {
'binarize_labels': False,
'binarize_labels_skeletonize': False,
'do_save_cropped_annotations': True,
'save_cropped_annotations': ['label', 'barcode'],
'save_per_annotation_class': True,
'save_per_image': False
'data': {
'do_apply_conversion_factor': False,
'include_darwin_core_data_from_combined_file': False,
'save_individual_csv_files_landmarks': False,
'save_individual_csv_files_measurements': False,
'save_individual_csv_files_rulers': False,
'save_individual_efd_files': False,
'save_json_measurements': False,
'save_json_rulers': False
'do': {
'check_for_corrupt_images_make_vertical': True,
'check_for_illegal_filenames': False
'logging': {
'log_level': None
'modules': {
'specimen_crop': True
'overlay': {
'alpha_transparency_archival': 0.3,
'alpha_transparency_plant': 0,
'alpha_transparency_seg_partial_leaf': 0.3,
'alpha_transparency_seg_whole_leaf': 0.4,
'ignore_archival_detections_classes': [],
'ignore_landmark_classes': [],
'ignore_plant_detections_classes': ['leaf_whole', 'specimen'],
'line_width_archival': 12,
'line_width_efd': 12,
'line_width_plant': 12,
'line_width_seg': 12,
'overlay_background_color': 'black',
'overlay_dpi': 300,
'save_overlay_to_jpgs': True,
'save_overlay_to_pdf': False,
'show_archival_detections': True,
'show_landmarks': True,
'show_plant_detections': True,
'show_segmentations': True
'print': {
'optional_warnings': True,
'verbose': True
'project': {
'batch_size': 500,
'build_new_embeddings_database': False,
'catalog_numerical_only': False,
'continue_run_from_partial_xlsx': '',
'delete_all_temps': False,
'delete_temps_keep_VVE': False,
'dir_images_local': dir_images_local,
'dir_output': dir_output,
'embeddings_database_name': 'SLTP_UM_AllAsiaMinimalInRegion',
'image_location': 'local',
'num_workers': 1,
'path_to_domain_knowledge_xlsx': '',
'prefix_removal': '',
'prompt_version': 'Version 2 PaLM 2',
'run_name': 'google_vision_ocr_test',
'suffix_removal': '',
'use_domain_knowledge': False
'use_RGB_label_images': False
# Generate the YAML string from the data structure
yaml_str = yaml.dump(config, sort_keys=False)
# Write the YAML string to a file
with open(output_file, 'w') as file:
def test_GPU():
info = []
success = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():
num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
info.append(f"Number of GPUs: {num_gpus}")
for i in range(num_gpus):
gpu = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(i)
info.append(f"GPU {i}: {gpu.name}")
success = True
info.append("No GPU found!")
info.append("LeafMachine2 collages will run slowly, trOCR may not be available.")
return success, info
# def load_cfg(pathToCfg):
# try:
# with open(os.path.join(pathToCfg,"LeafMachine2.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
# cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
# except:
# with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathToCfg)),"LeafMachine2.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
# cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
# return cfg
# def load_cfg_VV(pathToCfg):
# try:
# with open(os.path.join(pathToCfg,"VoucherVision.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
# cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
# except:
# with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathToCfg)),"VoucherVision.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
# cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
# return cfg
def load_cfg(pathToCfg, system='LeafMachine2'):
if system not in ['LeafMachine2', 'VoucherVision', 'SpecimenCrop']:
raise ValueError("Invalid system. Expected 'LeafMachine2', 'VoucherVision' or 'SpecimenCrop'.")
with open(os.path.join(pathToCfg, f"{system}.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pathToCfg)), f"{system}.yaml"), "r") as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.full_load(ymlfile)
return cfg
def import_csv(full_path):
csv_data = pd.read_csv(full_path,sep=',',header=0, low_memory=False, dtype=str)
return csv_data
def import_tsv(full_path):
csv_data = pd.read_csv(full_path,sep='\t',header=0, low_memory=False, dtype=str)
return csv_data
def parse_cfg():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Parse inputs to read config file',
optional_args = parser._action_groups.pop()
required_args = parser.add_argument_group('MANDATORY arguments')
help='Path to config file - LeafMachine.yaml. Do not include the file name, just the parent dir.')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def check_for_subdirs(cfg):
original_in = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local']
dirs_list = []
run_name = []
has_subdirs = False
if os.path.isdir(original_in):
# list contents of the directory
contents = os.listdir(original_in)
# check if any of the contents is a directory
subdirs = [f for f in contents if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(original_in, f))]
if len(subdirs) > 0:
print("The directory contains subdirectories:")
for subdir in subdirs:
has_subdirs = True
print(os.path.join(original_in, subdir))
dirs_list.append(os.path.join(original_in, subdir))
print("The directory does not contain any subdirectories.")
print("The specified path is not a directory.")
return run_name, dirs_list, has_subdirs
def check_for_subdirs_VV(cfg):
original_in = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_local']
dirs_list = []
run_name = []
has_subdirs = False
if os.path.isdir(original_in):
# list contents of the directory
contents = os.listdir(original_in)
# check if any of the contents is a directory
subdirs = [f for f in contents if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(original_in, f))]
if len(subdirs) > 0:
print("The directory contains subdirectories:")
for subdir in subdirs:
has_subdirs = True
print(os.path.join(original_in, subdir))
dirs_list.append(os.path.join(original_in, subdir))
print("The directory does not contain any subdirectories.")
print("The specified path is not a directory.")
return run_name, dirs_list, has_subdirs
def get_datetime():
day = "_".join([str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y")),str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m")),str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d"))])
time = "-".join([str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H")),str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%M")),str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%S"))])
new_time = "__".join([day,time])
return new_time
def save_config_file(cfg, logger, Dirs):
logger.info("Save config file")
name_yaml = ''.join([Dirs.run_name,'.yaml'])
write_yaml(cfg, os.path.join(Dirs.path_config_file, name_yaml))
def write_yaml(cfg, path_cfg):
with open(path_cfg, 'w') as file:
yaml.dump(cfg, file, sort_keys=False)
def split_into_batches(Project, logger, cfg):
logger.name = 'Creating Batches'
n_batches, n_images = Project.process_in_batches(cfg)
m = f'Created {n_batches} Batches to Process {n_images} Images'
return Project, n_batches, m
def make_images_in_dir_vertical(dir_images_unprocessed, cfg):
skip_vertical = cfg['leafmachine']['do']['skip_vertical']
if cfg['leafmachine']['do']['check_for_corrupt_images_make_vertical']:
n_rotate = 0
n_corrupt = 0
n_total = len(os.listdir(dir_images_unprocessed))
for image_name_jpg in tqdm(os.listdir(dir_images_unprocessed), desc=f'{bcolors.BOLD} Checking Image Dimensions{bcolors.ENDC}',colour="cyan",position=0,total = n_total):
if image_name_jpg.endswith((".jpg",".JPG",".jpeg",".JPEG")):
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
if not skip_vertical:
h, w, img_c = image.shape
image, img_h, img_w, did_rotate = make_image_vertical(image, h, w, do_rotate_180=False)
if did_rotate:
n_rotate += 1
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed,image_name_jpg), image)
n_corrupt +=1
os.remove(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
# TODO check that below works as intended
elif image_name_jpg.endswith((".tiff",".tif",".png",".PNG",".TIFF",".TIF",".jp2",".JP2",".bmp",".BMP",".dib",".DIB")):
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
if not skip_vertical:
h, w, img_c = image.shape
image, img_h, img_w, did_rotate = make_image_vertical(image, h, w, do_rotate_180=False)
if did_rotate:
n_rotate += 1
image_name_jpg = '.'.join([image_name_jpg.split('.')[0], 'jpg'])
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed,image_name_jpg), image)
n_corrupt +=1
os.remove(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
m = ''.join(['Number of Images Rotated: ', str(n_rotate)])
Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, m).bold()
m2 = ''.join(['Number of Images Corrupted: ', str(n_corrupt)])
if n_corrupt > 0:
Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, m2).warning
Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, m2).bold
def make_image_vertical(image, h, w, do_rotate_180):
did_rotate = False
if do_rotate_180:
# try:
image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_180)
img_h, img_w, img_c = image.shape
did_rotate = True
# print(" Rotated 180")
if h < w:
# try:
image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
img_h, img_w, img_c = image.shape
did_rotate = True
# print(" Rotated 90 CW")
elif h >= w:
image = image
img_h = h
img_w = w
# print(" Not Rotated")
return image, img_h, img_w, did_rotate
def make_image_horizontal(image, h, w, do_rotate_180):
if h > w:
if do_rotate_180:
image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_180)
return cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE), w, h, True
return image, w, h, False
def make_images_in_dir_horizontal(dir_images_unprocessed, cfg):
# if cfg['leafmachine']['do']['check_for_corrupt_images_make_horizontal']:
n_rotate = 0
n_corrupt = 0
n_total = len(os.listdir(dir_images_unprocessed))
for image_name_jpg in tqdm(os.listdir(dir_images_unprocessed), desc=f'{bcolors.BOLD} Checking Image Dimensions{bcolors.ENDC}', colour="cyan", position=0, total=n_total):
if image_name_jpg.endswith((".jpg",".JPG",".jpeg",".JPEG")):
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
h, w, img_c = image.shape
image, img_h, img_w, did_rotate = make_image_horizontal(image, h, w, do_rotate_180=False)
if did_rotate:
n_rotate += 1
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed,image_name_jpg), image)
n_corrupt +=1
os.remove(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
# TODO check that below works as intended
elif image_name_jpg.endswith((".tiff",".tif",".png",".PNG",".TIFF",".TIF",".jp2",".JP2",".bmp",".BMP",".dib",".DIB")):
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
h, w, img_c = image.shape
image, img_h, img_w, did_rotate = make_image_horizontal(image, h, w, do_rotate_180=False)
if did_rotate:
n_rotate += 1
image_name_jpg = '.'.join([image_name_jpg.split('.')[0], 'jpg'])
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed,image_name_jpg), image)
n_corrupt +=1
os.remove(os.path.join(dir_images_unprocessed, image_name_jpg))
m = ''.join(['Number of Images Rotated: ', str(n_rotate)])
# Print_Verbose(cfg, 2, m).bold()
m2 = ''.join(['Number of Images Corrupted: ', str(n_corrupt)])
class Print_Verbose_Error():
cfg: str = ''
indent_level: int = 0
message: str = ''
error: str = ''
def __init__(self, cfg,indent_level,message,error) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
self.indent_level = indent_level
self.message = message
self.error = error
def print_error_to_console(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['optional_warnings']:
print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}{white_space}{self.message} ERROR: {self.error}{bcolors.ENDC}")
def print_warning_to_console(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['optional_warnings']:
print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}{white_space}{self.message} ERROR: {self.error}{bcolors.ENDC}")
class Print_Verbose():
cfg: str = ''
indent_level: int = 0
message: str = ''
def __init__(self, cfg, indent_level, message) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
self.indent_level = indent_level
self.message = message
def bold(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def green(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def cyan(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def blue(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def warning(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def plain(self):
white_space = " " * 5 * self.indent_level
if self.cfg['leafmachine']['print']['verbose']:
def print_main_start(message):
indent_level = 1
white_space = " " * 5 * indent_level
end = " " * int(80 - len(message) - len(white_space))
# end_white_space = " " * end
blank = " " * 80
def print_main_success(message):
indent_level = 1
white_space = " " * 5 * indent_level
end = " " * int(80 - len(message) - len(white_space))
blank = " " * 80
# end_white_space = " " * end
def print_main_warn(message):
indent_level = 1
white_space = " " * 5 * indent_level
end = " " * int(80 - len(message) - len(white_space))
# end_white_space = " " * end
blank = " " * 80
def print_main_fail(message):
indent_level = 1
white_space = " " * 5 * indent_level
end = " " * int(80 - len(message) - len(white_space))
# end_white_space = " " * end
blank = " " * 80
def print_main_info(message):
indent_level = 2
white_space = " " * 5 * indent_level
end = " " * int(80 - len(message) - len(white_space))
# end_white_space = " " * end
# def report_config(dir_home, cfg_file_path):
# print_main_start("Loading Configuration File")
# if cfg_file_path == None:
# print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, 'LeafMachine2.yaml')]))
# elif cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
# print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, 'demo','LeafMachine2_demo.yaml')]))
# else:
# print_main_info(cfg_file_path)
# def report_config_VV(dir_home, cfg_file_path):
# print_main_start("Loading Configuration File")
# if cfg_file_path == None:
# print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, 'VoucherVision.yaml')]))
# elif cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
# print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, 'demo','VoucherVision_demo.yaml')]))
# else:
# print_main_info(cfg_file_path)
def report_config(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='VoucherVision'):
print_main_start("Loading Configuration File")
if system not in ['LeafMachine2', 'VoucherVision', 'SpecimenCrop']:
raise ValueError("Invalid system. Expected 'LeafMachine2' or 'VoucherVision' or 'SpecimenCrop'.")
if cfg_file_path == None:
print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, f'{system}.yaml')]))
elif cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
print_main_info(''.join([os.path.join(dir_home, 'demo', f'{system}_demo.yaml')]))
def make_file_names_valid(dir, cfg):
if cfg['leafmachine']['do']['check_for_illegal_filenames']:
n_total = len(os.listdir(dir))
for file in tqdm(os.listdir(dir), desc=f'{bcolors.HEADER} Removing illegal characters from file names{bcolors.ENDC}',colour="cyan",position=0,total = n_total):
name = Path(file).stem
ext = Path(file).suffix
name_cleaned = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]","-",name)
name_new = ''.join([name_cleaned,ext])
i = 0
os.rename(os.path.join(dir,file), os.path.join(dir,name_new))
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir,name_new)):
i += 1
name_new = '_'.join([name_cleaned, str(i), ext])
os.rename(os.path.join(dir,file), os.path.join(dir,name_new))
# def load_config_file(dir_home, cfg_file_path):
# if cfg_file_path == None: # Default path
# return load_cfg(dir_home)
# else:
# if cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
# path_cfg = os.path.join(dir_home,'demo','LeafMachine2_demo.yaml')
# return get_cfg_from_full_path(path_cfg)
# else: # Custom path
# return get_cfg_from_full_path(cfg_file_path)
# def load_config_file_VV(dir_home, cfg_file_path):
# if cfg_file_path == None: # Default path
# return load_cfg_VV(dir_home)
# else:
# if cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
# path_cfg = os.path.join(dir_home,'demo','VoucherVision_demo.yaml')
# return get_cfg_from_full_path(path_cfg)
# else: # Custom path
# return get_cfg_from_full_path(cfg_file_path)
def load_config_file(dir_home, cfg_file_path, system='LeafMachine2'):
if system not in ['LeafMachine2', 'VoucherVision', 'SpecimenCrop']:
raise ValueError("Invalid system. Expected 'LeafMachine2' or 'VoucherVision' or 'SpecimenCrop'.")
if cfg_file_path is None: # Default path
if system == 'LeafMachine2':
return load_cfg(dir_home, system='LeafMachine2') # For LeafMachine2
elif system == 'VoucherVision': # VoucherVision
return load_cfg(dir_home, system='VoucherVision') # For VoucherVision
elif system == 'SpecimenCrop': # SpecimenCrop
return load_cfg(dir_home, system='SpecimenCrop') # For SpecimenCrop
if cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
path_cfg = os.path.join(dir_home, 'demo', f'{system}_demo.yaml')
return get_cfg_from_full_path(path_cfg)
else: # Custom path
return get_cfg_from_full_path(cfg_file_path)
def load_config_file_testing(dir_home, cfg_file_path):
if cfg_file_path == None: # Default path
return load_cfg(dir_home)
if cfg_file_path == 'test_installation':
path_cfg = os.path.join(dir_home,'demo','demo.yaml')
return get_cfg_from_full_path(path_cfg)
else: # Custom path
return get_cfg_from_full_path(cfg_file_path)
def subset_dir_images(cfg, Project, Dirs):
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['process_subset_of_images']:
dir_images_subset = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['dir_images_subset']
num_images_per_species = cfg['leafmachine']['project']['n_images_per_species']
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['species_list'] is not None:
species_list = import_csv(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['species_list'])
species_list = species_list.iloc[:, 0].tolist()
species_list = None
species_counts = {}
filenames = os.listdir(Project.dir_images)
for filename in filenames:
species_name = filename.split('.')[0]
species_name = species_name.split('_')[2:]
species_name = '_'.join([species_name[0], species_name[1], species_name[2]])
if (species_list is None) or ((species_name in species_list) and (species_list is not None)):
if species_name not in species_counts:
species_counts[species_name] = 0
if species_counts[species_name] < num_images_per_species:
species_counts[species_name] += 1
src_path = os.path.join(Project.dir_images, filename)
dest_path = os.path.join(dir_images_subset, filename)
shutil.copy(src_path, dest_path)
Project.dir_images = dir_images_subset
subset_csv_name = os.path.join(Dirs.dir_images_subset, '.'.join([Dirs.run_name, 'csv']))
df = pd.DataFrame({'species_name': list(species_counts.keys()), 'count': list(species_counts.values())})
df.to_csv(subset_csv_name, index=False)
return Project
return Project
'''# Define function to be executed by each worker
def worker_crop(rank, cfg, dir_home, Project, Dirs):
# Set worker seed based on rank
# Call function for this worker
crop_detections_from_images(cfg, dir_home, Project, Dirs)
def crop_detections_from_images(cfg, dir_home, Project, Dirs):
num_workers = 6
# Initialize and start worker processes
processes = []
for rank in range(num_workers):
p = mp.Process(target=worker_crop, args=(rank, cfg, dir_home, Project, Dirs))
# Wait for all worker processes to finish
for p in processes:
def crop_detections_from_images_worker_VV(filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list, binarize_labels):
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpg'])))
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpeg'])))
archival = analysis['Detections_Archival_Components']
has_archival = True
has_archival = False
plant = analysis['Detections_Plant_Components']
has_plant = True
has_plant = False
if has_archival and (save_per_image or save_per_class):
crop_component_from_yolo_coords_VV('ARCHIVAL', Dirs, analysis, archival, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list)
def crop_detections_from_images_worker(filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list, binarize_labels):
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpg'])))
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpeg'])))
archival = analysis['Detections_Archival_Components']
has_archival = True
has_archival = False
plant = analysis['Detections_Plant_Components']
has_plant = True
has_plant = False
if has_archival and (save_per_image or save_per_class):
crop_component_from_yolo_coords('ARCHIVAL', Dirs, analysis, archival, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list)
if has_plant and (save_per_image or save_per_class):
crop_component_from_yolo_coords('PLANT', Dirs, analysis, plant, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list)
def crop_detections_from_images(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs, batch_size=50):
t2_start = perf_counter()
logger.name = 'Crop Components'
if cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['do_save_cropped_annotations']:
detections = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
logger.info(f"Cropping {detections} components from images")
save_per_image = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_image']
save_per_class = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_annotation_class']
save_list = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
binarize_labels = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['binarize_labels']
binarize_labels = False
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'] is None:
batch_size = 50
batch_size = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'])
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'] is None:
num_workers = 4
num_workers = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'])
if binarize_labels:
save_per_class = True
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:
futures = []
for i in range(0, len(Project.project_data), batch_size):
batch = list(Project.project_data.items())[i:i+batch_size]
# print(f'Cropping Detections from Images {i} to {i+batch_size}')
logger.info(f'Cropping {detections} from images {i} to {i+batch_size} [{len(Project.project_data)}]')
for filename, analysis in batch:
if len(analysis) != 0:
futures.append(executor.submit(crop_detections_from_images_worker, filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list, binarize_labels))
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
t2_stop = perf_counter()
logger.info(f"Save cropped components --- elapsed time: {round(t2_stop - t2_start)} seconds")
def crop_detections_from_images_VV(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs, batch_size=50):
t2_start = perf_counter()
logger.name = 'Crop Components'
if cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['do_save_cropped_annotations']:
detections = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
logger.info(f"Cropping {detections} components from images")
save_per_image = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_image']
save_per_class = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_annotation_class']
save_list = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
binarize_labels = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['binarize_labels']
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'] is None:
batch_size = 50
batch_size = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'])
if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'] is None:
num_workers = 4
num_workers = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'])
if binarize_labels:
save_per_class = True
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:
futures = []
for i in range(0, len(Project.project_data), batch_size):
batch = list(Project.project_data.items())[i:i+batch_size]
# print(f'Cropping Detections from Images {i} to {i+batch_size}')
logger.info(f'Cropping {detections} from images {i} to {i+batch_size} [{len(Project.project_data)}]')
for filename, analysis in batch:
if len(analysis) != 0:
futures.append(executor.submit(crop_detections_from_images_worker_VV, filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list, binarize_labels))
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
t2_stop = perf_counter()
logger.info(f"Save cropped components --- elapsed time: {round(t2_stop - t2_start)} seconds")
# def crop_detections_from_images_VV(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs, batch_size=50):
# t2_start = perf_counter()
# logger.name = 'Crop Components'
# if cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['do_save_cropped_annotations']:
# detections = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
# logger.info(f"Cropping {detections} components from images")
# save_per_image = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_image']
# save_per_class = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_annotation_class']
# save_list = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
# binarize_labels = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['binarize_labels']
# if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'] is None:
# batch_size = 50
# else:
# batch_size = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'])
# if binarize_labels:
# save_per_class = True
# for i in range(0, len(Project.project_data), batch_size):
# batch = list(Project.project_data.items())[i:i+batch_size]
# logger.info(f"Cropping {detections} from images {i} to {i+batch_size} [{len(Project.project_data)}]")
# for filename, analysis in batch:
# if len(analysis) != 0:
# crop_detections_from_images_worker_VV(filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list, binarize_labels)
# t2_stop = perf_counter()
# logger.info(f"Save cropped components --- elapsed time: {round(t2_stop - t2_start)} seconds")
# def crop_detections_from_images_SpecimenCrop(cfg, logger, dir_home, Project, Dirs, original_img_dir=None, batch_size=50):
# t2_start = perf_counter()
# logger.name = 'Crop Components --- Specimen Crop'
# if cfg['leafmachine']['modules']['specimen_crop']:
# # save_list = ['ruler', 'barcode', 'colorcard', 'label', 'map', 'envelope', 'photo', 'attached_item', 'weights',
# # 'leaf_whole', 'leaf_partial', 'leaflet', 'seed_fruit_one', 'seed_fruit_many', 'flower_one', 'flower_many', 'bud', 'specimen', 'roots', 'wood']
# save_list = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['include_these_objects_in_specimen_crop']
# logger.info(f"Cropping to include {save_list} components from images")
# if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'] is None:
# batch_size = 50
# else:
# batch_size = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['batch_size'])
# if cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'] is None:
# num_workers = 4
# else:
# num_workers = int(cfg['leafmachine']['project']['num_workers'])
# with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:
# futures = []
# for i in range(0, len(Project.project_data), batch_size):
# batch = list(Project.project_data.items())[i:i+batch_size]
# # print(f'Cropping Detections from Images {i} to {i+batch_size}')
# logger.info(f'Cropping {save_list} from images {i} to {i+batch_size} [{len(Project.project_data)}]')
# for filename, analysis in batch:
# if len(analysis) != 0:
# futures.append(executor.submit(crop_detections_from_images_worker_SpecimenCrop, filename, analysis, Project, Dirs, save_list, original_img_dir))
# for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
# pass
# futures.clear()
# t2_stop = perf_counter()
# logger.info(f"Save cropped components --- elapsed time: {round(t2_stop - t2_start)} seconds")
# Single threaded
def crop_detections_from_images(cfg, dir_home, Project, Dirs):
if cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['do_save_cropped_annotations']:
save_per_image = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_image']
save_per_class = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_per_annotation_class']
save_list = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['save_cropped_annotations']
binarize_labels = cfg['leafmachine']['cropped_components']['binarize_labels']
if binarize_labels:
save_per_class = True
for filename, analysis in tqdm(Project.project_data.items(), desc=f'{bcolors.BOLD} Cropping Detections from Images{bcolors.ENDC}',colour="cyan",position=0,total = len(Project.project_data.items())):
if len(analysis) != 0:
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpg'])))
full_image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(Project.dir_images, '.'.join([filename, 'jpeg'])))
archival = analysis['Detections_Archival_Components']
has_archival = True
has_archival = False
plant = analysis['Detections_Plant_Components']
has_plant = True
has_plant = False
if has_archival and (save_per_image or save_per_class):
crop_component_from_yolo_coords('ARCHIVAL', Dirs, analysis, archival, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list)
if has_plant and (save_per_image or save_per_class):
crop_component_from_yolo_coords('PLANT', Dirs, analysis, plant, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list)
def process_detections(success, save_list, detections, detection_type, height, width, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y):
for detection in detections:
detection_class = detection[0]
detection_class = set_index_for_annotation(detection_class, detection_type)
if (detection_class in save_list) or ('save_all' in save_list):
location = yolo_to_position_ruler(detection, height, width)
ruler_polygon = [
(location[1], location[2]),
(location[3], location[2]),
(location[3], location[4]),
(location[1], location[4])
x_coords = [x for x, y in ruler_polygon]
y_coords = [y for x, y in ruler_polygon]
min_x = min(min_x, *x_coords)
min_y = min(min_y, *y_coords)
max_x = max(max_x, *x_coords)
max_y = max(max_y, *y_coords)
success = True
return min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, success
def crop_component_from_yolo_coords_VV(anno_type, Dirs, analysis, all_detections, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list):
height = analysis['height']
width = analysis['width']
# Initialize a list to hold all the cropped images
cropped_images = []
if len(all_detections) < 1:
print(' MAKE THIS HAVE AN EMPTY PLACEHOLDER') # TODO ###################################################################################
for detection in all_detections:
detection_class = detection[0]
detection_class = set_index_for_annotation(detection_class, anno_type)
if (detection_class in save_list) or ('save_all' in save_list):
location = yolo_to_position_ruler(detection, height, width)
ruler_polygon = [(location[1], location[2]), (location[3], location[2]), (location[3], location[4]), (location[1], location[4])]
x_coords = [x for x, y in ruler_polygon]
y_coords = [y for x, y in ruler_polygon]
min_x, min_y = min(x_coords), min(y_coords)
max_x, max_y = max(x_coords), max(y_coords)
detection_cropped = full_image[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]
loc = '-'.join([str(min_x), str(min_y), str(max_x), str(max_y)])
detection_cropped_name = '.'.join(['__'.join([filename, detection_class, loc]), 'jpg'])
# detection_cropped_name = '.'.join([filename,'jpg'])
# save_per_image
if (detection_class in save_list) and save_per_image:
if detection_class == 'label':
detection_class2 = 'label_ind'
detection_class2 = detection_class
dir_destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_per_image, filename, detection_class2)
# print(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name))
# cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name), detection_cropped)
# save_per_class
if (detection_class in save_list) and save_per_class:
if detection_class == 'label':
detection_class2 = 'label_ind'
detection_class2 = detection_class
dir_destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_per_annotation_class, detection_class2)
# print(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name))
# cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name), detection_cropped)
# print(f'detection_class: {detection_class} not in save_list: {save_list}')
# Initialize a list to hold all the acceptable cropped images
acceptable_cropped_images = []
for img in cropped_images:
# Calculate the aspect ratio of the image
aspect_ratio = min(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) / max(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
# Only add the image to the acceptable list if the aspect ratio is more square than 1:8
if aspect_ratio >= 1/8:
# Sort acceptable_cropped_images by area (largest first)
acceptable_cropped_images.sort(key=lambda img: img.shape[0] * img.shape[1], reverse=True)
# If there are no acceptable cropped images, set combined_image to None or to a placeholder image
if not acceptable_cropped_images:
combined_image = None # Or a placeholder image here
# # Recalculate max_width and total_height for acceptable images
# max_width = max(img.shape[1] for img in acceptable_cropped_images)
# total_height = sum(img.shape[0] for img in acceptable_cropped_images)
# # Now, combine all the acceptable cropped images into a single image
# combined_image = np.zeros((total_height, max_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
# y_offset = 0
# for img in acceptable_cropped_images:
# combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] = img
# y_offset += img.shape[0]
# Start with the first image
# Recalculate max_width and total_height for acceptable images
max_width = max(img.shape[1] for img in acceptable_cropped_images)
total_height = sum(img.shape[0] for img in acceptable_cropped_images)
combined_image = np.zeros((total_height, max_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
y_offset = 0
y_offset_next_row = 0
x_offset = 0
# Start with the first image
combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+acceptable_cropped_images[0].shape[0], :acceptable_cropped_images[0].shape[1]] = acceptable_cropped_images[0]
y_offset_next_row += acceptable_cropped_images[0].shape[0]
# Add the second image below the first one
y_offset = y_offset_next_row
combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+acceptable_cropped_images[1].shape[0], :acceptable_cropped_images[1].shape[1]] = acceptable_cropped_images[1]
y_offset_next_row += acceptable_cropped_images[1].shape[0]
# Create a list to store the images that are too tall for the current row
too_tall_images = []
# Now try to fill in to the right with the remaining images
current_width = acceptable_cropped_images[1].shape[1]
for img in acceptable_cropped_images[2:]:
if current_width + img.shape[1] > max_width:
# If this image doesn't fit, start a new row
y_offset = y_offset_next_row
combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] = img
current_width = img.shape[1]
y_offset_next_row = y_offset + img.shape[0]
# If this image fits, add it to the right
max_height = y_offset_next_row - y_offset
if img.shape[0] > max_height:
combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+img.shape[0], current_width:current_width+img.shape[1]] = img
current_width += img.shape[1]
# Process the images that were too tall for their rows
for img in too_tall_images:
y_offset = y_offset_next_row
combined_image[y_offset:y_offset+img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]] = img
y_offset_next_row += img.shape[0]
# Trim the combined_image to remove extra black space
combined_image = combined_image[:y_offset_next_row]
# save the combined image
# if (detection_class in save_list) and save_per_class:
dir_destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_per_annotation_class, 'label')
# combined_image_name = '__'.join([filename, detection_class]) + '.jpg'
combined_image_name = '.'.join([filename,'jpg'])
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_destination, combined_image_name), combined_image)
original_image_name = '.'.join([filename,'jpg'])
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(Dirs.save_original, original_image_name), full_image)
def crop_component_from_yolo_coords(anno_type, Dirs, analysis, all_detections, full_image, filename, save_per_image, save_per_class, save_list):
height = analysis['height']
width = analysis['width']
if len(all_detections) < 1:
print(' MAKE THIS HAVE AN EMPTY PLACEHOLDER') # TODO ###################################################################################
for detection in all_detections:
detection_class = detection[0]
detection_class = set_index_for_annotation(detection_class, anno_type)
if (detection_class in save_list) or ('save_all' in save_list):
location = yolo_to_position_ruler(detection, height, width)
ruler_polygon = [(location[1], location[2]), (location[3], location[2]), (location[3], location[4]), (location[1], location[4])]
x_coords = [x for x, y in ruler_polygon]
y_coords = [y for x, y in ruler_polygon]
min_x, min_y = min(x_coords), min(y_coords)
max_x, max_y = max(x_coords), max(y_coords)
detection_cropped = full_image[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x]
loc = '-'.join([str(min_x), str(min_y), str(max_x), str(max_y)])
detection_cropped_name = '.'.join(['__'.join([filename, detection_class, loc]), 'jpg'])
# save_per_image
if (detection_class in save_list) and save_per_image:
dir_destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_per_image, filename, detection_class)
# print(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name))
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name), detection_cropped)
# save_per_class
if (detection_class in save_list) and save_per_class:
dir_destination = os.path.join(Dirs.save_per_annotation_class, detection_class)
# print(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name))
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_destination,detection_cropped_name), detection_cropped)
# print(f'detection_class: {detection_class} not in save_list: {save_list}')
def yolo_to_position_ruler(annotation, height, width):
return ['ruler',
int((annotation[1] * width) - ((annotation[3] * width) / 2)),
int((annotation[2] * height) - ((annotation[4] * height) / 2)),
int(annotation[3] * width) + int((annotation[1] * width) - ((annotation[3] * width) / 2)),
int(annotation[4] * height) + int((annotation[2] * height) - ((annotation[4] * height) / 2))]
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
CEND = '\33[0m'
CBOLD = '\33[1m'
CITALIC = '\33[3m'
CURL = '\33[4m'
CBLINK = '\33[5m'
CBLINK2 = '\33[6m'
CSELECTED = '\33[7m'
CBLACK = '\33[30m'
CRED = '\33[31m'
CGREEN = '\33[32m'
CYELLOW = '\33[33m'
CBLUE = '\33[34m'
CVIOLET = '\33[35m'
CBEIGE = '\33[36m'
CWHITE = '\33[37m'
CBLACKBG = '\33[40m'
CREDBG = '\33[41m'
CGREENBG = '\33[42m'
CYELLOWBG = '\33[43m'
CBLUEBG = '\33[44m'
CVIOLETBG = '\33[45m'
CBEIGEBG = '\33[46m'
CWHITEBG = '\33[47m'
CGREY = '\33[90m'
CRED2 = '\33[91m'
CGREEN2 = '\33[92m'
CYELLOW2 = '\33[93m'
CBLUE2 = '\33[94m'
CVIOLET2 = '\33[95m'
CBEIGE2 = '\33[96m'
CWHITE2 = '\33[97m'
CGREYBG = '\33[100m'
CREDBG2 = '\33[101m'
CGREENBG2 = '\33[102m'
CYELLOWBG2 = '\33[103m'
CBLUEBG2 = '\33[104m'
CVIOLETBG2 = '\33[105m'
CBEIGEBG2 = '\33[106m'
CWHITEBG2 = '\33[107m'
CBLUEBG3 = '\33[112m'
def set_index_for_annotation(cls,annoType):
if annoType == 'PLANT':
if cls == 0:
annoInd = 'Leaf_WHOLE'
elif cls == 1:
annoInd = 'Leaf_PARTIAL'
elif cls == 2:
annoInd = 'Leaflet'
elif cls == 3:
annoInd = 'Seed_Fruit_ONE'
elif cls == 4:
annoInd = 'Seed_Fruit_MANY'
elif cls == 5:
annoInd = 'Flower_ONE'
elif cls == 6:
annoInd = 'Flower_MANY'
elif cls == 7:
annoInd = 'Bud'
elif cls == 8:
annoInd = 'Specimen'
elif cls == 9:
annoInd = 'Roots'
elif cls == 10:
annoInd = 'Wood'
elif annoType == 'ARCHIVAL':
if cls == 0:
annoInd = 'Ruler'
elif cls == 1:
annoInd = 'Barcode'
elif cls == 2:
annoInd = 'Colorcard'
elif cls == 3:
annoInd = 'Label'
elif cls == 4:
annoInd = 'Map'
elif cls == 5:
annoInd = 'Envelope'
elif cls == 6:
annoInd = 'Photo'
elif cls == 7:
annoInd = 'Attached_item'
elif cls == 8:
annoInd = 'Weights'
return annoInd.lower()
# def set_yaml(path_to_yaml, value):
# with open('file_to_edit.yaml') as f:
# doc = yaml.load(f)
# doc['state'] = state
# with open('file_to_edit.yaml', 'w') as f:
# yaml.dump(doc, f)