# Copyright 2022 The HuggingFace Team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import operator as op SCALER_NAME = "scaler.pt" MODEL_NAME = "pytorch_model" RNG_STATE_NAME = "random_states" OPTIMIZER_NAME = "optimizer" SCHEDULER_NAME = "scheduler" WEIGHTS_NAME = "pytorch_model.bin" WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME = "pytorch_model.bin.index.json" SAFE_WEIGHTS_NAME = "model.safetensors" SAFE_WEIGHTS_INDEX_NAME = "model.safetensors.index.json" SAGEMAKER_PYTORCH_VERSION = "1.10.2" SAGEMAKER_PYTHON_VERSION = "py38" SAGEMAKER_TRANSFORMERS_VERSION = "4.17.0" SAGEMAKER_PARALLEL_EC2_INSTANCES = ["ml.p3.16xlarge", "ml.p3dn.24xlarge", "ml.p4dn.24xlarge"] FSDP_SHARDING_STRATEGY = ["FULL_SHARD", "SHARD_GRAD_OP", "NO_SHARD", "HYBRID_SHARD", "HYBRID_SHARD_ZERO2"] FSDP_AUTO_WRAP_POLICY = ["TRANSFORMER_BASED_WRAP", "SIZE_BASED_WRAP", "NO_WRAP"] FSDP_BACKWARD_PREFETCH = ["BACKWARD_PRE", "BACKWARD_POST", "NO_PREFETCH"] FSDP_STATE_DICT_TYPE = ["FULL_STATE_DICT", "LOCAL_STATE_DICT", "SHARDED_STATE_DICT"] FSDP_PYTORCH_VERSION = "2.0.1" DEEPSPEED_MULTINODE_LAUNCHERS = ["pdsh", "standard", "openmpi", "mvapich"] TORCH_DYNAMO_MODES = ["default", "reduce-overhead", "max-autotune"] STR_OPERATION_TO_FUNC = {">": op.gt, ">=": op.ge, "==": op.eq, "!=": op.ne, "<=": op.le, "<": op.lt} # These are the args for `torch.distributed.launch` for pytorch < 1.9 TORCH_LAUNCH_PARAMS = [ "nnodes", "nproc_per_node", "rdzv_backend", "rdzv_endpoint", "rdzv_id", "rdzv_conf", "standalone", "max_restarts", "monitor_interval", "start_method", "role", "module", "m", "no_python", "run_path", "log_dir", "r", "redirects", "t", "tee", "node_rank", "master_addr", "master_port", ] CUDA_DISTRIBUTED_TYPES = ["DEEPSPEED", "MULTI_GPU", "FSDP", "MEGATRON_LM"] XPU_DISTRIBUTED_TYPES = ["DEEPSPEED", "MULTI_XPU", "FSDP"]