# ----------------------Importing libraries---------------------- import streamlit as st from streamlit_pills import pills import pandas as pd import openai # Imports for AgGrid from st_aggrid import AgGrid, GridUpdateMode, JsCode from st_aggrid.grid_options_builder import GridOptionsBuilder # ----------------------Importing utils.py---------------------- # For Snowflake (from Tony's utils.py) import io from utils import ( connect_to_snowflake, load_data_to_snowflake, load_data_to_postgres, connect_to_postgres, ) # ----------------------Page config-------------------------------------- st.set_page_config(page_title="GPT3 Dataset Generator", page_icon="πŸ€–") # ----------------------Sidebar section-------------------------------- # st.image( # "Gifs/header.gif", # ) st.image("Gifs/boat_new.gif") #API_Key = openai-api-key c30, c31, c32 = st.columns([0.2, 0.1, 3]) ################# @st.cache_data # πŸ‘ˆ Add the caching decorator def load_data(url): df = pd.read_csv(url) return df #df = load_data("https://github.com/plotly/datasets/raw/master/uber-rides-data1.csv") #st.dataframe(df) #st.button("Rerun") ################ with c30: st.caption("") st.image("openai.png", width=60) with c32: st.title("GPT3 Dataset Generator") st.write( "This app generates datasets using GPT3. It was created for the ❄️ Snowflake Snowvation Hackathon" ) tabMain, tabInfo, tabTo_dos = st.tabs(["Main", "Info", "To-do's"]) with tabInfo: st.write("") st.write("") st.subheader("πŸ€– What is GPT-3?") st.markdown( "[GPT-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-3) is a large language generation model developed by [OpenAI](https://openai.com/) that can generate human-like text. It has a capacity of 175 billion parameters and is trained on a vast dataset of internet text. It can be used for tasks such as language translation, chatbot language generation, and content generation etc." ) st.subheader("🎈 What is Streamlit?") st.markdown( "[Streamlit](https://streamlit.io) is an open-source Python library that allows users to create interactive, web-based data visualization and machine learning applications without the need for extensive web development knowledge" ) st.write("---") st.subheader("πŸ“– Resources") st.markdown( """ - OpenAI - [OpenAI Playground](https://beta.openai.com/playground) - [OpenAI Documentation](https://beta.openai.com/docs) - Streamlit - [Documentation](https://docs.streamlit.io/) - [Gallery](https://streamlit.io/gallery) - [Cheat sheet](https://docs.streamlit.io/library/cheatsheet) - [Book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/180056550X) (Getting Started with Streamlit for Data Science) - Deploy your apps using [Streamlit Community Cloud](https://streamlit.io/cloud) in just a few clicks """ ) with tabTo_dos: with st.expander("To-do", expanded=True): st.write( """ - [p2] Currently, the results are displayed even if the submit button isn't pressed. - [p2] There is still an issue with the index where the first element from the JSON is not being displayed. - [Post Hackathon] To limit the number of API calls and costs, let's cap the maximum number - of results to 5. Alternatively, we can consider removing the free API key. """ ) st.write("") with st.expander("Done", expanded=True): st.write( """ - [p2] Check if the Json file is working - [p2] On Github, remove any unused images and GIFs. - [p1] Add that for postgress - localhost is required - [p2] Rename the CSV and JSON as per the st-pills variable - [p2] Change the color of the small arrow - [p1] Adjust the size of the Gifs - Add a streamlit badge in the `ReadMe` file - Add the message "Please enter your API key or choose the `Free Key` option." - Include a `ReadMe` file - Add a section for the Snowflake credentials - Remove password from the Python file - Add screenshots to the `ReadMe` file - Include forms in the snowflake postgres section - Remove the hashed code in the Python file - Include additional information in the 'info' tab - p1] Fix the download issue by sorting it via session state - [p1] Make the dataframe from this app editable - Add more gifs to the app - Change the color scheme to Snowflake Blue - Include a section for Snowflake credentials - Change the colors of the arrows, using this tool (https://lottiefiles.com/lottie-to-gif/convert) - Try new prompts and implement the best ones - Add a config file for the color scheme - Include an option menu using this tool (https://github.com/victoryhb/streamlit-option-menu) - Display a message when the API key is not provided - Fix the arrow and rearrange the layout for the API key message - Check and improve the quality of the prompt output - Send the app to Tony and upload it to GitHub - Re-arrange the data on the sidebar - Change the colors of both gifs to match the overall color scheme - Add context about the app being part of the snowvation project - Add a button to convert the data to JSON format - Include the Snowflake logo - Add a submit button to block API calls unless pressed - Add a tab with additional information - Resize the columns in the st.form section - Add the ability to add the dataset to Snowflake - Create a section with pills, showcasing examples - Change the main emoji - Change the emoji in the tab (page_icon) - [INFO] Sort out the issue with credits """ ) st.write("") with st.expander("Not needed", expanded=True): st.write( """ - Check index issue in readcsv (not an issue as I've changed the script) - Add the mouse gif (doesn't fit) - Ask Lukas - automatically resize the columns of a DataFrame """ ) st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") st.write("") with tabMain: key_choice = st.sidebar.radio( "", ( "Your Key", "Free Key (capped)", ), horizontal=True, ) if key_choice == "Your Key": API_Key = st.sidebar.text_input( "First, enter your OpenAI API key", type="password" ) elif key_choice == "Free Key (capped)": API_Key = st.secrets["API_KEY"] image_arrow = st.sidebar.image( "Gifs/blue_grey_arrow.gif", ) if key_choice == "Free Key (capped)": image_arrow.empty() else: st.write("") st.sidebar.caption( "No OpenAI API key? Get yours [here!](https://openai.com/blog/api-no-waitlist/)" ) pass st.write("") c30, c31, c32 = st.columns([0.2, 0.1, 3]) st.subheader("β‘  Build your dataset") example = pills( "", [ "Sci-fi Movies", "Animals", "Pop Songs", "POTUS's Twitter", "Blank", ], [ "🍿", "🐎", "🎡", "πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ", "πŸ‘»", ], label_visibility="collapsed", ) if "counter" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.counter = 0 def increment(): st.session_state.counter += 1 if example == "Sci-fi Movies": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input( "What is the topic of your dataset?", value="Sci-fi movies" ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="Title") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="Year") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="PG rating") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 20.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨", on_click=increment) elif example == "Animals": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input( "What is the topic of your dataset?", value="Fastest animals on earth" ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="Animal") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="Speed") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="Weight") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 50.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨", on_click=increment) elif example == "Stocks": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input( "What is the topic of your dataset?", value="Stocks" ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="Ticker") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="Price") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="Exchange") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 50.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨", on_click=increment) elif example == "POTUS's Twitter": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input( "What is the topic of your dataset?", value="POTUS's Twitter accounts" ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="Name") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="Twitter handle") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="# of followers") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 50.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨") elif example == "Pop Songs": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input( "What is the topic of your dataset?", value="Most famous songs of all time", ) col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="Song") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="Artist") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="Genre") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 50.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨") elif example == "Blank": with st.form("my_form"): text_input = st.text_input("What is the topic of your dataset?", value="") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3, gap="small") with col1: column_01 = st.text_input("1st column", value="") with col2: column_02 = st.text_input("2nd column", value="") with col3: column_03 = st.text_input("3rd column", value="") col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="medium") with col1: number = st.number_input( "How many rows do you want?", value=5, min_value=1, max_value=20, step=5, help="The maximum number of rows is 50.", ) with col2: engine = st.radio( "GPT3 engine", ( "Davinci", "Curie", "Babbage", ), horizontal=True, help="Davinci is the most powerful engine, but it's also the slowest. Curie is the fastest, but it's also the least powerful. Babbage is somewhere in the middle.", ) if engine == "Davinci": engine = "davinci-instruct-beta-v3" elif engine == "Curie": engine = "curie-instruct-beta-v2" elif engine == "Babbage": engine = "babbage-instruct-beta" st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Build my dataset! ✨") # ----------------------API key section---------------------------------- number = number + 1 if not API_Key and not submitted: st.stop() if not API_Key and submitted: st.info("Please enter your API key or choose the `Free Key` option.") st.stop() if st.session_state.counter >= 100: pass # ----------------------API key section---------------------------------- if not submitted and st.session_state.counter == 0: c30, c31, c32 = st.columns([1, 0.01, 4]) with c30: st.image("Gifs/arrow_small_new.gif") st.caption("") with c32: st.caption("") st.caption("") st.info( "Enter your dataset's criteria and click the button to generate it." ) st.stop() elif st.session_state.counter > 0: c30, c31, c32 = st.columns([1, 0.9, 3]) openai.api_key = API_Key # ----------------------API call section---------------------------------- response = openai.Completion.create( model=engine, prompt=f"Please provide a list of the top {number} {text_input} along with the following information in a three-column spreadsheet: {column_01}, {column_02}, and {column_03}. The columns should be labeled as follows: {column_01} | {column_02} | {column_03}", temperature=0.5, max_tokens=1707, top_p=1, best_of=2, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0, ) st.write("___") st.subheader("β‘‘ Check the results") with st.expander("See the API Json output"): response output_code = response["choices"][0]["text"] # ----------------------Dataframe section---------------------------------- # create pandas DataFrame from string df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(output_code), sep="|") # get the number of columns in the dataframe num_columns = len(df.columns) # create a list of column names column_names = ["Column {}".format(i) for i in range(1, num_columns + 1)] # add the header to the dataframe df.columns = column_names # specify the mapping of old column names to new column names column_mapping = { "Column 1": column_01, "Column 2": column_02, "Column 3": column_03, } # rename the columns of the dataframe df = df.rename(columns=column_mapping) st.write("") # ----------------------AgGrid section---------------------------------- gd = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df) gd.configure_pagination(enabled=True) gd.configure_default_column(editable=True, groupable=True) gd.configure_selection(selection_mode="multiple") gridoptions = gd.build() grid_table = AgGrid( df, gridOptions=gridoptions, update_mode=GridUpdateMode.SELECTION_CHANGED, theme="material", ) # df # ----------------------Download section-------------------------------------- c30, c31, c32, c33 = st.columns([1, 0.01, 1, 2.5]) with c30: @st.cache def convert_df(df): return df.to_csv().encode("utf-8") csv = convert_df(df) st.download_button( label="Download CSV", data=csv, file_name=f"{example} dataset .csv", mime="text/csv", ) with c32: json_string = df.to_json(orient="records") st.download_button( label="Download JSON", data=json_string, file_name="data_set_sample.json", mime="text/csv", ) st.write("___") st.subheader("β‘’ Load data to Databases") # Data to load to database(s) # df = pd.read_csv("philox-testset-1.csv") # Get user input for data storage option storage_option = st.radio( "Select data storage option:", ( "Snowflake", "PostgreSQL", ), horizontal=True, ) # Get user input for data storage option # Snowflake = st.selectbox( # "Select data storage option:", ["Snowflake", "Snowflake"] # ) @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def reset_form_fields(): user = "" password = "" account = "" warehouse = "" database = "" schema = "" table = "" host = "" port = "" if storage_option == "Snowflake": st.subheader("`Enter Snowflake Credentials`πŸ‘‡") # Get user input for Snowflake credentials with st.form("my_form_db"): col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="small") with col1: user = st.text_input("Username:", value="TONY") with col2: password = st.text_input("Password:", type="password") with col1: account = st.text_input("Account:", value="jn27194.us-east4.gcp") with col2: warehouse = st.text_input("Warehouse:", value="NAH") with col1: database = st.text_input("Database:", value="SNOWVATION") with col2: schema = st.text_input("Schema:", value="PUBLIC") table = st.text_input("Table:") st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Load to Snowflake") # Load the data to Snowflake if submitted: # if st.button("Load data to Snowflake"): if ( user and password and account and warehouse and database and schema and table ): conn = connect_to_snowflake( username=user, password=password, account=account, warehouse=warehouse, database=database, schema=schema, ) if conn: load_data_to_snowflake(df, conn, table) else: st.warning("Please enter all Snowflake credentials") elif storage_option == "PostgreSQL": st.subheader("`Enter PostgreSQL Credentials`πŸ‘‡") st.error("Localhost only") # Get user input for PostgreSQL credentials with st.form("my_form_db"): col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap="small") with col1: user = st.text_input("Username:", value="postgres") with col2: password = st.text_input("Password:", type="password") with col1: host = st.selectbox("Host:", ["localhost", "other"]) if host == "other": host = st.text_input("Enter host:") with col2: port = st.text_input("Port:", value="5432") with col1: database = st.text_input("Database:", value="snowvation") with col2: table = st.text_input("Table:") st.write("") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Load to PostgreSQL") # Load the data to PostgreSQL # if st.button("Load data to PostgreSQL"): if submitted: if user and password and host and port and database and table: conn = connect_to_postgres( username=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=database, ) if conn: load_data_to_postgres(df, conn, table) else: st.warning("Please enter all PostgreSQL credentials and table name") # Reset form fields when storage_option changes reset_form_fields()