import os
import re
import json
import streamlit as st
# from streamviz import gauge
from utils import validate_pdf
from styles import apply_custom_styles
from policy_analyser.analyse import Health
if 'GPT_KEY' not in os.environ or os.environ.get('GPT_KEY') in [None, '']:
os.environ['GPT_KEY'] = st.secrets['GPT_KEY']
if 'AZURE_LAYOUT_KEY' not in os.environ.get('AZURE_LAYOUT_KEY') or os.environ.get('AZURE_LAYOUT_KEY') in [None, '']:
os.environ['AZURE_LAYOUT_KEY'] = st.secrets['AZURE_LAYOUT_KEY']
if 'health_analyser' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.health_analyser = Health(ocr_engine = 'azure/layout')
def markdown_table_to_json(markdown):
lines = markdown.strip().split("\n")
# Extract headers
headers = [h.strip() for h in lines[0].split("|") if h.strip()]
# Extract rows
rows = []
for line in lines[2:]: # Skip header and separator line
values = [v.strip() for v in line.split("|") if v.strip()]
row_dict = dict(zip(headers, values))
return rows
def visualise_pie_chart(analysis):
verdicts = {}
score = 0
total = 0
for verdict in ['GOOD', 'AVERAGE', 'BAD']:
table = analysis.split(f'<{verdict}>')[-1].split(f'{verdict}>')[0]
table = markdown_table_to_json(table)
if len(table) > 0:
verdicts[verdict] = table
if verdict == 'GOOD':
score += 5 * len(table)
if verdict == 'AVERAGE':
score += 3 * len(table)
elif verdict == 'BAD':
score += len(table)
total += 5 * len(table)
gauge(gVal = total, gTitle = '', gMode = 'gauge+number',
grLow = total // 3,
grMid = 2 * (total // 3))
def main():
# Apply custom styles
# Header
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# File upload section
st.markdown('', unsafe_allow_html=True)
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Choose policy PDF files", type="pdf", accept_multiple_files=True)
lob = st.selectbox(
'Type of insurance',
options = ['Health', 'Life', 'Auto'],
index = 0
', unsafe_allow_html=True)
if uploaded_files and st.button('Analyse'):
# Create tabs for different views
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Summary View", "Detailed Comparison"])
# Store analysis results
all_analyses = []
# Process each uploaded file
for uploaded_file in uploaded_files:
# Read PDF content
pdf_bytes =
# displayPDF(pdf_bytes)
# Validate PDF
if not validate_pdf(pdf_bytes):
st.error(f"Invalid PDF file: {}")
# Show loading state
with st.spinner(f"Analyzing {}..."):
# Make API call
response = st.session_state.health_analyser(pdf_bytes)
analysis = next(
(item for item in response if item.get("stage") == "ANALYSE"), None
analysis = analysis.split('')[-1].split('')[0]
suggestion = next(
(item for item in response if item.get("stage") == "SUGGEST"), None
# suggestion = suggestion.split('')[-1].split('')[0]
suggestion = suggestion.replace('', '').replace('', '')
text = next(
(item for item in response if item.get("stage") == "OCR"), None
# Store results
'text' : text,
'analysis' : analysis,
'suggestion' : suggestion
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error analyzing {}: {str(e)}")
# Summary View Tab
with tab1:
for idx, analysis in enumerate(all_analyses):
with st.expander(f"### Policy {idx + 1}: {analysis['name']}"):
with st.container():
st.markdown(f'Policy Document : {analysis["text"]}')
with st.container():
st.markdown(re.sub(r'\<\/?(GOOD|AVERAGE|BAD|FINAL_VERDICT)\>', '', analysis['analysis']))
with st.container():
st.markdown('# Why Acko? 🚀')
# visualise_pie_chart(analysis['analysis'])
# Detailed Comparison Tab
with tab2:
st.warning('Coming Soon')
# if len(all_analyses) > 1:
# # Create comparison matrix
# factors_to_compare = set()
# for analysis in all_analyses:
# factors_to_compare.update(
# [f.split(':')[0] for f in analysis['good_factors'] +
# analysis['average_factors'] + analysis['bad_factors']]
# )
# # Create comparison table
# st.markdown("### Policy Comparison Matrix")
# comparison_data = []
# for factor in sorted(factors_to_compare):
# row = {'Factor': factor}
# for idx, analysis in enumerate(all_analyses):
# policy_name = f"Policy {idx + 1}"
# verdict = 'Not Found'
# for category in ['good_factors', 'average_factors', 'bad_factors']:
# for item in analysis[category]:
# if item.split(':')[0] == factor:
# verdict = category.split('_')[0].title()
# break
# row[policy_name] = verdict
# comparison_data.append(row)
# # Display comparison table
# st.table(comparison_data)
# else:
#"Upload multiple policies to see comparison")
# Footer
Upload one or more insurance policy PDFs to get detailed analysis and comparison.
We support all major insurance providers.
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
page_title="Insurance Policy Analyzer",